I haven't cried in at least a few years. I don't have anything against it, just never had any oppurtunity to cry. I guess that's a good thing.
I used to cry when I got really frustrated, but I stopped doing that.
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[QUOTE="t3hrubikscube"][QUOTE="MgamerBD"] Thanks *sniffs armpits and flexes* I try my best to be as manly as possible. But seriously I don't see any reason for a guy to cry other then theses two reason, and also a massive amount stress an it has to be in private or in front of your mother...MgamerBDI guess I just find it irritating when crying is referred to or insinuated as a "woman" thing.Well it is not a "women" thing. But it is feminine I mean...would you really want yo see your bf cry over ever little thing? Would you date a guy that cries once a week?
That's pretty insensitive I'd say. I'm lucky if I go 3 or 4 days without crying or otherwise getting visibly depressed or hung about something.
So wait you were dating since 5th grade?[QUOTE="MgamerBD"][QUOTE="Kcube"]
5th grade..got serious for about 17 years..so awhile.
Nothing I can do will bring her back so yeah I see movies and if they are happy together I get emo if they are sad/emo.
Not really dating.We met and clicked with each other and were connected at the hip.I could write a book on it but won't.
Well...I gotta give you a recovery of 1-2 years. Not because of "man code" or anything. But because you have to move on man. You can't live in the past, gotta keep moving on.Trust me even though you are 33 years old. You still gotta try and date. There are women in the same age group as you out there somewhere. You are defintely not alone.isnt it human to cry? well if its emotionally i can say that i definitely do cry and im pretty sensitive of good and bad things that hit my mind even if theyre not intended to harm me personally, for physical pain though ive never cried as far back as i can remember....
So supergirls also cry :cry:
Well it is not a "women" thing. But it is feminine I mean...would you really want yo see your bf cry over ever little thing? Would you date a guy that cries once a week?[QUOTE="MgamerBD"][QUOTE="t3hrubikscube"] I guess I just find it irritating when crying is referred to or insinuated as a "woman" thing.jetpower3
That's pretty insensitive I'd say. I'm lucky if I go 3 or 4 days without crying or otherwise getting visibly depressed or hung about something.
That sounds like a problem.You need to go punch something man. I mean I respect that your able to cope with your problems in such a healthy way. But I just can't see why someone would want to do that...[QUOTE="jetpower3"][QUOTE="MgamerBD"]Well it is not a "women" thing. But it is feminine I mean...would you really want yo see your bf cry over ever little thing? Would you date a guy that cries once a week?MgamerBD
That's pretty insensitive I'd say. I'm lucky if I go 3 or 4 days without crying or otherwise getting visibly depressed or hung about something.
That sounds like a problem.You need to go punch something man. I mean I respect that your able to cope with your problems in such a healthy way. But I just can't see why someone would want to do that...Well, when you find yourself confronted with all sorts of abstract problems that not only lack easy answers, but often having no solutions or answers to them at all, it makes coping extraordinarily difficult. Like I said before, the reasons have changed, but the essence of sadness remains the same.
Only when something is tear-worthy. As for physical pain, one day I got my nose near to broken. I teared a lot. Not cry/sob/whine. Eyes get teary as if you had an onion in your eye socket when you get your nose hit hard. As for movies, I've only cried recently with some movies recently: 500 days of summer gets me in the reality/expectation scenes (makes me think of my gf dumping me). Up always gets me to cry; ALWAYS. As emotional pain... I'd rather not go there :cry:
Only when something is tear-worthy. As for physical pain, one day I got my nose near to broken. I teared a lot. Not cry/sob/whine. Eyes get teary as if you had an onion in your eye socket when you get your nose hit hard. As for movies, I've only cried recently with some movies recently: 500 days of summer gets me in the reality/expectation scenes (makes me think of my gf dumping me). Up always gets me to cry; ALWAYS. As emotional pain... I'd rather not go there :cry:
[QUOTE="MgamerBD"]No...Men should only cry when someone close to them die or they have heartbreak...TeenagedReal men dont try to hide their feelings in order to prove they are real men. [spoiler] Zyrokin, help me out here. [/spoiler] So real men cry in public? Last time I checked, when I was a kid my parents taught me "Don't let them see you cry". It makes you look weak...
[QUOTE="Teenaged"][QUOTE="MgamerBD"]No...Men should only cry when someone close to them die or they have heartbreak...MgamerBDReal men dont try to hide their feelings in order to prove they are real men. [spoiler] Zyrokin, help me out here. [/spoiler] So real men cry in public? Last time I checked, when I was a kid my parents taught me "Don't let them see you cry". It makes you look weak...
I would say it makes you look human
[QUOTE="Teenaged"][QUOTE="MgamerBD"]No...Men should only cry when someone close to them die or they have heartbreak...MgamerBDReal men dont try to hide their feelings in order to prove they are real men. [spoiler] Zyrokin, help me out here. [/spoiler] So real men cry in public? Last time I checked, when I was a kid my parents taught me "Don't let them see you cry". It makes you look weak... Yeah if they feel like it. I dont think what your parents taught you is correct.
[QUOTE="Teenaged"][QUOTE="MgamerBD"]No...Men should only cry when someone close to them die or they have heartbreak...MgamerBDReal men dont try to hide their feelings in order to prove they are real men. [spoiler] Zyrokin, help me out here. [/spoiler] So real men cry in public? Last time I checked, when I was a kid my parents taught me "Don't let them see you cry". It makes you look weak...I look forward to future generations when this stupid attitude will be recognised as the anachronistic nonsense that it is.
I seldom cry uncontrollably, but last March when my dog died I couldn't stop... That was really hard...
Yeah, but before that I couldn't tell you how long it's been.
I find my eyes getting teary for no reason what so ever like if I'm just walking around or playing video games a tear comes out of nowhere....it's weird.
So real men cry in public? Last time I checked, when I was a kid my parents taught me "Don't let them see you cry". It makes you look weak...I look forward to future generations when this stupid attitude will be recognised as the anachronistic nonsense that it is. See the difference between me and you is that I like the "manly man" stereotype. I like it that society wants me to be strong. To be a leader. To me its a blessing not a curse. I have no problem with what I was taught when I was younger. If you want to ball your eyes out go ahead, more power to you. But I won't be. Mr. big words sensitive guy :)[QUOTE="MgamerBD"][QUOTE="Teenaged"] Real men dont try to hide their feelings in order to prove they are real men.HNNNGH
Every night, suffering from sever depression after breaking up with my girlfriend.
Went to her house tonight, on the car ride home i was crying.
I haven't cried in almost 3 years, actually.
Part of the reason for this was because I was taught from a young age by my family and friends that crying was a sign of weakness. If you cried, then you are either weak, or a spoiled brat that isn't getting their own way.
I'm also just not a cryer. Crying is just not a way that I express my emotions. Whenever I'm feeling upset about something, I just tend to get really pissed off and lash out at everybody that tries to talk to me. I just get really pissed off. There are sometimes where I get really upset and I try to cry, but I just can't. I don't cry. :P
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