Petition to ban Social Justice College Courses

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#101  Edited By foxhound_fox
Member since 2005 • 98532 Posts

@jointed said:

@JangoWuzHere: I'm sorry, but YOU sound like a person who's never set foot on a college campus before. If you seriously think that people are going to stand up and argue with their professors on topics that are already loaded with political stigma, infront of a class were the most vocal students have no qualms with throwing around must be living on a different planet. Also keep in mind that a person who's already politically predisposed to lean left have less reasons to question what the professor is saying, since it won't mentally stand out as much as it would have if a right wing professor said something equally crazy.

Why do I bother though? You're obviously a leftist.

What I don't understand about this whole thing is that in my time in university (between 2005-2010) students were required to keep their mouths shut while the professor talked, even in very small near-graduate level classes. Only when open discussion was started, were students given the means to speak (or if a student respectfully raised their hand with an inquiry about the topic at hand).

Sure, there was the odd time in an entry-level class when a clearly politically-motivated new student eager to speak out of turn voiced their (incredibly uneducated) opinion about something, but they were usually swiftly shut down by the professor, and in a couple cases, by another student with a really hardcore burn.

EDIT: And I just realize this is a near-month old thread that I've already responded to.

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#102 deactivated-59d151f079814
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@comp_atkins said:
@sSubZerOo said:
@comp_atkins said:


how do you define "academic progress"?

a university is not a kindergarten, students are adults. i do not see it as the state's job to tell them what they can and can not discuss. ideas, even stupid ones, should be debated freely in an academic environment and be allowed to fail on their own weaknesses.

.. Your exactly right they are not a kindergarten.. Than why are LAW COURSES like in Yale giving triggering warnings of court cases in which the students are allowed to abstain from looking at? That is exactly the point, the social justice movement is actually stopping those kinds of debates and criticisms.. With the talk of safe spaces and stopping people from speaking in the said environment on things that may offend them.. This has become such a huge issue that President Obama during some of his speeches at University has spoken about in being critical towards said attitude. Your exactly right stupid ideas should be freely discussed on a campus! The problem is this stupid rhetoric is specifically attempting to squelch out any criticism and force a certain narrative in the academic setting, pretty much contradicting your idea of a university as a open forum. It's fascist in nature and incredibly passive aggressive in trying to play the victim in which they are more often than not the aggressor.. Look at MIZZ for such a example..

We are even seeing this crap drip into the election process in which Bernie Sanders was accused of being a sexist for telling Clinton to be quiet when she was interrupting and speaking DURING HIS TURN to speak in the debate.

It sounds like we agree on the principal that this stupidity exists on campuses, just differ on what ( if anything ) ought to be done about it. IMO if a university want to go so far as to start banning the free interchange of ideas on its campus, it will start to produce sub-par graduates, research, etc... and fail on its own accord.

Prospective students should steer clear of such institutions as well if that is something they value.

... We aren't talking about the banning of free ideas.. We are talking about the support and teaching of a specific type of classes.. A university not supporting those type of classes on campus is not tantamount to banning discussions and groups with them.

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#103  Edited By comp_atkins
Member since 2005 • 38944 Posts

@sSubZerOo said:
@comp_atkins said:
@sSubZerOo said:
@comp_atkins said:


how do you define "academic progress"?

a university is not a kindergarten, students are adults. i do not see it as the state's job to tell them what they can and can not discuss. ideas, even stupid ones, should be debated freely in an academic environment and be allowed to fail on their own weaknesses.

.. Your exactly right they are not a kindergarten.. Than why are LAW COURSES like in Yale giving triggering warnings of court cases in which the students are allowed to abstain from looking at? That is exactly the point, the social justice movement is actually stopping those kinds of debates and criticisms.. With the talk of safe spaces and stopping people from speaking in the said environment on things that may offend them.. This has become such a huge issue that President Obama during some of his speeches at University has spoken about in being critical towards said attitude. Your exactly right stupid ideas should be freely discussed on a campus! The problem is this stupid rhetoric is specifically attempting to squelch out any criticism and force a certain narrative in the academic setting, pretty much contradicting your idea of a university as a open forum. It's fascist in nature and incredibly passive aggressive in trying to play the victim in which they are more often than not the aggressor.. Look at MIZZ for such a example..

We are even seeing this crap drip into the election process in which Bernie Sanders was accused of being a sexist for telling Clinton to be quiet when she was interrupting and speaking DURING HIS TURN to speak in the debate.

It sounds like we agree on the principal that this stupidity exists on campuses, just differ on what ( if anything ) ought to be done about it. IMO if a university want to go so far as to start banning the free interchange of ideas on its campus, it will start to produce sub-par graduates, research, etc... and fail on its own accord.

Prospective students should steer clear of such institutions as well if that is something they value.

... We aren't talking about the banning of free ideas.. We are talking about the support and teaching of a specific type of classes.. A university not supporting those type of classes on campus is not tantamount to banning discussions and groups with them.

It goes to the bigger question of "should an outside body be allowed to tell a university what it can and can not teach?"

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#104 FireEmblem_Man
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@comp_atkins: They already have! Black and feminist students called out Stanford for bringing back Western Civilization courses!


Reason for the ban, is because it teaches students to be misogynistic, and shows history of white supremacy.

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#105 comp_atkins
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@FireEmblem_Man said:

@comp_atkins: They already have! Black and feminist students called out Stanford for bringing back Western Civilization courses!


Reason for the ban, is because it teaches students to be misogynistic, and shows history of white supremacy.

it sounds like they were pissed that the Standford Review wanted to make the course mandatory.

in any case, the university is free to either tell the protesters to **** off, or to honor their requests. the point being it all happens within the university. you don't have the state coming in and saying "thou shalt not teach western civilization to any student"

and again, if stanford continues to fold to this kind of pressure, they'll end up losing their image and prestige as a top university and fall to the ranks of vassar, but it ought to be their decision

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#106 bmanva
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I don't think fighting censorship with another type of censorship is the right approach.

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#107 ruthaford_jive
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Uh... no. That makes you a hypocrite for trying to snuff out their 1st amendment right to assemble and speak their mind. These mentally bottom dwelling creatures from beyond the ninth layer of hell (read: SJWs) have as much right to spout their utter fucking nonsense as anyone. And when they go over board and start getting overly aggressive and violent (as many are prone to do) then they need to be kicked out of the school and dealt with in a legal manner. We don't need to ban them from campus, we need to have administrators who aren't pussies and aren't afraid to be called racist, sexist or whatever BS SJWs come up with, because those are their greatest and only weapons. Labels and name calling. Let them bury themselves with their nonsense and aggression. These idiots are already in the process of shooting themselves in the foot. Even liberals are starting to distance themselves from these creatures. Let your enemies kill themselves, its so much easier than wasting your own time or energy.

That's not to say these SJWs shouldn't be confronted on campus by people who stand for freedom of speech, they most certainly should be. But removing their right to say their dumb shit won't help anyone in the end. You start banning them because you don't agree with them... well... then you've become one of them.

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#108 deactivated-5d6bb9cb2ee20
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It turns out people were right, threads in OT can be more stupid than the ones in System Wars.

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#109  Edited By Maroxad
Member since 2007 • 25422 Posts
@charizard1605 said:

It turns out people were right, threads in OT can be more stupid than the ones in System Wars.

Hell yes they are.

But that is the only reason I bother going here. It's an endless steam of comedy.

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#110  Edited By DaVillain  Moderator
Member since 2014 • 58783 Posts

@charizard1605 said:

It turns out people were right, threads in OT can be more stupid than the ones in System Wars.

So the great Charz got bored in SW?! I'll be damned lol.

But yeah, here in OT we discuss lots of crappy things that has nothing to do with gaming. I can tell you the shit I do outside of life that has noting to do with games lol.

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#111 themajormayor
Member since 2011 • 25729 Posts

Yes great idea.

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#112 FireEmblem_Man
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@charizard1605 said:

It turns out people were right, threads in OT can be more stupid than the ones in System Wars.

This thread isn't stupid, it's more about discussion of the issue about the current model for State Universities and the increasing debt of student loans.

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#113 KHAndAnime
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@Maroxad said:

Once again, the anti-SJWs prove to be just as bad as the SJWs they oppose.