When I was in highschool, all I would hear about was how hard college is, how teachers won't take crap anymore, how you write 50 page papers every week etc..
Now I'm not a smarty pants or anything, I simply just do what's required -- so here's the breakdown of my spring semester of college:
16 credit hours (5 coursess):
Introductory course to Java programming
Speech communications
Intermediate Japanese
PreCalc (trig)
Asian History (1600s+)
Average of 2 hours a week of homework/studying
= Straight 'B's
Sure there was a few nights where I had to write a paper in a night, or cram for a test -- but that is the honest average.
Will it get harder as I progress to harder ****s and my major? Definately. Is it unbearable? Please...:roll:
Now that I know my limits and requirements, I'll be sure to get straight 'A's next year.
I never understood why I so many people make such a big deal about all the "work" they put into their education. It's essentially doing whatever mundane BS the teacher deems necessary.
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