[QUOTE="soulless4now"]But exotic people look awesome. ExoticAnimalI know I do. 8) So what's up with you?And how are you exotic? :P Not much, just tired and confused. How about you?
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[QUOTE="soulless4now"]But exotic people look awesome. ExoticAnimalI know I do. 8) So what's up with you?And how are you exotic? :P Not much, just tired and confused. How about you?
[QUOTE="GD-1369211121"]Youtube came along and I have no reason to watch videos on this site anymore. All I do is post. And I also seem to take long breaks. Which sucks.soulless4nowLast time I took a long break was three years ago when I stayed away from this site for three months. I took a year and a half break in 09 - 10 and only post every now and then. Probably haven't posted for about 3 months.
I'm not sure. I thought I knew the material until my teacher put a lot of old stuff from the first weeks of school on the test and a few other things she didn't go over at all. If she would've done a study guide and learned to explain concepts better, I would've done a lot better. :( soulless4nowI hate when teachers do that :( Is she the type that doesn't do study guides?
[QUOTE="ExoticAnimal"][QUOTE="soulless4now"]But exotic people look awesome. soulless4nowI know I do. 8) So what's up with you?And how are you exotic? :P Not much, just tired and confused. How about you? Just tired. Passed out way too early tonight. Damn meds! :x Why are you confused?
I hate when teachers do that :( Is she the type that doesn't do study guides?2ndWonderWell she did a study guide for a quiz we took last month and she said use that for the test, which wasn't helpful since it was composed of mostly new concepts we've learned since the last quiz. She makes the class harder than it should be. :evil:
I took a year and a half break in 09 - 10 and only post every now and then. Probably haven't posted for about 3 months.GD-1369211121Ah, so that's why your username doesn't look familiar.
[QUOTE="2ndWonder"]I hate when teachers do that :( Is she the type that doesn't do study guides?soulless4nowWell she did a study guide for a quiz we took last month and she said use that for the test, which wasn't helpful since it was composed of mostly new concepts we've learned since the last quiz. She makes the class harder than it should be. :evil:
I took a year and a half break in 09 - 10 and only post every now and then. Probably haven't posted for about 3 months.GD-1369211121Ah, so that's why your username doesn't look familiar. Yes, I miss talking to a lot of people that were either banned or left in that year and a half I was gone, just isn't the same.
Well she did a study guide for a quiz we took last month and she said use that for the test, which wasn't helpful since it was composed of mostly new concepts we've learned since the last quiz. She makes the class harder than it should be. :evil: soulless4nowWhat was the point of using that, if it wasn't helpful? :? Something has to be done to this teacher. :evil:
Just tired. Passed out way too early tonight. Damn meds! :x Why are you confused?ExoticAnimallol You took a late nap then. :P I'm not sure how I did on my last midterm today because of my weird teacher putting stuff she didn't cover on the test.
[QUOTE="ExoticAnimal"]Just tired. Passed out way too early tonight. Damn meds! :x Why are you confused?soulless4nowlol You took a late nap then. :P I'm not sure how I did on my last midterm today because of my weird teacher putting stuff she didn't cover on the test. Aww... that sucks. If it makes you feel better, I didn't do so well on my exam today. Just way too many complex organism names that I didn't know and their classifications.
Yes, I miss talking to a lot of people that were either banned or left in that year and a half I was gone, just isn't the same.GD-1369211121Yeah you missed a good amount of banned user threads in the time you were gone. But that's the GS for you. People leave and new ones come in.
What was the point of using that, if it wasn't helpful? :? Something has to be done to this teacher. :evil:2ndWonderMe and my friend said the same thing. A lot of people were struggling with the test, even the guy that guy the highest score last time. I wish, but if I do pass the class, I'll have the same teacher next semester for a class I'll have to take if advance and she's the only teacher for the class so it sucks big time. :(
[QUOTE="soulless4now"][QUOTE="ExoticAnimal"]Just tired. Passed out way too early tonight. Damn meds! :x Why are you confused?ExoticAnimallol You took a late nap then. :P I'm not sure how I did on my last midterm today because of my weird teacher putting stuff she didn't cover on the test. Aww... that sucks. If it makes you feel better, I didn't do so well on my exam today. Just way too many complex organism names that I didn't know and their classifications. lol Well I need to pass my class with a C and with the way the test went, I might have to retake the class next semester if I didn't do good. :/ What subject are you taking? That sounds like oceanography.
Me and my friend said the same thing. A lot of people were struggling with the test, even the guy that guy the highest score last time. I wish, but if I do pass the class, I'll have the same teacher next semester for a class I'll have to take if advance and she's the only teacher for the class so it sucks big time. :(soulless4nowI don't understand teachers sometimes :? I really hope you don't have her again, that would be bad. :(
[QUOTE="ExoticAnimal"][QUOTE="soulless4now"]lol You took a late nap then. :P I'm not sure how I did on my last midterm today because of my weird teacher putting stuff she didn't cover on the test. soulless4nowAww... that sucks. If it makes you feel better, I didn't do so well on my exam today. Just way too many complex organism names that I didn't know and their classifications. lol Well I need to pass my class with a C and with the way the test went, I might have to retake the class next semester if I didn't do good. :/ What subject are you taking? That sounds like oceanography. I don't think they offer this class until next year. It's Limnology, the study of structural and functional interrelationships of organisms of inland waters as they are affected by their dynamic physical, chemical and biotic environments. Wow, I'm surprised I remembered the definition as I just read went through my powerpoint slides yesterday. lol
I don't think they offer this class until next year. It's Limnology, the study of structural and functional interrelationships of organisms of inland waters as they are affected by their dynamic physical, chemical and biotic environments. Wow, I'm surprised I remembered the definition as I just read went through my powerpoint slides yesterday. lolExoticAnimalOh so it's one of those season classes. I really hate those. All the courses in my major are pretty much seasonal. I've never heard of Limnology but it sounds painful. :P
[QUOTE="ExoticAnimal"]I don't think they offer this class until next year. It's Limnology, the study of structural and functional interrelationships of organisms of inland waters as they are affected by their dynamic physical, chemical and biotic environments. Wow, I'm surprised I remembered the definition as I just read went through my powerpoint slides yesterday. lolsoulless4nowOh so it's one of those season classes. I really hate those. All the courses in my major are pretty much seasonal. I've never heard of Limnology but it sounds painful. :P It sucks as there are just there is so much details to memorize, its not even funny.
It sucks as there are just there is so much details to memorize, its not even funny. ExoticAnimalSounds like something that would require flashcards and lots of them. Do you at least have the class two days a week? I have classes that are only once a week and I think it's part of the reason I'm doing bad in them.
[QUOTE="ExoticAnimal"]It sucks as there are just there is so much details to memorize, its not even funny. soulless4nowSounds like something that would require flashcards and lots of them. Do you at least have the class two days a week? I have classes that are only once a week and I think it's part of the reason I'm doing bad in them. Three times a week, each class being 50 minutes long. Ah yes, the classes that are only one time a week. Love them. Why don't you get some help then?
I haven't posted here on OT for so long. I have no idea who anyone is anymore... :POblivionfan10Just resident aliens. Nothing more. :P
[QUOTE="Oblivionfan10"]I haven't posted here on OT for so long. I have no idea who anyone is anymore... :Psoulless4nowJust resident aliens. Nothing more. :P Nothing has changed than
Three times a week, each class being 50 minutes long. Ah yes, the classes that are only one time a week. Love them. Why don't you get some help then?ExoticAnimalI have a political science class like that which is good since I find the subject boring. Really is no way to get help since my teacher doesn't know to explain things plus most of the faculty is only part time it seems since they have other jobs too. I do study sessions with my friend. It helps, but the lack of a study guide is killing most people in the class.
Nothing has changed than Oblivionfan10Nope. You're username looks familiar. Did you have a different avatar before?
[QUOTE="ExoticAnimal"]Three times a week, each class being 50 minutes long. Ah yes, the classes that are only one time a week. Love them. Why don't you get some help then?soulless4nowI have a political science class like that which is good since I find the subject boring. Really is no way to get help since my teacher doesn't know to explain things plus most of the faculty is only part time it seems since they have other jobs too. I do study sessions with my friend. It helps, but the lack of a study guide is killing most people in the class. Eww... doesn't sound like fun. :P You better get used to not having study guides once you start taking more advanced courses, you won't see them much if any.
Just noticed that Billy Madison has a 16 on metacritic...man critics suck.CrimzonTideHow is that possible? Loved that movie.
Nope. You're username looks familiar. Did you have a different avatar before?soulless4nowIt's been the same for a few years. It's always been an animated me though
Eww... doesn't sound like fun. :P You better get used to not having study guides once you start taking more advanced courses, you won't see them much if any.ExoticAnimalIt isn't especially this 5 page essay I have to do that I haven't started on. -__- I'm starting to see that, but one of my teachers needs to do one because english is not her first language so there is a language barrier at times when she's trying to explain concepts.
[QUOTE="soulless4now"][QUOTE="Oblivionfan10"]Nothing has changed than Oblivionfan10Nope. You're username looks familiar. Did you have a different avatar before? It's been the same for a few years. It's always been an animated me thoughOh okay. I must be imagining you were someone else then. :P
[QUOTE="ExoticAnimal"]Eww... doesn't sound like fun. :P You better get used to not having study guides once you start taking more advanced courses, you won't see them much if any.soulless4nowIt isn't especially this 5 page essay I have to do that I haven't started on. -__- I'm starting to see that, but one of my teachers needs to do one because english is not her first language so there is a language barrier at times when she's trying to explain concepts. I hate foreign teachers/teaching assistants. I had an Indian woman for one of my math classes here and was so hard to understand what she was talking about, I stopped going to class and taught myself. Passed with an A of course but a lot of people flunked the class. We have a lot of foreign teaching assistants so labs here are terrible mainly because you can't understand a single thing they say. Its just not for one or two labs but for all the labs which include basic/advanced bio, chemistry, organic chem, physics, ecology, etc... I hate going to a top 25 research school as we get a lot of oversea graduate students teaching labs.
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