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[QUOTE="Capitan_Kid"][QUOTE="toast_burner"]If your african, your black. Skin tome be damned ... Wait.. What? You do realize that not all African's are black right? And we are not talking about European colonies within the region.. If you got african genes you are black is what i meant. When you right down your ethnicityon federal papers, ever notice that black/negro/african-american is all together? Skin tone means nothing. Its the genes!Having black parents doesn't mean you're black. Having black skin means you're black.
[QUOTE="sSubZerOo"][QUOTE="Capitan_Kid"] If your african, your black. Skin tome be damnedCapitan_Kid... Wait.. What? You do realize that not all African's are black right? And we are not talking about European colonies within the region.. If you got african genes you are black is what i meant. When you right down your ethnicityon federal papers, ever notice that black/negro/african-american is all together? Skin tone means nothing. Its the genes!
Genes or skin color does not denote if one is African or not. There are 54 countries in Africa and not all of them feature peoples with negroid features. There are white, brown and blacks that all can claim to be African, yet none look similar to the other nor have the same genes. Peoples from more temperate latitudes tend to be more light skinned than people from equatorial regions tend to be (this is true world wide). That Egyptian and Libyan are still just as much African as someone from Nigeria, or Mali or the Congo and South Africa.
If you got african genes you are black is what i meant. When you right down your ethnicityon federal papers, ever notice that black/negro/african-american is all together? Skin tone means nothing. Its the genes![QUOTE="Capitan_Kid"][QUOTE="sSubZerOo"] ... Wait.. What? You do realize that not all African's are black right? And we are not talking about European colonies within the region.. WhiteKnight77
Genes or skin color does not denote if one is African or not. There are 54 countries in Africa and not all of them feature peoples with negroid features. There are white, brown and blacks that all can claim to be African, yet none look similar to the other nor have the same genes. Peoples from more temperate latitudes tend to be more light skinned than people from equatorial regions tend to be (this is true world wide). That Egyptian and Libyan are still just as much African as someone from Nigeria, or Mali or the Congo and South Africa.
AgreeIf you got african genes you are black is what i meant. When you right down your ethnicityon federal papers, ever notice that black/negro/african-american is all together? Skin tone means nothing. Its the genes![QUOTE="Capitan_Kid"][QUOTE="sSubZerOo"] ... Wait.. What? You do realize that not all African's are black right? And we are not talking about European colonies within the region.. WhiteKnight77
Genes or skin color does not denote if one is African or not. There are 54 countries in Africa and not all of them feature peoples with negroid features. There are white, brown and blacks that all can claim to be African, yet none look similar to the other nor have the same genes. Peoples from more temperate latitudes tend to be more light skinned than people from equatorial regions tend to be (this is true world wide). That Egyptian and Libyan are still just as much African as someone from Nigeria, or Mali or the Congo and South Africa.
Let's not get it twisted people from africa come in all colors. Even in the places you think where everyone is pitch black like nigeria, there are plenty of brown skin, dark brown, light brown, etc people.Now im racist the racist one. Do betterWhatever that's supposed to mean, I'll just take it as your acceptance of your own idiocy. No it means you are just as bad as him. Somehow being born with "white features" is better than being born with what ever her mother has. What kind of ideology is that? That being born a different race means you are inferior... That is racism in of it's finest. You know exactly what he meant and the fact that you would try and defend him is appalling.[QUOTE="Marth6781"][QUOTE="Overlord93"] No more than your response was.Overlord93
[QUOTE="Overlord93"]Whatever that's supposed to mean, I'll just take it as your acceptance of your own idiocy. No it means you are just as bad as him. Somehow being born with "white features" is better than being born with what ever her mother has. What kind of ideology is that? That being born a different race means you are inferior... That is racism in of it's finest. You know exactly what he meant and the fact that you would try and defend him is appalling. you tell him[QUOTE="Marth6781"] Now im racist the racist one. Do betterMarth6781
No it means you are just as bad as him. Somehow being born with "white features" is better than being born with what ever her mother has. What kind of ideology is that? That being born a different race means you are inferior... That is racism in of it's finest. You know exactly what he meant and the fact that you would try and defend him is appalling.Marth6781But have you not shown his point to be true? You've pointed out that America is plagued with racism and injustice based on skin colour. So you agree that being a minority is a disadvantage? So then surely it is better to be white in a society so plagued with racism? He never stated anything about inferiority, only that it is 'better' for her to be a certain skin colour...So is he wrong?
He stated attractiveness, something that is and always will be, an opinion, as my previous post highlighted. You, on the otherhand,made a blanket statement genralising not only an entire country, but a race also, claiming that a specific race has an inherent beief.rac·ism Noun: The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, esp. so as to distinguish it as.
I never understood why white people think they look better than everybody else. You guys really don't.Marth6781One of the two is 'racism at it's finest' the other is arguable at best.
It's just a shame that through your bigot-vision you can't see your horrific double standard. Yes,maybe the origninal post was intended to be racist and kick up a fuss, but your un-called for response trumped it on every ground, and it's ignorant fools like you that cause racism to still persist.
Thank you and goodnight, idiot.
[QUOTE="kraychik"][QUOTE="BranKetra"]I've met several folks like that who took much more from their white parent. It's not common because dark skin is usually the dominant one, but it does happen. It worked out for her, anyways, because she's more attractive as she is than if she would've taken more from her mother. What the hell? Wow, america has a long way to go. I never understood why white people think they look better than everybody else. You guys really don't.I don't think that guy was trolling. I'm white, and I have white friends who say they have nothing against black people, they just don't find black women attractive. Then I'll ask them about somebody like Beyonce, and they'll say they think she looks good because she has "white features". Now, these people aren't racist, they just don't find black girls attractive for some reason. I personally DO, but there are a lot of white people who don't . I'm not exactly sure why this is.That's the first I've ever seen those genes come out of a dark skinned person.
But have you not shown his point to be true? You've pointed out that America is plagued with racism and injustice based on skin colour. So you agree that being a minority is a disadvantage? So then surely it is better to be white in a society so plagued with racism? He never stated anything about inferiority, only that it is 'better' for her to be a certain skin colour...So is he wrong?[QUOTE="Marth6781"]No it means you are just as bad as him. Somehow being born with "white features" is better than being born with what ever her mother has. What kind of ideology is that? That being born a different race means you are inferior... That is racism in of it's finest. You know exactly what he meant and the fact that you would try and defend him is appalling.Overlord93
He stated attractiveness, something that is and always will be, an opinion, as my previous post highlighted. You, on the otherhand,made a blanket statement genralising not only an entire country, but a race also, claiming that a specific race has an inherent beief.rac·ism Noun: The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, esp. so as to distinguish it as.
I never understood why white people think they look better than everybody else. You guys really don't.Marth6781One of the two is 'racism at it's finest' the other is arguable at best.
It's just a shame that through your bigot-vision you can't see your horrific double standard. Yes,maybe the origninal post was intended to be racist and kick up a fuss, but your un-called for response trumped it on every ground, and it's ignorant fools like you that cause racism to still persist.
Thank you and goodnight, idiot.
No you're the idiot. Im fairly sure I'm smarter than you lol. But back to the topic his post was racist because he assumed that taking after her mother would put her at a disadvantage... Are you seriously that dense? Get off your high horse and stop defending such blatant racism buddy, I don't keep racism alive you do. People like the guy i quoted believe that being black is physical disadvantage... if he didn't he would not have stated his "opinion".Her mother doesn't even look black. Looks sorta like Carla from Scrubs though
She isn't that black skinned, more mulatto skinned. She reminds me of a girl I was stationed on Okinawa with. Her nickname was Hambone and really light skinned just like the above girl's mother. By the end of my first summer on Oki, I was darker than she was and we always joked about it.
I thought a persons race was fully identified by the father not mother ....tocool340Well in that case Mariah Carey is black. :P
[QUOTE="Overlord93"]No because she's not...black_chamber99
but she is black, do you have a problem with that?
She's not black, dude. The one-drop rule is so 1884. Come on, man.[QUOTE="black_chamber99"][QUOTE="Overlord93"]No because she's not...gamerguru100
but she is black, do you have a problem with that?
She's not black, dude. The one-drop rule is so 1884. Come on, man.she's 1/4 black though, that's pretty significant...more than just a drop. most 1/4 black people typically still have some black featues, she is just someone who beat the odds
you and others just seem to dismiss her black ancestry entirely, why is that?
She's not black, dude. The one-drop rule is so 1884. Come on, man.[QUOTE="gamerguru100"][QUOTE="black_chamber99"]
but she is black, do you have a problem with that?
she's 1/4 black though, that's pretty significant...more than just a drop. most 1/4 black people typically still have some black featues, she is just someone who beat the odds
you and others just seem to dismiss her black ancestry entirely, why is that?
We are not dismissing her black ancestry, we are denying that she is black. Her skin is not black nor does any of her features show that she is black.
[QUOTE="Marth6781"][QUOTE="Omni-Slash"]then you have to open your eyes....this crap exists in every country..get out more...BMD004I travel all around the world buddy, point is that america needs to do better with its racism.I think America actually does a lot better with racism than other countries. It is fairly often that I hear of European countries throwing bananas on the field when black players play soccer. America has nothing, I repeat *nothing*, to learn from Europe when it comes to "race relations".
It depends who you ask, really. There are plenty of folks that look much more white than anything and still consider themselves black, and are considered black by many other blacks. "Blackness" is sort of complex and rife with internal contradictions and exceptions, but that's just the way these things are. Consider the example of a person born black, and then in adulthood develops that pigmentation-skin disorder where they start turning white (and no, I'm *not* talking about Michael Jackson). We've all seen those folks before, where sometimes huge portions of their skin have turned white. Are they still black? Or two black parents have a white kid (extremely rare but it happens sometimes)? Like I said, "blackness" is more than just colour, it's also a sort of cultural thing.Having black parents doesn't mean you're black. Having black skin means you're black.
[QUOTE="chessmaster1989"]She's white...black_chamber99
what if she considered herself black? would she still be white to you?
Yes. It's not an issue of what you think you are, it's an issue of what you are. An asian could consider himself hispanic or a man could consider himself a woman, but at the end of the day the asian would still be asian and the man would still be a man.
[QUOTE="chessmaster1989"]She's white...chessmaster1989
what if she considered herself black? would she still be white to you?
Yes. It's not an issue of what you think you are, it's an issue of what you are. An asian could consider himself hispanic or a man could consider himself a woman, but at the end of the day the asian would still be asian and the man would still be a man.
less than 100 years ago she would be considered black by white people. do you find that funny?
[QUOTE="chessmaster1989"]She's white...chessmaster1989
what if she considered herself black? would she still be white to you?
Yes. It's not an issue of what you think you are, it's an issue of what you are. An asian could consider himself hispanic or a man could consider himself a woman, but at the end of the day the asian would still be asian and the man would still be a man.
I agree with you for the most part but "blackness" is an identity that transcends simple skin colour.Please Log In to post.
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