Pure communism or Pure capitalism??

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#101 RushKing
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[QUOTE="RushKing"][QUOTE="Vuurk"] Yes, this is why I have stated that it is the governments role to protect property rights and to enforce the law and provide a court system. Taxes are essential to provide these things. However, that doesn't change the fact that the house that you built belongs to you. If someone attempts to steal it, or even does steal it, it does not mean that they have the rights to it.


You said; "Redistribution IS a violation of individual rights because it takes property from one person and gives it to another".

Yes? point? I stand by that statement. Not sure of your point...

Taxes do not equal redistribution....

Yes it is, that is exactly what taxes are.
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#102 Inconsistancy
Member since 2004 • 8094 Posts

[QUOTE="RushKing"][QUOTE="Vuurk"] Yes, this is why I have stated that it is the governments role to protect property rights and to enforce the law and provide a court system. Taxes are essential to provide these things. However, that doesn't change the fact that the house that you built belongs to you. If someone attempts to steal it, or even does steal it, it does not mean that they have the rights to it.


You said; "Redistribution IS a violation of individual rights because it takes property from one person and gives it to another".

Yes? point? I stand by that statement. Not sure of your point...

Taxes do not equal redistribution....

Take money from people, and give it to others. Sounds pretty re-distributive to me.
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#103 RandomWinner
Member since 2010 • 3751 Posts

Interesting topic. I don't really know. I know I certainly wouldn't work as hard in a pure communist state, and in a pure capitalist state I'd probably be more successful. The problem I have with a capitalist state is how many people are taken advantage of and manipulated, and the society it creates is dispicable. A communist society is no better, but if this is a perfect communist society, then everybody is doing their work, everyone believes in the system and doing their job willingly.

A perfect capitalist state is easy to make, but it yeilds a society of self interest and greed. A perfect communist society is impossible, but the society would have faith in their duties and the laws. Frankly, this isn't possible. I'd rather live in the Capitalist society because I'm sure I'd do better than I would in the communist one (I'm above the 50%!), but the perfect communist society would lead to a better world. Unfortunately, people are selfish to a degree, and that is not possible.

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#105 Nonstop-Madness
Member since 2008 • 12873 Posts
Taxes are not a redistribution of wealth. The safety net programs that are funded by taxes are a redistribution of wealth. Taxes are suppose to fund public goods like roads, schools, dams etc. for all people equally.
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#106 deactivated-59f03d6ce656b
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Taxes are not a redistribution of wealth. The safety net programs that are funded by taxes are a redistribution of wealth. Taxes are suppose to fund public goods like roads, schools, dams etc. for all people equally. Nonstop-Madness
How is that not redistributing wealth, tax people in one area and build a road or a school in another thats redistributing.
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#109 RushKing
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Taxes are not a redistribution of wealth. The safety net programs that are funded by taxes are a redistribution of wealth. Taxes are suppose to fund public goods like roads, schools, dams etc. for all people equally. Nonstop-Madness
It is distributed to people like teachers and cops, redistribution of wealth isn't evil.
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#110 DaJuicyMan
Member since 2010 • 3557 Posts

Neither sound pleasent but I'd prefer pure capitalism.

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#111 Inconsistancy
Member since 2004 • 8094 Posts

To think that capitalism is what has stunted progress is insanity. Free market capitalism is what has given the United States, Japan, and other nations the greatest technological growth in the world.

The only reason professional football players are making an extremely high amount of money is because so many people are willing to pay to see it. If you are not happy with the fact that they make so much money, then stop paying to watch their games and buy their apparel. Also, to think that they don't contribute to society is ridiculous. Life is not only about technological advancements and progress. It is also about culture, entertainment, and enjoyment. Sports provide these things.

These professional football players have a very unique and specialized ability which creates create demand and very low supply. This is the reason why they are paid so much. Teachers are not very specialized (at least at the elementary through high school level) and they are very abundant. This is why they are paid very little.

The helium should go to whoever is willing to pay more money for it. In the end supply and demand is very good at creating the maximum efficiency. You can thank the beauty of supply and demand for the great amount of technological and scientific advancements that we have to do. In a communist society where we allocated goods based on what a given individual believed was most important, that system would be incredibly inefficient and counter-productive. There society would have a much lower standard of living.

You can have a communist society but everyone in that society is going to be poor...


It's not insanity, we're not pure capitalists in the first place. If corporations funded everything, the fields of study would be narrowed quite a bit.

And you're rather insulting, acting like I'm too stupid to get 'it', I know why footballers make money, I just don't care about them.

Science doesn't make money, it's not tied to the market, not profitable. How does science pay for things? They ask for $. They can't 'just' buy Helium, it's finite and expensive. And, when you release it from balloons, you lose it! It's so pointless, it escapes our atmosphere when it's released into it, the only reason we have helium is from radioactive decay, is often found with natural gas deposits.


"However, taxes that go toward national defense, or the law enforcement are not redistributing wealth."

What kind of moronic mumbo-jumbo is this? That's still redistributing it. Those are other people who are being payed with SOMEONE ELSE'S money.

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#112 deactivated-59f03d6ce656b
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[QUOTE="RushKing"][QUOTE="Vuurk"] Yes? point? I stand by that statement. Not sure of your point...

Taxes do not equal redistribution....


Yes it is, that is exactly what taxes are.

Certain taxes. The tax dollars that go toward welfare, unemployment insurance, foodstamps, medicaid, etc. However, taxes that go toward national defense, or the law enforcement are not redistributing wealth. That is providing a service that a private entity isn't capable of providing. It is a social contract that we sign. In order to ensure the enforcement of property rights, a legal system, and national defense, we pay taxes. This is not a redistribution of wealth. When my taxes go toward the legal system, myself and all other citizens are benefiting from having a law system to maintain order.

When your taxes go to welfare everybody is benefiting from not having millions of people starving to death in the streets or resorting to crime for money. When your taxes go to medicaid all of society is benefiting from not having people die and thus being able to become a productive member of society.

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#113 markop2003
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If you take the idealist view of them they both have the same result. Ideally in capitalism everyone has a good business idea and everyone can compete and ideally in a communist state there's no such thing as leaches and everyone has something that they're great at. In a slightly more realistic universe I'ld prefer capitalist as I see myself on the better side of the leach-creator axis.
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#117 Inconsistancy
Member since 2004 • 8094 Posts

What a prick "you're too stupid to understand".

Capitalism does not create greed or self interest. That is something of human nature. Also, the work of Adam Smith and the idea of the invisible hand and individuals pursuing their own self interests shows that all of society benefits (most of the time) when people do that.

We didn't get the great technological advancements that we have today because people were feeling benevolent. Steve Jobs didn't invent his apple products in order to help society. He invented them to create a profit. We just benefited as a consequence of him pursing this self-interest and profit. We get the amazing technology (cars, internet, modern medicine, etc etc.), and the producers get profit. Everyone is better off.

Yet people would rather just complain about the state of things rather than stepping back and realizing that we have it better now than any human before us in history! (in terms of technology and standard of living). That is something to be very thankful for.


"We didn't get the great technological advancements that we have today because people were feeling benevolent."

Denis Ritchie didn't apply a license fee for the C++ language (which he developed), the language that Apple's OS is based off of and would have been nothing without. We make plenty of advancements w/o the incentive of profit, it's the joy of research and discovery that drives many scientists.

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#119 deactivated-59d151f079814
Member since 2003 • 47239 Posts

Both are awful crap, that I wouldn't want to live in.. Neither work, extremes in either direction will lead to bad things happening.. Hence why the most developed nations in the world have a healty balance of federal regulation and capitalistic private markets.. If we went one way or the other it would not follow the Nash Equilibrium what so ever.

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#120 sonofsmeagle
Member since 2010 • 4317 Posts

To this day no country has followed Marxist's values and standards to the point they have all started with that intention but then veer off terribly, USSR is a fine example of communism gone bad when greedy men are given power.

A pure Communism following Marxism to the exact point is essentially Utopia since everyone is equal and the harder you work the more society would reward you while still keeping everything equal.

I'd rather live in a pure communism than a pure capitalism since in a pure communist society people would never act on greed and selfish thoughts while i cant say that about a capitalist one.

This is all hypothetical of course since a pure communist country and society will never be achieved aslong as people act on greed and are selfish but a pure communist society is the blue print for perfect Utopia.

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#121 RushKing
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[QUOTE="Vuurk"] Certain taxes. The tax dollars that go toward welfare, unemployment insurance, foodstamps, medicaid, etc. However, taxes that go toward national defense, or the law enforcement are not redistributing wealth. That is providing a service that a private entity isn't capable of providing. It is a social contract that we sign. In order to ensure the enforcement of property rights, a legal system, and national defense, we pay taxes. This is not a redistribution of wealth. When my taxes go toward the legal system, myself and all other citizens are benefiting from having a law system to maintain order. Vuurk

When your taxes go to welfare everybody is benefiting from not having millions of people starving to death in the streets or resorting to crime for money. When your taxes go to medicaid all of society is benefiting from not having people die and thus being able to become a productive member of society.

I'm sorry, how do I benefit by someone else not dying? The world is already becoming overpopulated... look at graphs that show the increase in population. The growth is exponential.

We have a disagreement on what the role of government is. I believe the role of government (and consequently what our tax dollars should go toward) is to provide law enforcement, the protection of property rights, and national defense.

You seem to think the role of government is to insure the existence of any given individual by providing them with the necessities to survive.

I would also be in support of the government providing those things if it wasn't for the fact that the world is scarce, government is inefficient, and that the only way the government can make money is by taking it from someone who is productive. I do not believe that the productive members of society should need to compensate the unproductive members of society. It is irrational imo. Everything is based on productivity. The government doesn't create medicine, health care, food, and shelter out of thin air...

I'm going to steal all of your valuables and say you deserved me because you wern't productive enough to defend your base properly. The police force shoudn't serve unproductive people. :roll:

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#122 deactivated-59f03d6ce656b
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[QUOTE="Vuurk"] Certain taxes. The tax dollars that go toward welfare, unemployment insurance, foodstamps, medicaid, etc. However, taxes that go toward national defense, or the law enforcement are not redistributing wealth. That is providing a service that a private entity isn't capable of providing. It is a social contract that we sign. In order to ensure the enforcement of property rights, a legal system, and national defense, we pay taxes. This is not a redistribution of wealth. When my taxes go toward the legal system, myself and all other citizens are benefiting from having a law system to maintain order. Vuurk

When your taxes go to welfare everybody is benefiting from not having millions of people starving to death in the streets or resorting to crime for money. When your taxes go to medicaid all of society is benefiting from not having people die and thus being able to become a productive member of society.

I'm sorry, how do I benefit by someone else not dying? The world is already becoming overpopulated... look at graphs that show the increase in population. The growth is exponential. We have a disagreement on what the role of government is. I believe the role of government (and consequently what our tax dollars should go toward) is to provide law enforcement, the protection of property rights, and national defense. You seem to think the role of government is to insure the existence of any given individual by providing them with the necessities to survive. I would also be in support of the government providing those things if it wasn't for the fact that the world is scarce, government is inefficient, and that the only way the government can make money is by taking it from someone who is productive. I do not believe that the productive members of society should need to compensate the unproductive members of society. It is irrational imo. Everything is based on productivity. The government doesn't create medicine, health care, food, and shelter out of thin air...

First of all population growth is not exponential and is predicted to level off by about mid century.

How about the people who have been working for all their life that have just been laid off because the "most productive" members of society made record profits by destroying the world's economy? They have been productive people their entire life, now because of the top people taking irrational risk they have no means of income, without those programs they would be without housing, food and healthcare. Once the economy recovers you benefit from having all of those people returning to work..

Do you believe that people who work at walmart for example are productive? Without them walmart would not be able to function, but most walmart employees are on some kind of government program because their pay/benefits are so low....what should be done about people like these?

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#123 deactivated-59d151f079814
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To this day no country has followed Marxist's values and standards to the point they have all started with that intention but then veer off terribly, USSR is a fine example of communism gone bad when greedy men are given power.

A pure Communism following Marxism to the exact point is essentially Utopia since everyone is equal and the harder you work the more society would reward you while still keeping everything equal.

I'd rather live in a pure communism than a pure capitalism since in a pure communist society people would never act on greed and selfish thoughts while i cant say that about a capitalist one.

This is all hypothetical of course since a pure communist country and society will never be achieved aslong as people act on greed and are selfish but a pure communist society is the blue print for perfect Utopia.


No country has followed the absolute tenents of either one because they are not feasible.. One is all about collective common good with limited resources with corrupt and human greed always ruining it.. The other is allowing the said corruption and greed to lead to a dwarin-esque society in which a select few control the majority and control the rest more or less.. Not much different from what we saw in the fuedal age..

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#125 hiphops_savior
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Pure capitalism, just as evolution kill off the weak so that the strong can build a better future.


Nope, Its people with the most resources stomping over everyone else.

You either adapt, over come them, or die. If they had the most resources they clearly were better then the rest.

Whether or not they got it through ethical means?
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#126 Philokalia
Member since 2012 • 2910 Posts

I reject the notion communism can work at all.

Pure capitalism.

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#127 deactivated-5acfa3a8bc51d
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I would rather live in a corrupt capitalist country than a corrupt communist country the basic concept of communism is one leader in control of all business law and religion...sure if the leader knows what they are doing and theres no corruption i dont understand competition...why is there a mcdonalds and a burger king, i wont the best food not the food from the corperation that tries slightly harder than the competition
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#128 topgunmv
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In communism, you are guaranteed a decent standard of living with your quality in life moving up as the society progresses as a whole.


That's funny.

Lol, because China is totally a communist country, right?

Reminds me of the robber baron days of child factory workers.

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#129 deactivated-6127ced9bcba0
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They have no reason not to.RushKing

Um, they have the government preventing them from doing so?

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#130 RushKing
Member since 2009 • 1785 Posts

[QUOTE="RushKing"]They have no reason not to.airshocker

Um, they have the government preventing them from doing so?

Free market
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#131 deactivated-6127ced9bcba0
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Free marketRushKing

Again, what does the FREE MARKET have to do with government? Government still exists under a free market.

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#132 RushKing
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[QUOTE="RushKing"]Free marketairshocker

Again, what does the FREE MARKET have to do with government? Government still exists under a free market.

Government regulation and intervention is against the capitalist ideal.
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#133 RandomWinner
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Interesting topic. I don't really know. I know I certainly wouldn't work as hard in a pure communist state, and in a pure capitalist state I'd probably be more successful. The problem I have with a capitalist state is how many people are taken advantage of and manipulated, and the society it creates is dispicable. A communist society is no better, but if this is a perfect communist society, then everybody is doing their work, everyone believes in the system and doing their job willingly.

A perfect capitalist state is easy to make, but it yeilds a society of self interest and greed. A perfect communist society is impossible, but the society would have faith in their duties and the laws. Frankly, this isn't possible. I'd rather live in the Capitalist society because I'm sure I'd do better than I would in the communist one (I'm above the 50%!), but the perfect communist society would lead to a better world. Unfortunately, people are selfish to a degree, and that is not possible.


Capitalism does not create greed or self interest. That is something of human nature. Also, the work of Adam Smith and the idea of the invisible hand and individuals pursuing their own self interests shows that all of society benefits (most of the time) when people do that.

We didn't get the great technological advancements that we have today because people were feeling benevolent. Steve Jobs didn't invent his apple products in order to help society. He invented them to create a profit. We just benefited as a consequence of him pursing this self-interest and profit. We get the amazing technology (cars, internet, modern medicine, etc etc.), and the producers get profit. Everyone is better off.

Yet people would rather just complain about the state of things rather than stepping back and realizing that we have it better now than any human before us in history! (in terms of technology and standard of living). That is something to be very thankful for.

I don't think I completely agree with you. In Japan, after the Tsunami, the north said that they would sacrifice their electricity during day hours to help the south recover. Don't think that would happen here, and that's because the culture here is different than there. If society decides that selfishness is natural, it will be a part of the society. If it condems it, it will be a lesser part of it. Jobs wanted to create something, and he wanted to be the best at it. I didn't read his biography, but I genuinely think that he did what he did because he wanted to create something that society could use for something. I know his salary for the last few years was a penny.

I know what the purpose of capitalism is, and that's definitely the good part of it. Its reason to love it, and neither answer is wrong. I think it leads to a more selfish society, but at least its realistic. Pure true communism is not.

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#134 coolbeans90
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Pure capitalismchessmaster1989

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#135 ghoklebutter
Member since 2007 • 19327 Posts
Pure communism.
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#136 Dogswithguns
Member since 2007 • 11359 Posts
capitalism kinda messed up anymore these days, the rich get richer, the poor stay poor.. communism never had to be rich, they just can't get rich,, everybody stay poor but still having a decent life coz they don't really need all the money. that's kinda a good thing.. I don't know, but I live in US, Im pretty tire of working my ass off just to keep up with bills all my life. and yeah still broke even after working my ass off. what's the point of needing so money for anyway. you can't take it with you after you die.
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#137 LordQuorthon
Member since 2008 • 5803 Posts

Authority has nothing to do with the discussion because it all comes down to the means of production. Utopian capitalist and communist states as suggested by BossPerson would both pretty much abolish all kind of government as we know it. In a utopian capitalist state, the means of production would be in private hands and, ideally, private companies would take care of everything that the government does now, including, the police and armed forces. In a utopian communist state, the means of production would be owned by those who work there and the government would be unnecessary because each community would resolve all their issues through some form of popular assemblies.

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#138 Victorious_Fize
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#139 jetpower3
Member since 2005 • 11631 Posts

"In communism, you are guaranteed a decent standard of living but no chance to move forward."

So you have absolutely no understanding of what communists aims to achieve?


Judging by the vague, messy, and contradictory efforts of existing [not] communist regimes, absolutely not.

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#140 ghoklebutter
Member since 2007 • 19327 Posts

Authority has nothing to do with the discussion because it all comes down to the means of production. Utopian capitalist and communist states as suggested by BossPerson would both pretty much abolish all kind of government as we know it. In a utopian capitalist state, the means of production would be in private hands and, ideally, private companies would take care of everything that the government does now, including, the police and armed forces. In a utopian communist state, the means of production would be owned by those who work there and the government would be unnecessary because each community would resolve all their issues through some form of popular assemblies.


That sounds like anarcho-capitalism and anarcho-communism, respectively. The only one that sounds utopian is the former.

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#141 DroidPhysX
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[QUOTE="chessmaster1989"]Pure capitalismcoolbeans90

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#142 kuraimen
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[QUOTE="Nonstop-Madness"][QUOTE="Vuurk"] Not at all. China's economy is no where near free market. You can not even categorize them as being the same economic system.


Capitalism = /= Free Market. China has a authoritarian capitalist system.

I agree. I'm saying that you can not condemn capitalism as an economic system simply because China's implementation of it is wrong. You should condemn their economic system, not capitalism itself.

But you condemn communism very easily judging failed implementations of it :| Why would you be given a free pass and others can't judge capitalism by its failed implementations too?

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#143 LordQuorthon
Member since 2008 • 5803 Posts

That sounds like anarcho-capitalism and anarcho-communism, respectively. The only one that sounds utopian is the former.


The phase where the State controls the means of productions is not communism, it's socialism. What some people tend to call socialism is basically welfare-state types of governments.

Communism, the utopian one as written in paper, is, indeed, very close to anarchy.

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#145 deactivated-5ac102a4472fe
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I am kind of stomped by how anyone in this thread can even have the balls to attempt to portray Capitalism as any kind of set ideology like Communism is?

There is no agreed upon basis of what Capiltalism is, there simply is no consesus on what Capitalism is as a socialideology, and it serves mostly to explain an economic system (economic ideology).

I assume TC ment Liberalism? Seems most people tend to confuse the two, an aweful lot (just about as much as socialism and Communism)

In that case, I would take Communism anyday of the week.

Altho in truth, noone would ever want to be nowhere near either of those.

Edit: Man I gotta stop writing faster then I can think, correcting spelling, and making sure to differenciate economic, and social ideology.

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#146 lancea34
Member since 2007 • 6912 Posts

Pure anarchism.

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#147 kuraimen
Member since 2010 • 28078 Posts

[QUOTE="Vuurk"] I agree. I'm saying that you can not condemn capitalism as an economic system simply because China's implementation of it is wrong. You should condemn their economic system, not capitalism itself. Vuurk

But you condemn communism very easily judging failed implementations of it :| Why would you be given a free pass and others can't judge capitalism by its failed implementations too?

Communism will always fail. Communism is intrinsically flawed. There is not one example of it ever working, while there are MANY examples of capitalism working. I'm not saying that capitalism is perfect. However, it is BY FAR the best economic system available today.

No instance of pure capitalism has ever worked either as well as no instance of pure communism has ever worked. Both are in the exact same situation. The only thing that has somehow worked are mixed strategies.
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#148 DarkGamer007
Member since 2008 • 6033 Posts

I would gladly take pure communism over pure capitalism anyday, in truth though, neither system purely works in the real world. Capitalism only works with a lot of regulation, and communism has yet to work in the real world.

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#149 lostrib
Member since 2009 • 49999 Posts

Hahaha, as if pure communism would ever work

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#150 leviathan91
Member since 2007 • 7763 Posts

Capitalism insures progress while communism stagnates. I choose pure capitalism or any form of capitalism over pure communism any day.