I can't believe this isn't a bigger issue than it is. This should be a bipartisan issue--Democrats should be demanding that their candidate be more upfront about his past, not shrouding it in secrecy. Republicans asked John McCain for proof of his eligibility, and he produced an original copy of his birth certificate for his party and for the media.
There are reasons to doubt Obama's story. The certificate he's provided is surrounded by questions. Why does one copy have a seal and another does not? Why black out the numbers? What is Obama trying to hide by manipulating these electronic documents, and why has denied the media a actual copy of the document?
Then there's the case of his maternal grandmother, who apparently was in the delivery room in Kenya when Barack Hussein Obama was born. If his grandmother is correct, then he is ineligible to be President of the United States. Isn't it strange how just when this was going to court, he visits his grandmother in Hawaii after not being photographed together for 25 years? Even the hospital he was born in has been subject to revision by family members and Obama himself.
Obama supporters are only hurting themselves by not demanding more openness from their candidate. This could very well prove to be a huge setback for the party. If Obama has the document, then he should release it and end this now, just as his opponent did already. If he has nothing to hide, then what's the problem?
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