I see a lot of threads about metal appreciation but have never seen an emo thread. I got introduced to it about 2-3 years ago by my friend and I was skeptical at first but after giving it a chance and making an effort to get into it I found it a really rewarding genre to listen too.
I mean real emo too (not to be confused with the modern post hardcore scene e.g. hawthorne heights)... orchid, pg 99, circle takes the square, the saddest landscape, envy, daitro, sed non satiata, Saetia, or earlier stuff like navio forge, sunny day real estate.
Anybody actually made an effort to get into it? Did you hate it or love it (I think its one of those genres without an inbetween)? Who did you check out / enjoy the most?
I am just basically asking because I feel emo music needs some love on this board and it can't just be me who enjoys it.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bE7yK1-QbW4 Here is a song I really enjoy in case you are not familiar with Emo ( you might need the lyrics)
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