Yep, I agree with this. I also agree with NoCoolNameJim regarding the opposing party losing their collective minds.I think Obama's legacy will be his lack of resolve. He came in with a good portion of the vote and a lot of popular support. He had fairly high approval ratings despite a dismal economy. Yet he always seemed so willing to concede to the republican party. He came in with almost a mandate for health care and economic reform, but he seemed to falter on both. He passed health reform, but it was a very watered down version of what he promised and wanted despite having control of congress at the time. His policy on gay rights is lauded, but he really didnt step up to the plate for them. He kind of dragged his feet until popular opinion supported them, then he jumped on board. So I give hima pass for that but not praise. And for the debt deal, I felt like he caved on his ideals and let the republican party dictate the deal.
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