Horrible list. Fleetwood Mac aren't even on it? And the Eagles, Neil Young, Elton Joh, Pink Floyd, CCR and Michael Jackson are way, WAY too low...to the point of making the list a joke. There were "groups" on there that clearly were just put into the list to make the magazine and article appeal to a broader and younger audience.
Hey, man, come on, I've had a rough night and I hate the ****ing Eagles!
Anyways, Fleetwood Mac isn't that great, never done anything really defining. Then again never have a lot of those bands on the list, but appealing to broad audiences is what RS does.
To say Fleetwood Mac didn't do anything defining is just flat out wrong. They had classic hit after hit. And to this day they are still super popular. That's exactly what a top artist is.I can think of maybe three off the top of my head, and I wouldn't say they were necessarily classic. Regardless, FWM never did anything to really change the direction of the music genre. They were kinda just different enough and hit at the right time, and there aren't a whole lot of current popular artists that are taking inspiration directly from them. Like I said, you can say that about some of the bands on there, but I think FWM is just a little too nichy to be thought of as one of the greatest artists on this list. Not trying to diss them, I really enjoy them personally, but I can see how they could be excluded.
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