@JangoWuzHere: I'm sorry, but YOU sound like a person who's never set foot on a college campus before. If you seriously think that people are going to stand up and argue with their professors on topics that are already loaded with political stigma, infront of a class were the most vocal students have no qualms with throwing around labels...you must be living on a different planet. Also keep in mind that a person who's already politically predisposed to lean left have less reasons to question what the professor is saying, since it won't mentally stand out as much as it would have if a right wing professor said something equally crazy.
Why do I bother though? You're obviously a leftist.
What I don't understand about this whole thing is that in my time in university (between 2005-2010) students were required to keep their mouths shut while the professor talked, even in very small near-graduate level classes. Only when open discussion was started, were students given the means to speak (or if a student respectfully raised their hand with an inquiry about the topic at hand).
Sure, there was the odd time in an entry-level class when a clearly politically-motivated new student eager to speak out of turn voiced their (incredibly uneducated) opinion about something, but they were usually swiftly shut down by the professor, and in a couple cases, by another student with a really hardcore burn.
EDIT: And I just realize this is a near-month old thread that I've already responded to.
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