All phrases that were invented by the internet nerds. All of them piss me off.GrindingAxe
Agreed. And yet people still use them.
Owned is the worst one. When someone says it, I'm just thinkin', what a ****
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right now I can only think of "Hella." It just sounds stupid to say and makes you sound like an ass. If you say it, I'm sorry, no offense, but you should stop saying it.
you might as well say "gargage disposal" because that's what I'd like people to stick there hand in when they say it.
how bout yourselves?
I also despise it when my friends (Girls, mostly) say "Haha, I'm so random! Hehehehehehe!"
Honestly. They should get over themselves. I get the feeling that they like calling themselves random just because they get everything they want, are spoilt and have an identity crisis.
Does anyone else hate it when people do this?
I also despise it when my friends (Girls, mostly) say "Haha, I'm so random! Hehehehehehe!"
Honestly. They should get over themselves. I get the feeling that they like calling themselves random just because they get everything they want, are spoilt and have an identity crisis.
Does anyone else hate it when people do this?
I do, it seems everyone is so "random" now :roll:
heh...i find it funny that when a thread pops up, basically asking us to complain about something it becomes "hella" popular.
Seems on OT we are just a bunch of moany bastards:D
Um...i dont know what pisses me of particularly, it's not so much the word or phrase, but when, and how often they're used, for me!
when people overuse the word "bucks" when talking about money. I don't think i've ever heard my stupid brother say dollars, my whole entire life. There he goes again.
and again.
ok he's gone. He was trying to bribe me to do something.
I hate it when someone says 'lol' at the start and end of each sentence. Hence 'lol thats so awesome lol. lol we should go and [insert action here] lol. lol. LOL. LOLOLOLOLLLLLGAHHHHH'
I also hate it, HATE IT when people say 'pwnt' in real life. or 'burned'. or ANYTHING. It annoys the hell out of me D=.
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