You guys can`t be serious.
A.) Two animals cannot re populate an entire species.
B.) If there was only a family on the Ark of humans, how did they repopulate the Earth.
C.) If there were a Global Flood, all the salt and fresh water would be together and all aquatic life would die.
D.) Insects are an important part of this planet.
E.) It is absolutely impossible to feed and maintain EVERY species on the planet. Very particular diets, enviroments, etc.
F.) Disease would be passed around a crowded boat like that so fast that everyone would be dead in a week.
G.) Explain how the polar ice caps exist. They would have been destroyed by a global flood and would not be here today.
H.) You can not fit 2 of every animal in the world on 450ft boat.
I.) Many animals would die outside of their natural enviroments I.E Some anthropods that require 100% humidity
J.) Every tree, plant and crop that wasn`t aquatic would die.
K.) How did the predators survive when they were taken off the Ark with only a few prey to eat. Likewise, how did the prey survive with predators constantly stalking them.
L.) How did any animal survive due to the lack of plants to eat.
The idea is absolutely ridiculous.
Waiting for an answer...
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