I see, if she is interested in someone else, she can walk. :PMistressMinakoWe've been friends since we were little, so it's not like I can I just let her walk all the way there. :P
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[QUOTE="MistressMinako"]I see, if she is interested in someone else, she can walk. :Pff7fan2We've been friends since we were little, so it's not like I can I just let her walk all the way there. :Pit never hurts to try ;) sometimes you gotta fight, for your right, to parrrrrrtyyyyyy!!! by party I mean love ^_^
haha! tell that to my brain! But seriously, if I didn't stay up all nite, then I would have failed. I had not studied anything! @_@Gallegowow.. well i guess you're used to that style of studying.. :P.. anyways goodluck with your exam.. . :D... im off.. :).. g'byee mister mod-man.
[QUOTE="Gallego"]haha! tell that to my brain! But seriously, if I didn't stay up all nite, then I would have failed. I had not studied anything! @_@HitomiChanwow.. well i guess you're used to that style of studying.. :P.. anyways goodluck with your exam.. . :D... im off.. :).. g'byee mister mod-man. later :)
[QUOTE="Cloud_765"]I see some familiar faces.double_deckerI just see me here right now... and you now of course. :P and me too. :P
Where'd MSU go? :oCloud_765According to the time stamp on his post the last one he made in here was 41 minutes ago, so I have no idea. :P
Ah, I see. Well, F is thinking of returning.Cloud_765Yeah, I saw and commented on his blog, I've been keeping track of blogs lately for a change. :P
Since Cloud didn't inform me of anything.... Hi David. :oops:MistressMinakoHello there Miss Allie, how are you doing? :)
[QUOTE="harry_james_pot"]and me too. :Pdouble_deckerWhy hello thar! :o How are you doing? :) can't sleep ,so i'm here for a little while. How are you? :)
I hope he comes back. :) So how you been?Cloud_765The same as usual, nothing out of the ordinary today. Yourself?
can't sleep ,so i'm here for a little while. How are you? :)harry_james_potI'm good, just seeing what's going on around here before watching some netflix. What time is it there? Any reason why you can't sleep?
Again, I'm sorry! :cry:Cloud_765He could have left before I got here! :x
Hello there Miss Allie, how are you doing? :)double_deckerOkay I guess, my mom woke me up... would have been sleeping longer.
[QUOTE="Cloud_765"]I hope he comes back. :) So how you been?double_deckerThe same as usual, nothing out of the ordinary today. Yourself? Not much myself, I'm just waiting for the night to be over so I can get to school tomorrow and talk to a certain friend of mine.
Okay I guess, my mom woke me up... would have been sleeping longer.MistressMinakoWhat did she wake you up for?
Not much myself, I'm just waiting for the night to be over so I can get to school tomorrow and talk to a certain friend of mine.Cloud_765I see, have a certain female that you can't get out of your mind?:P
[QUOTE="harry_james_pot"]can't sleep ,so i'm here for a little while. How are you? :)double_deckerI'm good, just seeing what's going on around here before watching some netflix. What time is it there? Any reason why you can't sleep? it's 3am here ,and i can't sleep because i woke up 4pm.
What did she wake you up for?double_deckerTo tell me someone is here that is obviously not my company. I guess she didn't want me to show up in the living room with my pajamas.
it's 3am here ,and i can't sleep because i woke up 4pm.harry_james_potI see, I take it you were up too late last night as well? :P
To tell me someone is here that is obviously not my company. I guess she didn't want me to show up in the living room with my pajamas.MistressMinakoTrue, at least she gave you a heads up to save you a possibly embarassing situation. :P
[QUOTE="harry_james_pot"] it's 3am here ,and i can't sleep because i woke up 4pm.double_deckerI see, I take it you were up too late last night as well? :P that's right. :P
True, at least she gave you a heads up to save you a possibly embarassing situation. :Pdouble_deckerI guess so. People are being mean to me on MSN David, they are calling me old. :( I'm not old! :x I am like a baby compared to the gramps and grandmas of GS!
I guess so. People are being mean to me on MSN David, they are calling me old. :( I'm not old! :x I am like a baby compared to the gramps and grandmas of GS!MistressMinakoWell if they think you are old they must think of me as donwright geriatric. :P
that's right. :Pharry_james_potThat's cool, if you don't have to wake up early then might as well enjoy it and sleep in. :P
Well if they think you are old they must think of me as donwright geriatric. :Pdouble_deckerProbably so. Is there any brownies left? :oops:
[QUOTE="MistressMinako"] I guess so. People are being mean to me on MSN David, they are calling me old. :( I'm not old! :x I am like a baby compared to the gramps and grandmas of GS!double_deckerWell if they think you are old they must think of me as donwright geriatric. :P What...I couldn't hear you Let me get my walker so I get can get closer
Probably so. Is there any brownies left? :oops:MistressMinakoShe didn't work today, I think she's going to give them to me tomorrow. She knows I work all week.
What...I couldn't hear you Let me get my walker so I get can get closerrawsavonI'd write it down but you can't see that far either. :P
[QUOTE="MistressMinako"] Probably so. Is there any brownies left? :oops:double_deckerShe didn't work today, I think she's going to give them to me tomorrow. She knows I work all week. Aww... do you know how to bake brownies then? I want some. :oops:
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