Depends on who you listen to imo. :roll:
One side says it kills jobs while the other says it doesn't.
Some say it takes away "muh freedomz" and some say it doesn't.
Both sides sound convincing.
This topic is locked from further discussion.
we'll see.
Personally I'd much rather legislation get passed to stop hospitals and their suppliers for gouging consumers.
It costs 75,000 dollars for a hip replacement here and 14,000 for the same thing in Spain.
It's ridiculous, and that extra money is just going to the 1%.
Well at least Obamacare ensures that those hospitals and suppliers are paid by even more customers. We wouldn't want to stop their continuing rise of profits. They shouldn't stop until that Hip replacement costs 100,000we'll see.
Personally I'd much rather legislation get passed to stop hospitals and their suppliers for gouging consumers.
It costs 75,000 dollars for a hip replacement here and 14,000 for the same thing in Spain.
It's ridiculous, and that extra money is just going to the 1%.
In order to answer that question you'd first have to understand Obamacare and considering not even the senators who voted for it had time to read or understand it I doubt any one else has seriously tried to understand the bill and all it contains. I'm thankful it allows me to still be on my parents plan though, otherwise I'd be paying fines as I cannot afford healthcare premiums and there is not free option for myself. Although if I can't find a good paying job in the next few years I may end up being fined by Uncle Sam as well as not having healthcare. ferrari2001Obviously you support the part of the A.C.A. that affords children being able to stay on their parents insurance until the age of twenty six. Shouldn't someone act like an adult well before that age instead of essentially being a grown child? Someone in that position needs to re-evaluate their life.
[QUOTE="ferrari2001"]In order to answer that question you'd first have to understand Obamacare and considering not even the senators who voted for it had time to read or understand it I doubt any one else has seriously tried to understand the bill and all it contains. I'm thankful it allows me to still be on my parents plan though, otherwise I'd be paying fines as I cannot afford healthcare premiums and there is not free option for myself. Although if I can't find a good paying job in the next few years I may end up being fined by Uncle Sam as well as not having healthcare. SolaryellowObviously you support the part of the A.C.A. that affords children being able to stay on their parents insurance until the age of twenty six. Shouldn't someone act like an adult well before that age instead of essentially being a grown child? Someone in that position needs to re-evaluate their life. It helps students who get post-secondary education, it is one less financial strain on them. There's also others it helps, so don't be such a close-minded plonker. Sounds like somebody needs to re-evaluate their views, paying insurance doesn't raise somebody to the maturity of an adult.
[QUOTE="ferrari2001"]In order to answer that question you'd first have to understand Obamacare and considering not even the senators who voted for it had time to read or understand it I doubt any one else has seriously tried to understand the bill and all it contains. I'm thankful it allows me to still be on my parents plan though, otherwise I'd be paying fines as I cannot afford healthcare premiums and there is not free option for myself. Although if I can't find a good paying job in the next few years I may end up being fined by Uncle Sam as well as not having healthcare. SolaryellowObviously you support the part of the A.C.A. that affords children being able to stay on their parents insurance until the age of twenty six. Shouldn't someone act like an adult well before that age instead of essentially being a grown child? Someone in that position needs to re-evaluate their life.
Again, you're not even trying.
Or are you just that stupid?
Who knew paying for health insurance was a step up in maturity.
Up to the age of twenty six and still depending on mommy and daddy and you support it? How old are you. There comes a point in time when people have to do for themselves already. Start acting like adults. Depending on your parents at that age for something YOU should do on your own? I'm not surprised since many people on this board seem have ZERO idea of the real world. The problem with our country is that personal responsibility doesn't exist these days. Some of you kids need to experience the real world where you make money, own a house, pay your own bills, etc.., instead of depending on everyone else.Or are you just that stupid?
Who knew paying for health insurance was a step up in maturity.
Does personal responsibility exist anymore or do we expect the government to continue pushing it off on others?
It has some good parts and some bad parts
I. The Good
People get to stay on parents insurance until 26 (not sure where they came up with that number though, probably some mathematical formula. Too me 25 seems like a more "round" number).
Some people (I think about 7 million a guy on tv said, a lot less than was hoped for though) will be able to get insurance who otherwise wouldn't have been able to (although it is debatable whether health insurance is a good thing to have or whether its cheaper not to have it)
II. The Bad
discriminates against legal immigrants by prohibiting them from buying insurance through the exchanges
contains no conscience protection clauses
individual mandate
large deductibles before you even get insurance
large number of new taxes, including a medical device tax
sign in system appears to be having some glitches
prohibits physician-owned hospitals
people have less options
A lot of people will still be uninsured (about 30 million I think)
college health-care plans for students are more expensive, in some universities are canceled
wastes money on silly commercials and efforts to get celebrities to encourage enrollment in Obamacare exchanges
III. The Ugly
Could fund about 111,500 abortions
uses non-governmental organizations (including Planned Parenthood) as "navigators" to get people to sign up for the exchanges, but these navigators don't have to have their employees go through background checks. There is concern about these navigators having access to people's personal information.
Obamacare's datahub is up, but may be insecure and vulnerable to hackers. It contains people's social security numbers and medical information.
warning: I have not indepently verified the things I posted, so I don't know the exact details about these things.
Could fund about 111,500 abortions
uses non-governmental organizations (including Planned Parenthood) as "navigators" to get people to sign up for the exchanges, but these navigators don't have to have their employees go through background checks. There is concern about these navigators having access to people's personal information.
Obamacare's datahub is up, but may be insecure and vulnerable to hackers. It contains people's social security numbers and medical information.
warning: I have not indepently verified the things I posted, so I don't know the exact details about these things.
I'm not surprised. Most people who have discussed the ACA negatively don't often put up evidence for thei assuptions.
And frankly, I don't have tolerance for people who suggest put all aboritions in the same basket, because many of the "111,500" abortions could be medically necessary.
By the way, how do you feel about the Pope wanting to change the Vatican process, suggesting that gay people shouldn't be judged, and the Church should be focusing on poverty? Helping poor people get medical insurance, and lead healthier lives sounds like something the Pope would support. Obama has even said that he likes what the Pope has been saying.
It has some good parts and some bad parts
I. The Good
People get to stay on parents insurance until 26 (not sure where they came up with that number though, probably some mathematical formula. Too me 25 seems like a more "round" number).
Some people (I think about 7 million a guy on tv said, a lot less than was hoped for though) will be able to get insurance who otherwise wouldn't have been able to (although it is debatable whether health insurance is a good thing to have or whether its cheaper not to have it)
II. The Bad
discriminates against legal immigrants by prohibiting them from buying insurance through the exchanges
contains no conscience protection clauses
individual mandate
large deductibles before you even get insurance
large number of new taxes, including a medical device tax
sign in system appears to be having some glitches
prohibits physician-owned hospitals
people have less options
A lot of people will still be uninsured (about 30 million I think)
college health-care plans for students are more expensive, in some universities are canceled
wastes money on silly commercials and efforts to get celebrities to encourage enrollment in Obamacare exchanges
III. The Ugly
Could fund about 111,500 abortions
uses non-governmental organizations (including Planned Parenthood) as "navigators" to get people to sign up for the exchanges, but these navigators don't have to have their employees go through background checks. There is concern about these navigators having access to people's personal information.
Obamacare's datahub is up, but may be insecure and vulnerable to hackers. It contains people's social security numbers and medical information.
warning: I have not indepently verified the things I posted, so I don't know the exact details about these things.
honesty. refreshing.
Could fund about 111,500 abortions
uses non-governmental organizations (including Planned Parenthood) as "navigators" to get people to sign up for the exchanges, but these navigators don't have to have their employees go through background checks. There is concern about these navigators having access to people's personal information.
Obamacare's datahub is up, but may be insecure and vulnerable to hackers. It contains people's social security numbers and medical information.
warning: I have not indepently verified the things I posted, so I don't know the exact details about these things.
I'm not surprised. Most people who have discussed the ACA negatively don't often put up evidence for thei assuptions.
And frankly, I don't have tolerance for people who suggest put all aboritions in the same basket, because many of the "111,500" abortions could be medically necessary.
By the way, how do you feel about the Pope wanting to change the Vatican process, suggesting that gay people shouldn't be judged, and the Church should be focusing on poverty? Helping poor people get medical insurance, and lead healthier lives sounds like something the Pope would support. Obama has even said that he likes what the Pope has been saying.
What "Vatican Process"? And I doubt 111,500 abortions are "medically necessary", indeed there was a panel of Irish Doctors that have said that abortion is rarely if ever medically necessary, that in most cases there are other options. Inferring the Pope would support Obamacare is silly, he doesn't focus on American laws much and the Bishops of the United States opposed the law due to certain provisions (or the lack of certain provisions) in it.Pope Francis has reiterated that Church teaching on abortion and gay marriage is clearly stated and that he opposes both (a reporter asked him his position on gay marriage and he replied "the position of the Church. I am a son of the Church"). His statement about not "judging gays" is nothing new, the Gospel does indeed warn against judging people and the Vatican has at times stated that we can't put all homosexuals in the same group (particularly we can't lump chaste homosexuals and sexually-active ones in the same group), the issue here is that many liberals have an overlybroad interpretation of the word "judging" or stretch it to the point that any moral standard is considered judgmental which is not what Jesus meant when he talked about judging. Stating that an action is immoral is not judging, it is not against Jesus' teachings.
As far as Obama liking what the Pope is saying that is fine. Though I wonder how Obama hears about what the Pope is saying? Does he here it through intermediaries like the secular media, in which case he may only be hearing part of what the Pope says? Or does he hear it from primary sources like the Vatican website or
Who cares? Why don't you stop forcing your religious views on other people?
III. The Ugly
Could fund about 111,500 abortions
How exactly can a majority hate the law if most of the major points of it are supported by a majority?.lamprey263
Most hospitals are for profit. Those that aren't need to at the very least to remain afloat, that is, recover expenses.
Say a procedure has $100,000 in value for the equipment, doctors, staff, room, etc for an emergency room surgery. By law, when you come in, regardless of ability to pay, the hospital must treat you to the best of their ability (in most cases/emergencies). So if someone with no insurance comes in, they are getting that $100,000 valued procedure regardless of their ability to pay.
On the hospital's bottom line, that is $100,000 down the drain... They need their profit, or at the very least need to recover costs... How do they do that? Well when someone else comes in for that procedure and others and actually can pay, the hospital charges them a premium... That $100,000 value is going to cost you $110,000, for example...
These numbers are figurative... I haven't the foggiest how much a medical procedure costs...
But that premium they charge, YOU are not paying for it, but your insurance company is... Like the hospital... They have a bottom line... So your more expensive procedure costs them more, which in turn means they charge EVERYONE more in order to recover that cost, invest, and turn a profit (all about dem profits)...
The whole point of Obamacare is that if EVERYONE has insurance... Less burden will be placed upon hospitals who are forced to treat regardless of ability to pay... Which means less burden is placed upon those who actually can pay... Which means less burden is placed upon the insurance companies of those who can pay... And thus medical procedure costsl and insurance in general decrease in price given said reduced burdens.
But Obamacare won't insure EVERYONE.Most hospitals are for profit. Those that aren't need to at the very least to remain afloat, that is, recover expenses.
Say a procedure has $100,000 in value for the equipment, doctors, staff, room, etc for an emergency room surgery. By law, when you come in, regardless of ability to pay, the hospital must treat you to the best of their ability (in most cases/emergencies). So if someone with no insurance comes in, they are getting that $100,000 valued procedure regardless of their ability to pay.
On the hospital's bottom line, that is $100,000 down the drain... They need their profit, or at the very least need to recover costs... How do they do that? Well when someone else comes in for that procedure and others and actually can pay, the hospital charges them a premium... That $100,000 value is going to cost you $110,000, for example...
These numbers are figurative... I haven't the foggiest how much a medical procedure costs...
But that premium they charge, YOU are not paying for it, but your insurance company is... Like the hospital... They have a bottom line... So your more expensive procedure costs them more, which in turn means they charge EVERYONE more in order to recover that cost, invest, and turn a profit (all about dem profits)...
The whole point of Obamacare is that if EVERYONE has insurance... Less burden will be placed upon hospitals who are forced to treat regardless of ability to pay... Which means less burden is placed upon those who actually can pay... Which means less burden is placed upon the insurance companies of those who can pay... And thus medical procedure costsl and insurance in general decrease in price given said reduced burdens.
But Obamacare won't insure EVERYONE.[QUOTE="Squeets"]
Most hospitals are for profit. Those that aren't need to at the very least to remain afloat, that is, recover expenses.
Say a procedure has $100,000 in value for the equipment, doctors, staff, room, etc for an emergency room surgery. By law, when you come in, regardless of ability to pay, the hospital must treat you to the best of their ability (in most cases/emergencies). So if someone with no insurance comes in, they are getting that $100,000 valued procedure regardless of their ability to pay.
On the hospital's bottom line, that is $100,000 down the drain... They need their profit, or at the very least need to recover costs... How do they do that? Well when someone else comes in for that procedure and others and actually can pay, the hospital charges them a premium... That $100,000 value is going to cost you $110,000, for example...
These numbers are figurative... I haven't the foggiest how much a medical procedure costs...
But that premium they charge, YOU are not paying for it, but your insurance company is... Like the hospital... They have a bottom line... So your more expensive procedure costs them more, which in turn means they charge EVERYONE more in order to recover that cost, invest, and turn a profit (all about dem profits)...
The whole point of Obamacare is that if EVERYONE has insurance... Less burden will be placed upon hospitals who are forced to treat regardless of ability to pay... Which means less burden is placed upon those who actually can pay... Which means less burden is placed upon the insurance companies of those who can pay... And thus medical procedure costsl and insurance in general decrease in price given said reduced burdens.
Obviously not... I am simply arguing the point of the law... Eventually it will aim to do that, however... The public option isn't an end-all-be-all... It is simply an alternative to private options meant to keep prices low and competitive... People seem to argue that this public option is free socialized healthcare for poor people, but these idiots fail to realize that free socialized healthcare for the poor already exists and has for quite some time as Medicaid... This is not that. But what can I say... Idiots gonna idiot.
[QUOTE="lamprey263"]How exactly can a majority hate the law if most of the major points of it are supported by a majority? it's the negative connotation attached to the term "Obamacare"....chaplainDMK
Well we needed to try something different because the way things were going an overnight hospital stay in the year 2020 was going to cost you a million dollars. lol
i don't think anyone can really tell yet if its a good thing or a bad thing. It's gunna take time to see if it plays out the way its supposed to. The republicans need to just let it happen and stop trying to introduce budgets that try and defund the ACA and just wait and see. If it doesn't work then we'll repeal it. And thats speaking as a republican.
[QUOTE="MakeMeaSammitch"]Well at least Obamacare ensures that those hospitals and suppliers are paid by even more customers. We wouldn't want to stop their continuing rise of profits. They shouldn't stop until that Hip replacement costs 100,000If I need my hip replaced, I'm going to canada.we'll see.
Personally I'd much rather legislation get passed to stop hospitals and their suppliers for gouging consumers.
It costs 75,000 dollars for a hip replacement here and 14,000 for the same thing in Spain.
It's ridiculous, and that extra money is just going to the 1%.
[QUOTE="Jebus213"]Up to the age of twenty six and still depending on mommy and daddy and you support it? How old are you. There comes a point in time when people have to do for themselves already. Start acting like adults. Depending on your parents at that age for something YOU should do on your own? I'm not surprised since many people on this board seem have ZERO idea of the real world. The problem with our country is that personal responsibility doesn't exist these days. Some of you kids need to experience the real world where you make money, own a house, pay your own bills, etc.., instead of depending on everyone else.Or are you just that stupid?
Who knew paying for health insurance was a step up in maturity.
Does personal responsibility exist anymore or do we expect the government to continue pushing it off on others?
Give me a break.
This way of going about personal responsibility has never worked. It has always cost and hurt more.
<]Give you a break? Making people responsible for themselves is a bad thing? Please take the time to explain why such responsibility is bad. A twenty some year old man or woman still on the parents insurance is laughable but that's what this country has become. Notice you chickened out and didn't answer anything of which I asked? You're probably still a kid depending on mom and dad.
Give me a break.
This way of going about personal responsibility has never worked. It has always cost and hurt more.
A twenty some year old able-bodied person who can't or won't do for themselves is pathetic and embarrassing.
Anyone answering good either doesnt have a job or is in their late 40's.
I am not saying all aspects of Obamacare is bad, but how they screwed the working class in their 20's and 30's is.
The sheer fact that they are ripping off the younger working class to subsidize the program for everyone else is complete BS. What is funny is that the government is counting on younger people to sign up for it. The working class and those who can see through the smoke in mirrors won't sign up for it. I bet the government is going to be scrambling here in a couple years when the younger working class tells them to go F themselves.
HA! Im not... nooooo wayyy. If youre a working class person under the age of 40 I wouldnt either.. go OUT of your way to avoid it. I absolutely refuse to be the piggy bank for the socialist agenda.
Mixed bag. It's a good thing because health care reform in this country was a long time coming.
It's a step in the right direction, it's getting the ball moving. When more people have to start paying for coverage and shop around for insurance, then maybe we can legitimately get to the true root of the problems. As another poster stated, the providers. Our medical professionals and providers charge excessively higher fees and prices than like-wise providers anywhere else that it has caused our healthcare to become unaffordable.
[QUOTE="Jebus213"]<]Give you a break? Making people responsible for themselves is a bad thing? Please take the time to explain why such responsibility is bad. A twenty some year old man or woman still on the parents insurance is laughable but that's what this country has become. Notice you chickened out and didn't answer anything of which I asked? You're probably still a kid depending on mom and dad.
Give me a break.
This way of going about personal responsibility has never worked. It has always cost and hurt more.
A twenty some year old able-bodied person who can't or won't do for themselves is pathetic and embarrassing.
Most of your arguments on this board have been based on generalizations, old bigoted beliefs, and anecdotal evidence. You want me to take you seriously and answer everything you ask me?
Yeah, no. I'd rather keep trolling you.
Listening to a few of the morons on here it is perfectly acceptable to push responsibility on everyone else. Right?SolaryellowI think you need to look in the mirror. You don't have an understanding regarding ANYTHING you pretty much post about. All you do is regurgitate conservative spin lines about personal responsibility and fiscal this, fiscal that.
Most of your arguments on this board have been based on generalizations, old bigoted beliefs, and anecdotal evidence. You want me to take you seriously and answer everything you ask me?You are just a gutless kid who can't take on the topic of personal responsibility. You're gonna be shocked when the real world comes calling though. History has shown us the results of lacking responsibility. Nowadays nothing is the individuals fault. It's always the other guy. We're all put here to be responsible for our lives and the lives of others. That's the Liberal mantra. Stupidity is constantly rewarded in America. Liberals fear personal responsibility. If you weren't so afraid of it you'd start making people responsible for their choices but you don't.
Yeah, no. I'd rather keep trolling you.
The Liberal solution to everything is more government. More government means more spending (either borrowing or taxing) and more shifting of responsibility. The government has done one hell of a job during the past few decades, right? Making people do for themselves or work for what they want and need is absolutely terrifying these days.
Listening to a few of the morons on here it is perfectly acceptable to push responsibility on everyone else. Right?SolaryellowSo if get into an accident, its my responsibiltiy not to be able to pay for the follwing bills, if i get cancer its my problem, great.
[QUOTE="Solaryellow"]Listening to a few of the morons on here it is perfectly acceptable to push responsibility on everyone else. Right?mulalatumSo if get into an accident, its my responsibiltiy not to be able to pay for the follwing bills, if i get cancer its my problem, great. If you get cancer under Obamacare you won't be able to afford the deductibles and copay for all the treatments.
lol, this makes me laugh because i was thinking of the "MER! it kills jobs!" "let's shut down the govt and put 800,000 people out of work to protest it killing jobs!"Depends on who you listen to imo. :roll:
One side says it kills jobs while the other says it doesn't.
Some say it takes away "muh freedomz" and some say it doesn't.
Both sides sound convincing.
life is funny.
anyway i expect people to forget it is dirty dignity robbing foreigner loving devil worshiping socialism just like they did with social security and medicare.
lol, this makes me laugh because i was thinking of the "MER! it kills jobs!" "let's shut down the govt and put 800,000 people out of work to protest it killing jobs!"[QUOTE="Jebus213"]
Depends on who you listen to imo. :roll:
One side says it kills jobs while the other says it doesn't.
Some say it takes away "muh freedomz" and some say it doesn't.
Both sides sound convincing.
life is funny.
They're basically just on vacation. No one lost their job.[QUOTE="Riverwolf007"]lol, this makes me laugh because i was thinking of the "MER! it kills jobs!" "let's shut down the govt and put 800,000 people out of work to protest it killing jobs!"[QUOTE="Jebus213"]
Depends on who you listen to imo. :roll:
One side says it kills jobs while the other says it doesn't.
Some say it takes away "muh freedomz" and some say it doesn't.
Both sides sound convincing.
life is funny.
They're basically just on vacation. No one lost their job. oh well when you put it that way it's just great.a little vacation.
so they can sit back and relax a bit as they starve and their power gets shut off and their homes foreclosed on because they have no money.
golly! how wonderful for them to have a nice vacation.
lol, you can't be serious with this shyt. can you?
They're basically just on vacation. No one lost their job. oh well when you put it that way it's just great.[QUOTE="KC_Hokie"][QUOTE="Riverwolf007"]lol, this makes me laugh because i was thinking of the "MER! it kills jobs!" "let's shut down the govt and put 800,000 people out of work to protest it killing jobs!"
life is funny.
a little vacation.
so they can set back and relax a bit as they starve and their power gets shut off and their homes forclosed on because thay have no money.
golly! how wonderful for them to have a nice vacation.
lol, you can't be serious with this shyt. can you?
The average government employee makes more than the average American. DC is booming compared to the rest of the country.And more than likely they'll all get paid retroactively when it's over.
oh well when you put it that way it's just great.[QUOTE="Riverwolf007"]
[QUOTE="KC_Hokie"] They're basically just on vacation. No one lost their job. KC_Hokie
a little vacation.
so they can set back and relax a bit as they starve and their power gets shut off and their homes forclosed on because thay have no money.
golly! how wonderful for them to have a nice vacation.
lol, you can't be serious with this shyt. can you?
The average government employee makes more than the average American. DC is booming compared to the rest of the country.And more than likely they'll all get paid retroactively when it's over.
why would they get paid?they didn't work.
conservatives need to make up their minds are they horrified of our imminent socialist state or are they starting it.
we are just going to hand people that did not go to work a check?
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