Yeah, it's a damned dog. It's not like they have the ability to kill you...oh wait, they do. Really? wait for a bite? are you stupid? Why not wait to get shot before you shoot someone then
First of all I"m not watching the video (can't stand seeing dogs killed) but tc says he was on a leash. Also a dog isn't going to kill a cop with a people around to reastrain it. I'm not buying it. I don't like unecceary use of weapons or people or dogs. I don't think this was justified. But what do I know, maybe it goes right for the jugular and I end up looking like an asshole.
except most of that isn't true.
"Once he is handcuffed you can hear the dog barking with his head out of the window of the car.
A few moments go by and the dog leaps out of the car as the police turn to look at the Rottweiler running at them. The dog stops for a moment and then one of the officers seems to make a gesture toward the Rottweiler. The animal jumps up at his arm in an attempt to bite him."
I'm not sensing the life threatening danger. Could have used anything instead of his gun. And if there was multiple police officers, I doubt they couldn't have handles a dog until its owner came.
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