I'm a US citizen, gitmo doesn't affect me. Neither does the NDAA.
Obama changed the wording of the NDAA so it doesn't include American citizens.
Point still stands though. Look at Hungary and their governments reform of their constitution.and what if Obama did not change the wording? Hm? And why was such wording used in teh first place?Democracy is not the end all solution, despite the US always bragging about it.Democracy seems to be the best system we've come up with so far. Many countries use different variations of democracy and thing seem to be going pretty good.
Don't let the media's hyperbole and exaggerations fool you, the world isn't on the verge of collapse. Our standard of living is the highest it's ever been and we are making rapid technological advances. If anything the world is experiance massive growing pains as it adapts to the changing technological times.
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