Interesting topic. I don't really know. I know I certainly wouldn't work as hard in a pure communist state, and in a pure capitalist state I'd probably be more successful. The problem I have with a capitalist state is how many people are taken advantage of and manipulated, and the society it creates is dispicable. A communist society is no better, but if this is a perfect communist society, then everybody is doing their work, everyone believes in the system and doing their job willingly.
A perfect capitalist state is easy to make, but it yeilds a society of self interest and greed. A perfect communist society is impossible, but the society would have faith in their duties and the laws. Frankly, this isn't possible. I'd rather live in the Capitalist society because I'm sure I'd do better than I would in the communist one (I'm above the 50%!), but the perfect communist society would lead to a better world. Unfortunately, people are selfish to a degree, and that is not possible.
Capitalism does not create greed or self interest. That is something of human nature. Also, the work of Adam Smith and the idea of the invisible hand and individuals pursuing their own self interests shows that all of society benefits (most of the time) when people do that.We didn't get the great technological advancements that we have today because people were feeling benevolent. Steve Jobs didn't invent his apple products in order to help society. He invented them to create a profit. We just benefited as a consequence of him pursing this self-interest and profit. We get the amazing technology (cars, internet, modern medicine, etc etc.), and the producers get profit. Everyone is better off.
Yet people would rather just complain about the state of things rather than stepping back and realizing that we have it better now than any human before us in history! (in terms of technology and standard of living). That is something to be very thankful for.
I don't think I completely agree with you. In Japan, after the Tsunami, the north said that they would sacrifice their electricity during day hours to help the south recover. Don't think that would happen here, and that's because the culture here is different than there. If society decides that selfishness is natural, it will be a part of the society. If it condems it, it will be a lesser part of it. Jobs wanted to create something, and he wanted to be the best at it. I didn't read his biography, but I genuinely think that he did what he did because he wanted to create something that society could use for something. I know his salary for the last few years was a penny.
I know what the purpose of capitalism is, and that's definitely the good part of it. Its reason to love it, and neither answer is wrong. I think it leads to a more selfish society, but at least its realistic. Pure true communism is not.
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