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Obama could very well be the best thing for this country with a positive effect for years to come, yes there are issues, but who doesn't have them. Can we afford 4 or 8 more years of the policies of Bush Lite (McCain).btaylor2404
Issues is all I've heard about Obama. That and Change. Change, change, change, change, change. Maybe he's going to advocate everyone to change their underware twice daily.
Ever since Obama stated that anyone who is against illegal immigration is a hypocrite, I have hated him.
Now he's been revealed to have extremely questionable peers, and then this whole attack on people living in rural states.
It baffels me how people can still believe his lies of "hope and change", when it's obvious that this "hope and change", if it comes about at all, will be intended for rich people with Obama's policies, while everyone else is left to suffer.
Illegal immigration is the least of your problems. You hate him because of THAT? Have fun with McBush.
[QUOTE="Trashface"][QUOTE="LostProphetFLCL"][QUOTE="Trashface"]There hasn't been an attack since because the Bush administration has kept us safe. Candidates like Obama would weaken the Patriot act and make us much more vulnerable.
McCain and Clinton have much more political experience than Obama. This is fact. As I said, it's like McDonalds corporate hiring a cashier for CEO when there are more qualified applicants.
Healthy fear and caution is foolish? Our culture and very existance is hated by these people. These people would use our attempts to negotiate against us. Yes we are safe at the moment. I want it to stay that way and that's why Obama needs to stay out of office. I'm foolish for fearing people who hide in caves? That is one of the most idiotic things I've seen typed from someone who thinks their opinion is politically relevant. These people want to kill each and every one of us. That type of hatred knows no bounds of distance. Also, they would attack their neighbors (our allies) if enabled. This would cause true chaos in the Middle east.
The fact that you think healthy fear is "pathetic" shows you have no sense. People like you hear nice, empty words like "hope and change" from a charismatic, fresh face, and that's all it takes to make you a blind fanboy. Deny it if you want, but that's what you are. As many serious negatives as this candidate has, the fact that you don't acknowledge any as serious shows that you are a blind fanboy who does not use logic and sense. Obama's core audience are blind fanboys.
By you saying that it's hilarious and pathetic to fear extremist Muslims, you've proven that your opinion is irrelevant and shouldn't be taken seriously. You've also backed up the theory that Obama's supporters really don't care about logic and common sense. Sadly, there are quite a few of you. Your childish and insulting demeanor also make you easier to dismiss. It's easy to see you think a lot of yourself and it makes you feel good to be taken seriously. If you start talking like a big boy, your ego can be fed more often. It's certainly not sense that drives you, so it must be this false sense of self and the false idea that you're enlightened in this matter, when in reality you are naive and blind. You readily swallow empty words and propaganda without question.
On the up side, many sensible people have left Obama's side and his numbers have slipped a lot. I'm much more confident that Mccain will win.
The Patriot Act needs to be thrown out. It is unconstitutional and has been abused. Anyone who would sacrifice those freedoms to try and feel secure is a fool.
See previous post. You don't even realize what I am getting at genius. In the original post you tried saying they had more presidential experience:lol:
There is a HUGE difference between fear and caution. Caution is healthy, fearing terrorists isn't. Beefed up security and an alert public are all that is needed to prevent another attack, simple as that. They aren't even going after us much at all anymore and it is looking like it has become Britains problem more than ours.
Yes and the less we meddle in their business the less people will be able to be brainwashed. By going onto their soil and killing their own people we have given them real reason to hate us. We are the big bully here. If we wouldn't keep botherin them they would eventually lose their ability to brainwash masses of people to hate us, simple as that. Idiots such as Mccain want to fight fire with fire which is just STUPID. We aren't even going after the people who actually attacked us anymore!!! WE HAVE NO REASON TO BE IN IRAQ!!!
Yes, they attack our allies and they know we will bring hell on them. Don't you think there is a reason Israel hasn't been leveled by now? We happen to support a country that all its neighbors seem to hate, yet Israel is still standing. Says alot doesn't it.
The fact that you think fearing people such as terrorists is healthy shows you are a tool;)
You haven't been following my posts apparently. I am signing the democratic ticket end of story. Mccain is the most frightening candidate I have seen in a while. I would rather elect Bush in term 3 because at least he is more stable than the man talking of war with Iran....
Actually I am using common sense here. You should try it sometime next time you are fearing a group of people half-a-world away who manage to attack us ONCE on our own soil:lol:
You like to use the word blind, I am guessing because you yourself are blind to cold logic and sensible thinking.
Hey is this meaningless dribble at the end get you off or something?:lol:
The fact you spend almost half your post just trying to straw-man me shows how pathetic your arguement is.
Wow, you're full of contradictions and two sided logic. You trying to insult my intelligence is like an ant calling a tree short.
You call to attention how we haven't been attacked since, yet support throwing away the patriot act, which is one of the main reasons we haven't been attacked since. You expose your own political ignorance.
You say that I don't know what you're getting at, when you're the one that apparently can't read. If you scroll up, you may see that I did not say he had no Presidential experience. I said executive experience. If you're going to try and insult someone, don't be so clueless. Your ignorance is also ironic humor.
You say we shouldn't meddle in the middle east, yet you say we should support allies? You really are a contradicting little fella. Supporting our ally Isreal is why many Muslims hate us. Also, as you stated, Britain is also a target, so tes we should be meddling in their affairs.
Then you say "they aren't even going after us anymore" as if they aren't waiting for the first chance they get. What complacent and naive non sense. They aboslutely want Obama elected. he will be their enabler and a danger to the country. There's a reason why Obama's strongest following is mainly 20 something year olds. Only kids would be so naive and blindly passionate. It's scary to think that we could all possibly suffer for such a lack of logic, sense, and clear sight.
The Patriot Act is unneccesary and unconstitutional and has been abused which was even admitted by the head of the FBI a while ago. It does need to be thrown out, it being unconstitutional is reason enough. You also do realize that we had information to know 9-11 was coming yet it wasn't stopped, right? Didn't need the Patriot Act to know it was going to happen.
BTW I have to add in here that supporting something as unconstituional as the Patriot Act is not only stupid but frightening that people would be willing to try and throw away our liberties like that. I don't care if you aren't intelligent enough to realize how little of a threat terrorists pose to s here in America, don't ******* throw away us sane peoples rights because of your own fear.
Yeah, nice edit:lol:
And how was Iraq a threat to our allies? Not only that, as far as I recall Israel isn't under attack right now so why do we have troops in the Middle East?
BTW you can support allies through statements and letting people know you will jump into help. Russia is supporting Iran (just one of the reasons a war with Iran would be moronic) yet as far as I know they haven't sent troops in their yet. Kinda stupid if you think that supporting someone means having troops there.
Yes I know thats one of the reason but believe me there are many more reasons. I never stated my view on our supporting Israel as I really don't have an opinion on it yet as I have no idea why we became allies in the first place.
Britain is handling itself right now. They have not requested our assitance.
We have a simple thing called security. It does wonders. Might want to look into it. Try going to an airport and seeing how much stuff people go through, ESPECIALLY those of Middle Eastern decent.
It is funny, you hate Obama yet cannot present a single good arguement against the man. You say terrorists support Obama yet have no evidence or reasoning for this. You try and call me naive yet you have not supported your arguement whatsoever. Not only that, you call me a fanboy when I clearly stated my stance is simply anti-Mccain and at this point I am just signing the democratic ticket, which looks to be Obama at this point.
I really think this Nevermore quote applies hear "The less you understand, the more your driven."
You are so hardcore Mccain it is hillarious yet you have no good reason for supporting the man and certainly no reason for hating Obama other than lame arguements spewed out by the ever so credible Fox news network.
I suggest next post you have some actual logic to your arguement. This is getting boring as your stance gets weaker and weaker.
Well I replied to your post, but the message got deleted by a moderator for the reason of "posting solely to annoy" even though I made well stated points. Someone is obviously in agreement with you and used their moderator authority to try and silence me even though my post was no different than yours in demeanor. I guess he figured you needed the help. Anyway, I'll make my points again since my intent was not to annoy, but to respond.
The Patriot act is one of the reasons we are safer. We haven't been attacked since, so why fix something that is not broke?
You state that I'm not intelligent enough to realize that terrorists pose no threat in America? This is one of the most idiotic things I've ever read. Are you so unintelligent that you don't know they'll take the first chance they get to attack us? You state that the Patriot act is throwing away our rights and freedom, yet praise airport security that uses profiling? This exposes your typical political bias. What a double standard and contradiction. It's very hard to take you seriously.
I edited nothing. I used the word "executive" from the beginning. It's sad that you have to tell yourself I edited because you can't bring yourself to admit that you may have misread and made a mistake. It's apparent that you have an inflated sense of self worth and inflated ego. Obama doesn't have near the political experience of the other 2 candidates. All it's taken to get your support is talk of "hope and change", charisma, and a fresh face. You eat this empty propaganda liek you're starving for it. It's no surprise that Obama's core support come's from people in their 20's who haven't fully matured mentally.
Iraq broke sanctions and agreements that they made in order to stay in power. So should we have just allowed them to break all these terms they agreed to? That would be weak.
Do you not have enough political sense to know that if we abandonned Isreal, they would be in constant danger? Probably not.
You say Britain is handling itself, yet you've stated that we should support alies. So which is it, let Britain handle itself or should we support our allies? Another double standard. You should stop arguing against yourself.
I have stated clear and sensible reasons to not support Obama. You're a blind fanboy and therefore can't comprehend them. I'll try again with short and to the point statements. Maybe you can grasp them more easily.
Obama's Pastor spewed hate speech for 20 years as Obama sat in the congregation in silent agreement. Obama said he could not disown him, then later disowned him when politically needed. This is a flip flop. Obama said he didn't agree with his Pastor's views, yet has called him his spiritual mentor and named him to a committe. Anyone with decent intelligence would be suspicious unless blinded by fanboyism. Why would you name someone a spiritual mentor and put him on a committee if you disagreed with his core beliefs? This makes no sense to people with common sense.
A former Obama committee member has ties with Hamas.
Obama's campaign blatantly lies about him not reciting from the Quran while a former classmate is witness to the recital.
Obama's wife has made anti American statements.
Obama stated than Iran was not a threat, and then the very next day stated they were. This is a blatant flip flop.
Obama stated that pulling the troops from Iraq would be a disaster and then the very next year stated we should pull them out. This is a blatant flip flop.
I don't hate Obama, I just think he would be a horrible and dangerous choice for President.
That Nevermore quote applies to you, ironically. There have been plenty of clearly stated and sensible points provided. You are blind to them and possibly literally blind since you can't read the word "executive". By the way, if this is a quote from the band, they are talented musically, but the vocalist (warrell dane I believe)is cheesy and overdramatic. He sounds like a washed up vocalist from the Dio era.
I am not hardcore McCain. Could you not read where I stated that I was anti all 3? I stated that Obama was the worst and he is. I don't watch Fox news. I mostly listen to a somewhat local talk radio station and NPR. You shouldn't ignorantly assume, because when the assumption is wrong (as yours is), it makes you look foolish.
My stances are full of logic. I have provided very good reasons for my stances. The fact that you immediately dismiss them shows how naive, blind, and fanboyish you are.
A bit of advice. If you want to be taken seriously, as you obviously do for your own sense of self worth, you should think stances through and be careful not to contradict yourself. You're welcome.
And to the moderator, I clearly stated points and gave reasoning behind them. Just because you're annoyed by me, it doesn't mean it was my intention to annoy. My intention was to respond with well stated points, and I did so. if you read from the beginning of this thread (that I created), you'll see that Lost Prophet was the one to introduce this mood of hostility. Any modding of this post would be an obvious abuse of authority and declaration of moderator bias. Instead of trying to silence me, you're welcome to join the debate if you have an actual argument. ;)
[QUOTE="btaylor2404"]Obama could very well be the best thing for this country with a positive effect for years to come, yes there are issues, but who doesn't have them. Can we afford 4 or 8 more years of the policies of Bush Lite (McCain).fillini
Issues is all I've heard about Obama. That and Change. Change, change, change, change, change. Maybe he's going to advocate everyone to change their underware twice daily.
I mean all canidates have issues: McCain's anger problems, Bush's drinking problems. Many of us feel change is needed in almost every aspect of government that Bush has made.
All Obama speaks about is change, for what? what change does he speak of? He doesn't have the experience to make the crititical decisions. He wants to give Amnesty to illegals, the same people who cause crime? Look at how many Latino gangs have evolved and grown. Latinos waste american money by giving there checks to there families in Mexico, and not spending it on goods here in America, which doesnt give businesses profits. And I saw on CNN that illegals were throwing rocks at patrol men who are just doing there jobs, its now dangerous at the border. Im Against Amnesty to the illegals.
McCain might be old, but he has the experience, and at least is honest, and speaks what he wants changed, although they might boo him. He wanted Illegals out of here, he wants to stay in irag for a bit longer (I disagree with this idea), and people boo him, and he still stays with his ideals, thats what we need honesty.
We dont need great speakers, Hitler was a great speaker, and he became a dictator, Obama may not be a dictator like Hitler but Hitler was a great speaker, and helped commit genocide. Obama is a young president, and people are blinded by his age, that they forget about what this country is in need of, and he has yet to address these terms. Actually none of them have, but McCain is better by default.
I'm voting for McCain.
Obama is by far the best candidate. and he is a lot less racist than the RepublicansPhoenix_Wright-
I am going to have to ask you to clarify that a little more.
Obama is by far the best candidate. and he is a lot less racist than the RepublicansPhoenix_Wright-
OT never ceases to amaze me when it comes to inane pointless comments.
Here you had the beginnings of something intelligent. "Obama is by far the best candidate." You could have followed that up with eloquent logic and reasoning on why you think he is best.
But no, we then stoop down to the level of a 12 year old. "and he is a lot less racist than the Republicans"
I'm not reading any of your garbage, I'm an Obama supporter and like him I hope you see the truth and vote for him. I would love to debate you right now yet I can't debate someone like this, there's no changing them.
Obama will be the president!
If you don't read any of my "grabage", how could you possibly debate it? I use logic. Obama supports don't from what I've seen.
[QUOTE="Phoenix_Wright-"]Obama is by far the best candidate. and he is a lot less racist than the Republicanscametall
OT never ceases to amaze me when it comes to inane pointless comments.
Here you had the beginnings of something intelligent. "Obama is by far the best candidate." You could have followed that up with eloquent logic and reasoning on why you think he is best.
But no, we then stoop down to the level of a 12 year old. "and he is a lot less racist than the Republicans"
Republicans being racist is a tool that democrats use to pander to minorities. The original racist party was actually the democratic party. Look into the history of democratic senator Byrd and the reason Strom Thurmond jumped ship to the Reupublican party.
How can a guy that wants to unite the country be a racist? the guy was a black kid in a white family.
I like Mccain but hes too old. Cmon just watch this:
The guy doesnt even remember what he have said or worse doesnt even know what he's talkin about. Or he just lies.
IMO the guy is also a liberal in a republican party. If you guys are going crazy with wright then why arent you with hagee.
Hes gonna raise taxes.
Hes gonna give amnesty to the illegal immigrants.
Hes gonna make abortion legal to all states.
The guys isnt a conservative. Please. Why the hell are you gonna vote for this guy if your a conservative? or because he's white?
How can a guy that wants to unite the country be a racist? the guy was a black kid in a white family.
I like Mccain but hes too old. Cmon just watch this:
The guy doesnt even remember what he have said or worse doesnt even know what he's talkin about. Or he just lies.
IMO the guy is also a liberal in a republican party. If you guys are going crazy with wright then why arent you with hagee.
Hes gonna raise taxes.
Hes gonna give amnesty to the illegal immigrants.
Hes gonna make abortion legal to all states.
The guys isnt a conservative. Please. Why the hell are you gonna vote for this guy if your a conservative? or because he's white?
There it is!
Insinuating if you vote for McCain you're a racist.
I have to admit this is the first time I've seen/heard someone say this. I always thought it was some crazy claim spouted on Hannity and Colmes. But here it is on GameSpot!
Ever since Obama stated that anyone who is against illegal immigration is a hypocrite, I have hated him.
Now he's been revealed to have extremely questionable peers, and then this whole attack on people living in rural states.
It baffels me how people can still believe his lies of "hope and change", when it's obvious that this "hope and change", if it comes about at all, will be intended for rich people with Obama's policies, while everyone else is left to suffer.
Aint USA a country of immigrants. You dont know this, do you? have you heard of native americans.
Basically buddy he's right. I bet you listen to lou dobbs.
ANd please McCain is pro amnesty. And the whole"fence by the border" aint gonna happen because of huge resources needed and its gonnna take alot of time.
[QUOTE="Tamarind_Face"]How can a guy that wants to unite the country be a racist? the guy was a black kid in a white family.
I like Mccain but hes too old. Cmon just watch this:
The guy doesnt even remember what he have said or worse doesnt even know what he's talkin about. Or he just lies.
IMO the guy is also a liberal in a republican party. If you guys are going crazy with wright then why arent you with hagee.
Hes gonna raise taxes.
Hes gonna give amnesty to the illegal immigrants.
Hes gonna make abortion legal to all states.
The guys isnt a conservative. Please. Why the hell are you gonna vote for this guy if your a conservative? or because he's white?
There it is!
Insinuating if you vote for McCain you're a racist.
I have to admit this is the first time I've seen/heard someone say this. I always thought it was some crazy claim spouted on Hannity and Colmes. But here it is on GameSpot!
Granted, this is the internet, if you had to find an extreme claim, this would be the place. You should call Sean Hannity anyway, he'd have a field day.
[QUOTE="cametall"][QUOTE="Tamarind_Face"]How can a guy that wants to unite the country be a racist? the guy was a black kid in a white family.
I like Mccain but hes too old. Cmon just watch this:
The guy doesnt even remember what he have said or worse doesnt even know what he's talkin about. Or he just lies.
IMO the guy is also a liberal in a republican party. If you guys are going crazy with wright then why arent you with hagee.
Hes gonna raise taxes.
Hes gonna give amnesty to the illegal immigrants.
Hes gonna make abortion legal to all states.
The guys isnt a conservative. Please. Why the hell are you gonna vote for this guy if your a conservative? or because he's white?
There it is!
Insinuating if you vote for McCain you're a racist.
I have to admit this is the first time I've seen/heard someone say this. I always thought it was some crazy claim spouted on Hannity and Colmes. But here it is on GameSpot!
Granted, this is the internet, if you had to find an extreme claim, this would be the place. You should call Sean Hannity anyway, he'd have a field day.
He would. But I can't stand the guy, conservative or not, he gets on my nerves.
How can a guy that wants to unite the country be a racist? the guy was a black kid in a white family.
I like Mccain but hes too old. Cmon just watch this:
The guy doesnt even remember what he have said or worse doesnt even know what he's talkin about. Or he just lies.
IMO the guy is also a liberal in a republican party. If you guys are going crazy with wright then why arent you with hagee.
Hes gonna raise taxes.
Hes gonna give amnesty to the illegal immigrants.
Hes gonna make abortion legal to all states.
The guys isnt a conservative. Please. Why the hell are you gonna vote for this guy if your a conservative? or because he's white?
In Obama's past books, he has admitted to being angry towards the white race. He also pretty much neglected the white heritage of his mother who raised him and embraced the heritage of his black, Muslim father who abandonned him. These things were covered in his own biographies.
[QUOTE="Sajo7"][QUOTE="cametall"][QUOTE="Tamarind_Face"]How can a guy that wants to unite the country be a racist? the guy was a black kid in a white family.
I like Mccain but hes too old. Cmon just watch this:
The guy doesnt even remember what he have said or worse doesnt even know what he's talkin about. Or he just lies.
IMO the guy is also a liberal in a republican party. If you guys are going crazy with wright then why arent you with hagee.
Hes gonna raise taxes.
Hes gonna give amnesty to the illegal immigrants.
Hes gonna make abortion legal to all states.
The guys isnt a conservative. Please. Why the hell are you gonna vote for this guy if your a conservative? or because he's white?
There it is!
Insinuating if you vote for McCain you're a racist.
I have to admit this is the first time I've seen/heard someone say this. I always thought it was some crazy claim spouted on Hannity and Colmes. But here it is on GameSpot!
Granted, this is the internet, if you had to find an extreme claim, this would be the place. You should call Sean Hannity anyway, he'd have a field day.
He would. But I can't stand the guy, conservative or not, he gets on my nerves.
I believe he was implying that you were biased. I could be wrong. Many times, when points are made against Obama, you're automatically labelled racist or biased. Ironically, 90% of black voters are voting for Obama, so I see racism on the side of Obama voters who are obviously voting based on skin color.
[QUOTE="Sajo7"]Granted, this is the internet, if you had to find an extreme claim, this would be the place. You should call Sean Hannity anyway, he'd have a field day.cametall
He would. But I can't stand the guy, conservative or not, he gets on my nerves.
Well, it's his job to be a blathering idiot the way I see it, so hes just doing his job.
[QUOTE="Tamarind_Face"]How can a guy that wants to unite the country be a racist? the guy was a black kid in a white family.
I like Mccain but hes too old. Cmon just watch this:
The guy doesnt even remember what he have said or worse doesnt even know what he's talkin about. Or he just lies.
IMO the guy is also a liberal in a republican party. If you guys are going crazy with wright then why arent you with hagee.
Hes gonna raise taxes.
Hes gonna give amnesty to the illegal immigrants.
Hes gonna make abortion legal to all states.
The guys isnt a conservative. Please. Why the hell are you gonna vote for this guy if your a conservative? or because he's white?
There it is!
Insinuating if you vote for McCain you're a racist.
I have to admit this is the first time I've seen/heard someone say this. I always thought it was some crazy claim spouted on Hannity and Colmes. But here it is on GameSpot!
Whatever you say and believe there are still people who are racists.Yes, they are gonna vote for him because his white. Stop acting like racism is a myth.
And why the hell are you watching hannity and colmes? hannity is the biggest d... whenever he has a democrat or a guest he doesnt agree he freaking shouts at him/her. And doesnt even the guest speak. He eats all of the time.
While Colmes a freaking liberal rarely speaks.
Fox news is horrible. I bet majority of you get your info from fox. At first this network was tellin you guys hes a muslim and now hes a christian bec of wright. What guys?
Red Eye is the only good show on fox.
[QUOTE="cametall"][QUOTE="Tamarind_Face"]How can a guy that wants to unite the country be a racist? the guy was a black kid in a white family.
I like Mccain but hes too old. Cmon just watch this:
The guy doesnt even remember what he have said or worse doesnt even know what he's talkin about. Or he just lies.
IMO the guy is also a liberal in a republican party. If you guys are going crazy with wright then why arent you with hagee.
Hes gonna raise taxes.
Hes gonna give amnesty to the illegal immigrants.
Hes gonna make abortion legal to all states.
The guys isnt a conservative. Please. Why the hell are you gonna vote for this guy if your a conservative? or because he's white?
There it is!
Insinuating if you vote for McCain you're a racist.
I have to admit this is the first time I've seen/heard someone say this. I always thought it was some crazy claim spouted on Hannity and Colmes. But here it is on GameSpot!
Whatever you say and believe there are still people who are racists.Yes, they are gonna vote for him because his white. Stop acting like racism is a myth.
And why the hell are you watching hannity and colmes? hannity is the biggest d... whenever he has a democrat or a guest he doesnt agree he freaking shouts at him/her. And doesnt even the guest speak. He eats all of the time.
While Colmes a freaking liberal rarely speaks.
Fox news is horrible. I bet majority of you get your info from fox. At first this network was tellin you guys hes a muslim and now hes a christian bec of wright. What guys?
Red Eye is the only good show on fox.
Yes, racism exists, but ironically it mainly comes from the black race. Look at Jeremiah Wright's speeches. He exploits the past and feeds anti white sentiment to his audience so he can continue to have a job and make money. He is not the only one who does this. %90 of blabk voters are voting for Obama. Common sense yells you they are voting because of skin color. In general, the black race is currently very racist.
i agree with his policies. Its as simple as that. Hilary voted for the war and switched when running for presidencyfreshgman
Obama stated that withdrawing troops would be a disaster, then stated he wanted to withdraw them. he also stated that Iran was not a threat, then stated they were the very next day. Hillary is not the only flip flopper.
[QUOTE="Tamarind_Face"]How can a guy that wants to unite the country be a racist? the guy was a black kid in a white family.
I like Mccain but hes too old. Cmon just watch this:
The guy doesnt even remember what he have said or worse doesnt even know what he's talkin about. Or he just lies.
IMO the guy is also a liberal in a republican party. If you guys are going crazy with wright then why arent you with hagee.
Hes gonna raise taxes.
Hes gonna give amnesty to the illegal immigrants.
Hes gonna make abortion legal to all states.
The guys isnt a conservative. Please. Why the hell are you gonna vote for this guy if your a conservative? or because he's white?
In Obama's past books, he has admitted to being angry towards the white race. He also pretty much neglected the white heritage of his mother who raised him and embraced the heritage of his black, Muslim father who abandonned him. These things were covered in his own biographies.
What the hell are you talkin about? Try to ask any black, asian or hispanic if he was once angry at a white person? Did you ever think that he was forced to embrace his black heritage because people cant accept him as a white person? Hes just black to every person who sees and knows little about him. Its about the skin color. Try to read the book, he explains he grew up confused being raised as a black in a white family. The only thing he leaned on was books.
Try to read the whole book and not just sentences.
[QUOTE="Tamarind_Face"]Whatever you say and believe there are still people who are racists.Yes, they are gonna vote for him because his white. Stop acting like racism is a myth.
And why the hell are you watching hannity and colmes? hannity is the biggest d... whenever he has a democrat or a guest he doesnt agree he freaking shouts at him/her. And doesnt even the guest speak. He eats all of the time.
While Colmes a freaking liberal rarely speaks.
Fox news is horrible. I bet majority of you get your info from fox. At first this network was tellin you guys hes a muslim and now hes a christian bec of wright. What guys?
Red Eye is the only good show on fox.
Yes, racism exists, but ironically it mainly comes from the black race. Look at Jeremiah Wright's speeches. He exploits the past and feeds anti white sentiment to his audience so he can continue to have a job and make money. He is not the only one who does this. %90 of blabk voters are voting for Obama. Common sense yells you they are voting because of skin color. In general, the black race is currently very racist.
So one black guy spouts a racist then his whole race is a racist. Being a head of church is all about having a job or making money, are you even a conservative?
Yes one of the reasons why some of them vote for him is bec of his skin color. Aint that because this is the only chance they have to have a black president. Just like how some women vote for hillary. These women arent sexists. Stop generalizing. You starting to sound like an...
[QUOTE="Phoenix_Wright-"]Obama is by far the best candidate. and he is a lot less racist than the Republicanscametall
OT never ceases to amaze me when it comes to inane pointless comments.
Here you had the beginnings of something intelligent. "Obama is by far the best candidate." You could have followed that up with eloquent logic and reasoning on why you think he is best.
But no, we then stoop down to the level of a 12 year old. "and he is a lot less racist than the Republicans"
'the level of a 12 year old'? OK I'm just an outsider looking in but the representative of the Republicans (Bush) has given me the impression that he is racist through his actions. So i really don't understand your comment
The only thing Obama hates are people who leave their children. He even mentions that most black fathers leave their family in one of his debates. And try to hear his statements, he often talks about the importance of parenthood.
Obama racist... first time I ever read, heard or saw of it.
The guy has said that he was really loved by his white grandparents and white mother. How can he be a racist against white people?
He cant be against brown becuase hes pro amnesty.
You guys are searching for a reason for not voting for him.
secret racist.
secret muslim.
secret sexist.
secret jew hater.
secret terrorist.
What is he? batman.
[QUOTE="jd7-03"]I'm not reading any of your garbage, I'm an Obama supporter and like him I hope you see the truth and vote for him. I would love to debate you right now yet I can't debate someone like this, there's no changing them.
Obama will be the president!
If you don't read any of my "grabage", how could you possibly debate it? I use logic. Obama supports don't from what I've seen.
Your opinions show that you are one minded person, also how can I debate someone that doesn't show facts (Obama was never a muslim, get that in your head, stop letting Fox News brainwash you!).
[QUOTE="cametall"][QUOTE="Phoenix_Wright-"]Obama is by far the best candidate. and he is a lot less racist than the RepublicansPhoenix_Wright-
OT never ceases to amaze me when it comes to inane pointless comments.
Here you had the beginnings of something intelligent. "Obama is by far the best candidate." You could have followed that up with eloquent logic and reasoning on why you think he is best.
But no, we then stoop down to the level of a 12 year old. "and he is a lot less racist than the Republicans"
'the level of a 12 year old'? OK I'm just an outsider looking in but the representative of the Republicans (Bush) has given me the impression that he is racist through his actions. So i really don't understand your comment
What has he done that makes him racist?
And you stooped to the level of a 12 year old by collectively calling Republicans racist. Why?
[QUOTE="Phoenix_Wright-"][QUOTE="cametall"][QUOTE="Phoenix_Wright-"]Obama is by far the best candidate. and he is a lot less racist than the Republicanscametall
OT never ceases to amaze me when it comes to inane pointless comments.
Here you had the beginnings of something intelligent. "Obama is by far the best candidate." You could have followed that up with eloquent logic and reasoning on why you think he is best.
But no, we then stoop down to the level of a 12 year old. "and he is a lot less racist than the Republicans"
'the level of a 12 year old'? OK I'm just an outsider looking in but the representative of the Republicans (Bush) has given me the impression that he is racist through his actions. So i really don't understand your comment
What has he done that makes him racist?
And you stooped to the level of a 12 year old by collectively calling Republicans racist. Why?
New Orleans for instance and if if the republicans choose him as a person to represent them then thats the person who is the staple of the republicans. Of course im not saying all republicans are racist but neither is obamaThe only thing Obama hates are people who leave their children. He even mentions that most black fathers leave their family in one of his debates. And try to hear his statements, he often talks about the importance of parenthood.
Obama racist... first time I ever read, heard or saw of it.
The guy has said that he was really loved by his white grandparents and white mother. How can he be a racist against white people?
He cant be against brown becuase hes pro amnesty.
You guys are searching for a reason for not voting for him.
secret racist.
secret muslim.
secret sexist.
secret jew hater.
secret terrorist.
What is he? batman.
You're right, but I've heard a lot of people say he doesen't salute the American Flag when he says the Pledge of Allegiance or sings the National Anthem, the Star Spangled Banner.
If you are Democratic, then yeah, vote for either one of the Democratic people. I have to vote for McCain, because I'm not Democratic, but I personally would vote Obama over Clinton. She really doesen't prove anything by saying her father was president. That doesen't mean that she learned anything from her father. Her father is probably near dead right now anyways. But if you are Democratic, vote for one of the two canidates for President that are Democratic, or if you are Republic, vote for McCain. But that's only if you want to follow my rule. You don't have to.LuigiLorenzo
You mean Hillary's husband was president. :wink:
If you are Democratic, then yeah, vote for either one of the Democratic people. I have to vote for McCain, because I'm not Democratic, but I personally would vote Obama over Clinton. She really doesen't prove anything by saying her father was president. That doesen't mean that she learned anything from her father. Her father is probably near dead right now anyways. But if you are Democratic, vote for one of the two canidates for President that are Democratic, or if you are Republic, vote for McCain. But that's only if you want to follow my rule. You don't have to.LuigiLorenzo
Dude.... her husband, Bill Clinton, was president.... not her father....
If you are Democratic, then yeah, vote for either one of the Democratic people. I have to vote for McCain, because I'm not Democratic, but I personally would vote Obama over Clinton. She really doesen't prove anything by saying her father was president. That doesen't mean that she learned anything from her father. Her father is probably near dead right now anyways. But if you are Democratic, vote for one of the two canidates for President that are Democratic, or if you are Republic, vote for McCain. But that's only if you want to follow my rule. You don't have to.LuigiLorenzoahh the republicans demography....the un-informed
everytime you think this thread dies, it just comes back.H8sMikeMoore
It, like Hillary, just will not go away ;)
[QUOTE="Tamarind_Face"]The only thing Obama hates are people who leave their children. He even mentions that most black fathers leave their family in one of his debates. And try to hear his statements, he often talks about the importance of parenthood.
Obama racist... first time I ever read, heard or saw of it.
The guy has said that he was really loved by his white grandparents and white mother. How can he be a racist against white people?
He cant be against brown becuase hes pro amnesty.
You guys are searching for a reason for not voting for him.
secret racist.
secret muslim.
secret sexist.
secret jew hater.
secret terrorist.
What is he? batman.
You're right, but I've heard a lot of people say he doesen't salute the American Flag when he says the Pledge of Allegiance or sings the National Anthem, the Star Spangled Banner.
He was seen on camera not putting his hand over his heart once during the pledge of alliegance and now he apparently hates America. Btw, that's crazy how Oboma says he hates people who leave their kids and and talks about the importance of parenthood. Quite the controversal stance :D
So you DON'T believe in change. HA!I'm not reading any of your garbage, I'm an Obama supporter and like him I hope you see the truth and vote for him. I would love to debate you right now yet I can't debate someone like this, there's no changing them.
Obama will be the president!
[QUOTE="Trashface"][QUOTE="Tamarind_Face"]How can a guy that wants to unite the country be a racist? the guy was a black kid in a white family.
I like Mccain but hes too old. Cmon just watch this:
The guy doesnt even remember what he have said or worse doesnt even know what he's talkin about. Or he just lies.
IMO the guy is also a liberal in a republican party. If you guys are going crazy with wright then why arent you with hagee.
Hes gonna raise taxes.
Hes gonna give amnesty to the illegal immigrants.
Hes gonna make abortion legal to all states.
The guys isnt a conservative. Please. Why the hell are you gonna vote for this guy if your a conservative? or because he's white?
In Obama's past books, he has admitted to being angry towards the white race. He also pretty much neglected the white heritage of his mother who raised him and embraced the heritage of his black, Muslim father who abandonned him. These things were covered in his own biographies.
What the hell are you talkin about? Try to ask any black, asian or hispanic if he was once angry at a white person? Did you ever think that he was forced to embrace his black heritage because people cant accept him as a white person? Hes just black to every person who sees and knows little about him. Its about the skin color. Try to read the book, he explains he grew up confused being raised as a black in a white family. The only thing he leaned on was books.
Try to read the whole book and not just sentences.
[QUOTE="Trashface"][QUOTE="jd7-03"]I'm not reading any of your garbage, I'm an Obama supporter and like him I hope you see the truth and vote for him. I would love to debate you right now yet I can't debate someone like this, there's no changing them.
Obama will be the president!
If you don't read any of my "grabage", how could you possibly debate it? I use logic. Obama supports don't from what I've seen.
Your opinions show that you are one minded person, also how can I debate someone that doesn't show facts (Obama was never a muslim, get that in your head, stop letting Fox News brainwash you!).
It's a fact that Obama was enrolled as a Muslim at a catholic school. It is a fact that he recited from the Quran. I don't watch Fox news. Anymore statements for me to destroy?
The only thing Obama hates are people who leave their children. He even mentions that most black fathers leave their family in one of his debates. And try to hear his statements, he often talks about the importance of parenthood.
Obama racist... first time I ever read, heard or saw of it.
The guy has said that he was really loved by his white grandparents and white mother. How can he be a racist against white people?
He cant be against brown becuase hes pro amnesty.
You guys are searching for a reason for not voting for him.
secret racist.
secret muslim.
secret sexist.
secret jew hater.
secret terrorist.
What is he? batman.
My previous posts list great reasons not to vote for him and they weren't about him being secret so and so's. They were about his connections, contradictions, and lack of experience.
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