Carter is wealthy businessman who exudes false humility and suffers from the "guilt" of being a white, Christian American. He therefore became a white, Christian, anti-American, a trait that has become glaringly obvious in his post-presidential years. His signal "accomplishments" as president were two. First, he deepened the country's malaise by whining about it. Second, he did too little, too late, in reaction to the seizure of America's embassy, and the Americans in it, by Iranian thugs. Carter's ineffectual response to those Iranian thugs encouraged the belief that Americans would accede to terrorists' demands.
Reagan was unable to dismantle (or even do much damage to) the welfare-regulatory state that arose from the New Deal and Great Society, but he was able to vanquish the Soviet Union, without firing a shot.
Clinton's legacy is two-fold: the emasculation (no pun intended) of the armed forces, that's how he erased the budget deficit and the elevation of his (betrayed) wife to the status of "serious politician."
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