Not directing this specifically towards anyone, but I think this video is incredibly pertinent to this discussion.
(that's touching... now lets try one that is not fictional... mine. this was a little number that came up while we were discussing mob violence a few weeks ago so it will be a bit out of date.)
y'know... solving racism seems like pretty tedious unrewarding work. and i thought, well screw those ot guys, they won't listen or care anyway. and you are going to look like darth jefferson davis saying a bunch of shit nobody wants to hear.
and i was like, well **** it, maybe i created a little video monster that's too ugly to pursue and i don't like you guys enough put in the effort for your goddamn glimmer of hope that you are not in any way going to like the meaning of...
but then i thought about my beloved great grandfather drunky o'spudraper (later americanized into henry au grautin) .
and that motherfucker never owned 2 fucking suits much less any people and once he had gotten away from the lynch mobs he had a gaggle of sharecropping/ditch digging/ factory sweatshop working descendants (because a few of the factories didn't burn everyone up) and all of them that made it past infant mortality were portrayed as criminal white woman raping subhuman apes and look folks, i won't even so much as have a fucking bottle of mrs. butterworths or a sack of uncle ben's rice in the goddamn house because of the moral quandary i have looking at the slave imagery in those soulful eyes on the packaging. so if it's all the same to everyone can i go to the fucking jazzfest downtown without a crowd of more than 10 guys clobbering me from behind then kicking out my teeth and crushing my eye sockets in?
(pictured here grammy and granpaw) (love youuu! see you at xmas!)
but no! apt story or no that's just selfish of me and wrong to bring up and i see that now.
well what does that leave? do i address being property of the state and bringing up for the thousandth time if some stressed out, burnt out, jumpy, underpaid, intellectually questionable, possibly psychotic or sociopathic, ex-jock in the middle of a divorce tells me to do jumping jacks on the yellow line then i'm doing motherfucking jumping jacks on the motherfucking yellow line because any other choice is a fucking dice roll that can easily end with me cuffed and bleeding out on the side of the road.
(other times he's just lovely though and works with charities and the handicapable)
you are free to test this out by telling the next cop that pulls you over to go **** himself, then when he orders you out of the car apologizing and going to him for a hug... lol, oh shit, this was supposed to be the hope talk not the reality check talk that nobody wants to admit talk because the horror of being a faceless cog completely under the control of an at least somewhat corrupt state, local and federal government talk is just getting me in deeper here.
ok, so lets just ignore that... so if i don't want to be selfish and talk about myself or paranoid and the property of the state thing is wrong and we need something more specific to shift all the blame for everything to other than my overwhelming paranoia plus.. y'know... reality, then how about those schools?
ok, now we are getting someplace.... i remember seeing a heartbreaking video of some poor child that had been bullied beyond any ability he had left to control himself anymore. he cried out in a way that i had never even heard a human do before. a heartrending mournful cry for help in the face of terror. a banshee wail of a thousand doomed souls trapped in hell. i have never seen anything so sad and desperate in my entire life.
this video was, of course, put on the internet so people could laugh at it and call him urkel.
and i don't know shit about this kid.... he could be a little asshole who deserves to get terrorized or he could be doing fine. he and his monster manual and 12 sided dice may have made it out of his situation intact and he may never think of this video that made his already shitty life even worse. i certainly hope he did, who knows how shit like this can turn out. what did this kid do to get some respect or protect himself if he ever did? you know they sometimes charge people with assault for schoolyard scuffles these days. what if he got sucked into the criminal justice system and gets the rest of education in a detention facility. what if he... shit wait.... ok... hope again this is about hope... right, i get carried away. there are too many variables and it's probably terrible and not hopeful at all and can't tell us anything so ok... **** that kid. obviously getting pounded on by a bunch guys for just a few years probably does nothing bad to a young psyche or causes any long term effects or patterns in dealing with the people around you.
but.... we are getting closer.
so what if i go the other way here for my real victim? what about de'andre whatshisname from fsu, all he did was defend himself from some drunk and be stupid enough to be underage in a bar. and we are all going to condemn him and ruin his life and suspend him and hit him over and over again while he is down over some overblown perceived injustice that he just had the bad luck to stumble into and now he has to be put in a medically induced coma until the brain swelling goes down and ...... godammit! now i'm back into the selfish mode and a motherfucking horrible monstrous misogynist on top of that for not thinking it's ok to let a woman beat on you.... **** me, i told you this was a complex one....
ok... **** it. i give up. there is nothing i got for you. there is no hope, not even a glimmer. there is no reason for addressing violence in our communities or keeping your nose clean to adulthood or for not throwing a brick at me when you see me in line for a beer at riverfest and i guess i deserve it because i could not come up with any legal way to just get these racists away from us all.
boom motherfuckers. look at that shit. a black man with the ability to protect himself and end racism in its tracks. and the family says as long as it is investigated properly they understand.
and the motherfucking cvs didn't get burned down and nobody had to go to a candlelight vigil for an asshole.
is there nothing guns can't do?
so yes. i guess you are the fucking victim here because you are the one that gets banned from being able to protect yourself if you don't tow the line and play the game.
so remember kids, there is some hope after all, keep your fucking nose clean into adulthood, suffer through the soul destroying indignity of being under the power of suspicious possibly unstable armed civil servants just like everyone else is and get that ccw because there is after all a reward for playing a game other than the knockout game.
and if shooting a fucking racist in the face and being patted on the back for it by the community is not enough to motivate you then nothing will.
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