Disgusting, is it just me who hates almost every activist group out there? I mean, for example feminist extremists and peta, and the worst thing about them is that they advertise themselves as saviors but actually they're just causing more harm than good. Peta kills 97.3% of the animals they have up for adoption and most feminists don't want equal rights, they just want more rights for women, and the other terrible thing about these self-righteous extremist groups is because they're so "helpful", people always support them in every way, for example,
Valerie Solanas, a radical feminist extremist who grew up in a broken home, was regularly sexually abused by her father and obviously had mental problems. Later she wrote a book which encouraged killing all men and creating an all-female society (someone skipped their biology). And if that's not enough, she shot celebrity artist Andy Warhol, because he was a man, and another man standing beside him, Warhol was in pain for the rest of his 10 years and rarely left the house out of fear of Solanas. Solanas recieved only 3 years in prison for attempted assassination on 2 men and if that's not enough, feminists actually protested Solanas' imprisonment, and chapter president for a feminist organization actuall called Solanas "the first outstanding champion of women's rights" and another member called her "one of the most important spokeswomen of the feminist movement."
So because she hated men and shot 2 innocent men she's suddenly praised as a hero.
Want to hear a joke? Women's rights! :lol: but seriously though, that is screwed up.
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