[QUOTE="TruthTellers"]What I'd like to know is what has been said in the classified, closed door meetings with Congress. Obama, Kerry, and Hagel are hiding something, something that they don't want the US public or the world to know. My opinion: that they know interjecting the US into Syria will escalate into a regional war that will involve nearly the entire Middle East and will finally give the US incentive to bomb Iran's nuclear facilities or that attacking Syria will lead to Syria/Iran activating their sleeper cells here in the US.Stesilaus
I don't think anybody outside the Pentagon and CIA inner circles can say for certain whether the immediate objective in Syria is just to restore the "balance" between the Syrian army and the "rebels" (so that the conflict will linger and continue to weaken both sides), or whether it's to topple Assad altogether in much the same way that Gaddafi was toppled in Libya.
What is rather more certain is that there will be nothing "limited" about the commitment to the Syrian theatre. Â The Syrian conflict was planned many years ago and the US/NATO has been involved all along, from funding and training the groups behind the initial "democratic protests", to arming and training the "rebels", to providing intelligence and logistical support for the anti-Assad factions. Â The US/NATO will remain engaged for at least as long as it takes to meet one of the two objectives in the first paragraph.
What's also pretty certain is that the Syrian conflict is a mere stepping stone to a much larger conflict with Iran. Â Hezbollah will be drawn back into the conflict and/or attacked in Lebanon, either directly or through Sunni proxies. Â Once Assad and Hezbollah have been weakened to the extent that they cannot be of assistance to Iran, all-out war will be waged on Iran. Â Uprisings by CIA-backed Islamists in the Caucasus (e.g. the Chechens) and in China (e.g. the Uyghurs) will curtail the ability of Russia and China to intevene on Iran's behalf.
The expansion of NATO hegemony is unlikely to end with the fall of Iran. Â African states like Nigeria are already under attack from CIA proxies like the "Boko Haram". Â Saudi Arabia and the assorted Sunni monarchies will be next in the firing line. Â Eventually, even Russia and China will be subordinated to one world government.
Yeah, you're not far off from the truth, so many of the conflicts in the world seem to have the same end goal in mind: one world government. I think that, if Russia and China act on these transgressions by the US in the world, it'll be the last straw and a regional Mid-East war will spiral into a world wide one. Anyway, Russia has this incredible knowledge about the Middle East, yet no one listens to them. I know that Russia always looks out for Russia's best interests, but it often seems that the best interests of Russia would be the smartest choices the US can make: don't intervene in the Middle East as it puts the US into quagmires and it makes the Russians happy that they're sh*t ain't getting messed with.
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