So you will give it to a charity who will help with the unemployed? How will they access the information to find the unemployed, give them money, help them out? How will they help them with their job searches? How will they help them with finding cheap insurance?
You know who will handle that right now? The Government. Like I said before, we are in a time where people need help. Daily job losses with slowly growing jobs is not a time where you just tell people "oh well, though luck". I'm not saying you are shallow because I disagree with you, it's because at the time we are living in now, you are saying people are just taking advantage of welfare. How the hell is that not shallow? Oh and thanks for serving in the military, but what does that have anything to do with this?
The taxes right now arent massive compared to the unemployed right now who are paying thousands mothly to keep their healtcare going.
Liberalism is a very shallow, moderate socialism. Should I call every conservative a libertarian now?
...and the government is trust-worthy? They didn't do so hot with the stimulus checks. It would be MY fault for choosing a charity that didn't do what it was intended to.
The Government was NEVER designed to help people in this way. I never said EVERYONE is taking advantage of welfare. But a system where that is ALLOWED to happen is a system that needs to be replaced. That will promote people being more responsible with their lives.
The economy will get better, but only if we leave it alone and allow free-market principles to run their course. The government and many businesses have made mistakes. Now it's time for them to either get stronger, or go away.
I'm sorry, but I will never agree with taxes on the rich to give to the poor. We're not a society where it's honorable to steal from the rich and give to the poor. It's called theft. Plain and simple.
I feel bad for those who are in a tough spot. But why should I have to sacrifice in the process? I have a stable job, I run an ebay business, I do some landscaping and snow removal work, why should my hard-earned money go to a government I don't trust to spend it wisely?
The stimulus checks are awful, but those could easily be fixed by putting a bit more pressure on the companies to produce results. Look at GM for example, and look how much it has helped them. If we can take that mindset to the banks, we will improve.
Thats not always true. Look at the great depression for example. There are some times where we need to rely on the Government for help. If we really always let the free market run it's course and run a laissez-faire style economics, we would be an absolute mess.
Yes there are taxes on the rich, but as we can see, they do not put a significant dent at all. It's just a bit more than the normal middle class.
If you really think about it, the taxes we have arent significantly high. Besides, the ones struggling are still paying the same amount of taxes.
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