@ianhh6 said:
@GazaAli said:
Derogative or not its anything but positive and conducive to care to associate a human life with such terms. A baby is not the property of his parents, although as his progenitors and legal guardians they have a certain entitlement to his tutelage in so far as they are willing and fitting. They are but one person of interest in the life they brought to the whole world. Just because they didn't intend to bring him into the world doesn't make him any less or any more wanted by the world at large.
I'm confident that if any of those using the terms were originally regarded by their biological parents as unwanted and a mistake they'd have a different take on the matter; they'd be emphasizing the sovereignty and the sanctity of a life much more assertively.
Of course I'm not disagreeing. I wouldn't be so tactless with someone I love. I was just countering the bitching about liberals. I found that pretty stupid...
Edit: I didn't realise that was you :P
No harm done :P
I won't deny my proclivity to pick fights with liberals and have feasts of derision and contempt for their ideology, something that shouldn't surprise given the permeating dominance of liberalism. This shouldn't be interpreted as an association with conservatism or right-wing ideology; I'm anything but a conservative and if I had to choose between the two, liberalism would win in a heartbeat. In fact I was at some point in my life a self-proclaimed liberal in a place that equates liberalism with blasphemy, quite peaceably mind you through insidious alienation and marginalization.
Without beating around the bushes, and irrespective of the particular discords I have with it, liberalism has become too mainstreamed to maintain the actual properties of an ideology. It has become the off-the-shelf ideology for every wet behind the ear fuckwit wanting others to fancy him as elevated and refined. Intellect no longer has worthy and many companions when everyone can fill his container with something that can be summed up in one word: anarchy. It is liberalism that made of morality a subjective construct open to equally valid interpretations, and it is that very same thing that made of virtue archaic and antiquated twaddle.
As everything that comes into being starts to disintegrate into some amorphous being with a loose fabric after having attained its climax, so is liberalism following that very same process. The current prosperity of liberal societies are not the product of their labor; it is the fruit of the labor of their fathers being wasted gradually until nothing is left of it.
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