My husband joined because it was a life long dream of his to be in the service in some way shape or form. His dad was in WW2 and he just really looks up to him. That is what spurred his interest in it. Hes pretty darn smart when it comes to military history too - hes done his homework (probably the only subject in school he paid attention in) for sure. He joined last year knowing full well what was going on and knowing he was going to be in a 'hot zone' of some sort for at least a year, mandatory. We guessed Iraq. We were right. He joined cause he has the balls to. It takes balls to serve - no matter what branch you join. He might not agree with the situation in Iraq, but he does believe in the war on terror...he was hoping to go to Afghanistan actually. Hes got the balls to stand up and protect people like you who say having a military is dumb.
Let me put things this way. If no one joined, and we had no military at all, the countries that DO have militaries would definatly come take us over cause we dont have anyone to protect us.
Well.....while I haven't anything to say about your family in service besides thanks...
The reason why I won't be joining a military in this lifetime is because I see too much that's going on in terms of business. If I were in a position where I had the choice to surrender and be taken over or fight and be eviscerated...I'd choose to fight. What kind of life would that be? Nothing at all, I say.
Clinton decreased the military workforce and increased our technological department's influence (more missiles, less soldiers=less causualties on America's 'side.') Bush did the opposite as soon as he got in office. Of course, the only thing to back my claim is with my word and a bunch of links....and we all know what credibility is over the internet with relative strangers. :roll:
The guy who made this topic has some serious mind opening that needs to happen...... anyways....
The point is...they're many reasons why people choose to join and choose not to join. You guys shouldn't make it out to be so 'black and white. Even if it's not the intention, the point was made.
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