[QUOTE="JayMatthews06"][QUOTE="yermomsboxx"][QUOTE="JayMatthews06"][QUOTE="yermomsboxx"][QUOTE="JayMatthews06"]Conservatism is evil.There's an educated one.
And so are all of you.
Nah man, I was being sarcastic. Don't worry.
Limiting people's civil rights and political freedoms is a great idea.
And let's not forget about the immigrants that are pouring in to our rich, developed countries - we need to send them back to the slums they were born into, because we don't want our economy to suffer.
And let's increase taxes for the poor and decrease them for the rich, because we don't care about the working forbidden>Limiting peoples civil rights and political freedoms? You do know that the Republican party was founded as an abolitionist party, much to the chagrin of Democrats who were content with the status quo of slavery, correct? No, you probably didn't. Also, if immigrants are allowed to pour, unchecked, into our "rich, developed" country, then what's to save it from becoming the exact thing that they left behind. Also, why condone breaking the law? I know an immigrant who came here legally that detests illegals because after she went through all of the processes to become a citizen, all that they had to do was hop a fence and come right in. How is that fair? And how is it fair that people who are here illegally and pay no taxes except sales tax are entitled to benefits that they payed no money toward. And also, how is it fair that people should be taxed more than others because they are successful in in their careers? That discourages a person's will to want to be successful and is an anti-capitalist idea; why make so much money if it will eventually be unjustly taken? Shouldn't everyone be taxed the same percentage, comrade?
1) The word "comrade" originated from Communism - if you used it ironically, well done; if you didn't, you're an idiot.
2) There should be NO immigration laws - everybody should have the rate to live where they want to live. We were all born as human beings into the same planet and so should have the same oppurtunities. Also, most immigrants come from dreadfully underdeveloped countries, where they cannot support their families and children. You have no right to deny them the same oppurtunities as you, and I am sure you would feel extremely different if you were in their position.
3) Of course the rich should be taxed more than the poor! In case you haven't realised, most people DO NOT HAVE THE CHANCE TO EARN A LOT OF MONEY, whilst others are just born into wealthy families. So what you are effectively saying is that people who are billionaires because their parents are billionaires should pay the same amount of tax as somebody who has been forced to grow up on the streets. Hmmm...
Where to begin... 1. It's not irony. You seem like the pseudo-intellectual, Starbucks-swilling, communist-hipster type. Ugh. 2. Everyone should be able to live wherever they want? Ok, Einstein. Make a space for me, 'cuz I'm coming over for dinner; permanantly. How can you say otherwise, if no one should be able to own land, why in the hell can't I just move in on your space? 3. It's not the same amount of money, it's the same percentage. The only way to fairly tax is to have a system in place that taxes in this way, otherwise there will be no incentive for billionaires to spend more money, which means less ventures and less spending on their part, which means less money for those that aren't billionaires. If a rich man is over- taxed and doesn't want to buy his yacht, what happens to the yacht-making company? The owner of the business will feel the hit because he isnt selling as much as he should, and will have to lay others off to compensate. Then, those ship-builders will be out of jobs, possibly on welfare and the disgusting trail will go on, not necessarily with yacht's, but in some other form of service, which is what makes up the majority of our work force. Hmm...it doesn't sound like a great plan to me, comrade. DUDE mad props on the first thing you said, you really nailed it! haha
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