[QUOTE="rawsavon"]The biggest part of this is the age we live in... -if the media coverage had always been as it is now, then you could say the same thing about numerous presidents in the past (ones already named in this thread) -the media used to respect the position, and public opinion is shaped by media coverage Besides, Bush got just as much hate (and still does)QuistisTrepe_
Still think Bush deserved it. Waging an illegal war, authorizing interrogation techniques that violate international law, spearheading legislation that violates our civil liberties, expanding the power of the executive office without the proper authority to do so, leaving the economy in tatters, yeah there's no reason whatsoever anyone would dislike him. Oh, and here's the most telling sign, everything that everyone is up in arms at Obama for doing, expanding the scope of the federal government, spending federal money without finding a way to pay for it, increasing the national debt, expanding government run health care, yeah Bush did all of that, guess it's not a problem when an old white guy does it though.
How much of that was actually Bush's fault. It was actually Bush and McCain that tried to do something about more oversight over FannieMae and FreddieMac, FYI. But why let reality get in the way of one's irrational rantings?
An illegal war, so then Obama is just as much of a criminal then for escalating Afghanistan and for encroaching into Pakistan. Was Pakistan an imminent threat?
Expanding the powers of the executive office, well now, did the news of the PATRIOT act getting renewed twice with Democrats controlling the White House and both houses of Congress get by you? Ever heard of ACTA, the treaty that the Obama administration has negotiated in secret?
Again, why let facts and reality get in the way of a good partisan rant?
Hmmm...interesting post I agree that the lack of oversight can be traced to pre-bush Though I am not one to argue the legality of any war. And (almost) everyone was all on board everything after 9/11
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