@JangoWuzHere: I'm sorry, but YOU sound like a person who's never set foot on a college campus before. If you seriously think that people are going to stand up and argue with their professors on topics that are already loaded with political stigma, infront of a class were the most vocal students have no qualms with throwing around labels...you must be living on a different planet. Also keep in mind that a person who's already politically predisposed to lean left have less reasons to question what the professor is saying, since it won't mentally stand out as much as it would have if a right wing professor said something equally crazy.
Why do I bother though? You're obviously a leftist.
I got into many arguments with professors and other students in college. We all just assumed that was part of the class. I'm very far left, but I disagreed with more than one left leaning professor. I was called a racist many times in my critique of Islam, which is odd considering Islam is not a race.
It's funny when labels like racist are thrown out. What I have noticed with label calling and racism is that people who actually are a racist get insanely belligerent when called a racist. I am not a racist at all, so when I was called one, I simply asked "How? Explain how I am a racist." And let them destroy their position by themselves. I've always been a smartass, so I'm pretty good in arguments like that.
I do agree with you on your final point. I heard so much absurdity from leftists in college, but since so many others are left as well, they let it pass. I got into a lot of arguments about the censorship of hate speech. I was told that we need to censor hateful people, like white supremacists, for a ton of reasons, none convincing. I've always contended that in a society of free expression, vicious racists should be given equal time, especially in Universities, because if they spout their nonsense on a college campus, people like me could savage their viewpoint into tatters, easily showing how their racism does not cohere, and is immoral. But alas, they never got their chance to spout that in school, and people like me never got the chance to change their minds. Instead, they dont go to college, distrust colleges, and the educated class as a result, further cementing their views.
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