Obama: Was president of Harvard Law Review and practising civil rights attorney until 1997. Taught Constitutional Law for 12 years. Served in the Illinois senate for seven years, became a Junior Senator in 2004.
Palin: Was on the Alaska city council for four years, mayor of Wasilla, Alaska for six years, chaired the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission from 2003 to 2004 while also serving as Ethics Supervisor of the commission, is currently the head of the Alaskan National Guard, and was the City Manager at the same time that she was Mayor. She was elected President of the Alaska Conference of Mayors by the other mayors of Alaska during her second term. She served on the Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission and was the Chairman of the Alaska Municipal League Board. She has been governor of Alaska for 2 years.
Angry German Kid: Kicks ass in Unreal Tournament.
Completely assuming that John McCain will die should he be elected, who do you think is more prepared to handle the role of President: Barack Obama or Sarah Palin, both firsts in history?
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