Taken from another thread (He was talking about the kidnapper/rapist Ariel Castro)
The worst punishment, and the punishment I would give him, is to cut off his arms to his shoulders and his legs basically to his pelvis. Then he would be left a lone in a padded jail cell with a tiny hole to defecate in. Discounting the periods where he would be given (or force fed and checked on to make sure he wasn't trying to commit suicide) he would be completely alone 24/7 for the rest of his life.
Death is far too easy for these monsters. They deserve the worst life could ever offer them.
That is sickening and no psychologically healthy person could wish that on anyone - regardless of his crimes. Many people have expressed similar sentiments, and this kind of revolting bloodlust is not exclusive to Ariel Castro. These same calls for grotesque torture and mutilation were made about Sandunsky last year and are made every time there is a big rape story in the mainstream media.
You people call yourselves noble and act as if you represent enlightened and progressive ideals. You do not. You are violent and deranged monsters just like the rapists you condemn. Anyone who would want to inflict torture on anyone for any reason is a violent and deranged monster. There is no rational and productive reason to torture/mutilate someone, and the only possible motive for doing that is to inflict suffering on someone else. Anyone who wants others to needlessly suffer is a violent and deranged monster.
You people are so loudly indignant when the MSM tells you to be. You ask each other how someone could possibly be so horrible that he would kidnap someone, imprison someone, rape someone. Then in the next sentence you describe how you want to savagely mutilate the criminal as if there is nothing wrong with that. Try reading the constitution, which outlaws cruel and unusual punishment, or better yet try studying the philosophy of ethics. This kind of stuff is why democracy is a terrible idea. 90% of humans are violent savages. That is an estimate.
Obviously this guy should be imprisoned for life as he is too dangerous to be allowed to live freely, but the things you people are wanting done to him are just sick.
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