Seeing as Republicans were in full control of the government for 6 of the last 8 years, its pretty hard to say its not their fault. Luckily most of America can see with their own eyes how this happened. Republicans are the champions of de-regulation, they want to de-regulate everything.
They de-regulated the phone companies, and for 20 years, we all got to have crap phone service. They de-regulated the airline industry, and for that we get planes that are un-safe, always late, and price hiking across the board. They de-regulated the banking industry twice, we got to see the S&L collapse almost 20 years ago, and then for their encore, we got the current mess were in. They de-regulated the power and electricity industry, and for that, we got Enron turning power off and price gouging everyone.
The fact is, Republicans are trying to bankrupt the country, it is part of the plan. Republicans do not want the government to provide anything for its citizins, they want everyone to be on their own. Having a belief system of everyone for themselves is just a clever way to say, if your poor, you don't deserve medical care, housing, education, or anything else. By having policies that continue to make it harder and harder for the government to fund any social programs make it very easy to say, see, the government is a failure, we need to get rid of it.
Luckily, the Republicans have shown the entire country what their policies lead to, and luckily, the public now sees the lying liars for what they are.
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