Recently, I have been seeing a lot of U.S vs Europe or U.S vs China and all the stuff and I have been noticing that in the end, Western society always end as the victor. Nothing wrong with that since I basically agree with it. But believe it or not, I sincerely think the 21st century will be dominated by Asian affairs. From the 1400's to the 20th century, Western society have always been at the forefront of global affairs. Times have changed nowadays. China and India's economy are increasing rapidly with growth rates unmatched in the world. Also, considering that these two countries alone have 2 BILLION of the world's population and that's not including other Asian countries, its pretty safe to say that a transfer of global influence will occur from Western society(U.S and Europe) to Asia. I read in Newsweek or Time that Russia wants to increase relations with China and India having this trio power or some stuff like that, noticing that both Asian countries are going to significant power in geopolitics) And from what I have read in some economist' forecast, U.S' GDP will dip slightly with Europe losing the most (not significantly but a lot)Now im not hating on Western countries (since i live in one), but to deny all these is ignorance. But feel free to discuss.
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