Pure democracy is chaos because of crowd dynamics.
If the people get so roused that they become irrational, then they start to make irrational, dangerous decisions.
Irrational, disastrous decisions always lead to disastrous consequences.
Anarchy is chaos because it is unequal.
Countries that aren't anarchic would easily trump any anarchic society, as governmental structure implies efficiency.
Bloated governments are inefficient...but small, focused governments are much more efficient than no governments at all.
You're assuming that people have no idea what they want and that they inevitably drift towards the irrational. Even worse, you're assuming that people are always prone to becoming so dangerous and irrational as to cause great detriment to society. Your assumptions are entirely false, or at least very unrealistic. Surely, even if there are countless reckless and dangerous people in a pure democracy, there will also probably be many people who oppose the chaos and try to bring about order in society. After all, it is in their self-interest to live in peace. Moreover, it's not like caring and humanistic people are nonexistent.
Also, anarcho-collectivist organization can be very efficient. If you want a concrete example, read about the anarchist revolution in Catalonia.
If so, then why are we a war-mongering society?
Why have we built a military-industrial complex where our economy thrives...in a state of chaos?
I am exactly assuming that humans are a detriment to society, as they have emotions and impulses.
I agree.
The ultimate pursuit of any functioning society should be peace.
But that just doesn't happen.
In a truly rational society where peace is always everyone's priority, there would be no war and no conflict.
We try to justify our pursuits of war by saying "We're trying to correct misguided people," but we are the ones who need correction.
Even today, our irrational attitude leads us to threaten Iran with war.
Iran's irrational arrogance and Western intolerance coerce the USA into war.
The vast majority of humans can only lead horribly unstable societies doomed for collapse...because un-disciplined humans cannot accept peace as the only answer to all problems.
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