I will protect federal whistleblowers who expose government waste, fraud, and abuse ......Broken
I will recognize the Armenian Genocide.....Broken
I will have transparency-generals must sign secrecy oath........Broken
I will cut the deficit in half by doubling spending–say what.......Broken
I will change the Washington culture of corruption.......................Broken
I will reach across the isle (I'm ready to fight Republicans)....Broken
I will have no earmarks in stimulus, there are 9000..................Broken
I will have transparency in White House emails except mine....Broken
I will demand human rights for China and Tibet..............................Broken
I will put legislation on Internet for all to read before votes....Broken
I will have honest advisers, except those who take free rent......Broken
I will have my administration pay their fair share of taxes........Broken
I will eliminate rendition of terrorist combatants..........................Broken
I will have a transparent admin. with the media.............................Breaking
I will bring charges against Bush admin. war crimes.....................Broken
I will have new blood in admin. but names Panetta to CIA..........Broken
I will have a transparent government..................................................Broken
I quite smoking (admits to bumming cigarettes)...........................Broken
I will apply windfall taxes on big oil companies.................................Broken
I will change US Foreign Policy, appoints Hillary Sec. State......Broken
I will change the defense department, YET keeps Gates............Broken
I will close Guantanamo............................................................................Breaking
I will sit down with dictators with no pre-conditions....................Broken
I will stop waterboarding and CIA interrogation techniques......Breaking
I will use federal campaign funds..........................................................Broken
I will get US troops out of Iraq in 16 month....................................Broken
I will change Washington with new faces............................................Broken
I will not hire lobbyists, hires lobbyist Daschle (he's out but here are the others)....Broken
* Melody Barnes, lobbyist for American Civil Liberties Union, the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, the American Constitution Society and the Center for Reproductive Rights.
* William Corr, lobbyist for Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids,
* Patrick Gaspard, lobbyist for Service Employees International Union.
* David Hayes, lobby San Diego Gas & Electric.
* Eric Holder, attorney general nominee, lobbyist for bankrupt Global Crossing telecommications.
* Ron Klain, lobbyist for Asbestos Resolution, U.S. Airways, Airborne Express and drug-maker ImClone.
* William Lynn, lobbyist for Raytheon.
* Cecilia Munoz, lobbyist for National Council of La Raza
* Mark Patterson, lobbyist for Goldman Sachs.
* Mona Sutphen, lobbyist for Angliss International.
* Michael Strautmanis, lobbied for the American Association of Justice.
* Tom Vilsack, lobbyist for NEA.
And these are not all of them. Thanks for pointing out that he has nominated a huge number of lobbyists that he promised not to appoint.
I will be non-partisan. Hires highly partisan Emanuel..................Broken
I will eliminate Bush tax cuts.................................................................Broken
I will dump Patriot Act wire tapping....................................................Breaking
I will eliminate tax breaks for wealthy..................................................Broken
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