[QUOTE="coolbeans90"][QUOTE="-Big_Red-"] I'd rather not go into details about certain aspects of my psychy, and personality, so I'll leave it at that. And hitting power depends alot on technique. And benchpress is not a general indicator of strength. Over the course of someones life if all the train is the muscles involved in the benchpress: Pecs, triceps, deltoids. And train nothing else, don't you think that the rest of their body won't be as strong? Anyway, i'm not talking about killing someone with a thumb to the eyeball, or chocking them. I can rip peoples heads off.-Big_Red-
When the adrenaline is pumping, it doesn't matter what your personality is. You then are a fight or flight machine. No holding back. Hitting power does depend upon technique, but a stronger guy will hit harder than a less strong guy, all other factors held constant. Not sure why you are challenging this. Generally bench press does correlate to a stronger overall strength, so again, your objection is puzzling. Few people just focus specifically on one muscle. And I say again, who can't? Did you just suddenly realize how delicate the human body is?
This arguement is pointless, for the last three pages we've been subtedly challenging each other to a fight. And there are people who soley focus on the upper body, which is stupid. You power comes from your legs. And it does matter what your personality is, before my personality, and pschy took a turn for the worse, I could not fight, now that what has made me like this is over, I can.Still, a person whom has a stronger upper body is also likely to have a stronger lower body. Various factors including a genetic proclivity to keep muscle, additional weight to carry as a whole, etc play into this. And upper body strength is to a fair degree relevant. But yeah, this discussion has become pointless.
And one would have to be quite psychologically troubled to not be a furious, cruel bastard in a fight. The adrenaline rush has it's mind altering affects.
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