Why has everyone jumped on this band wagon of saving a million lives by killing 500,000 civilians...
The japanese would NOT surrender UNCONDITIONALLY. The U.S COULD HAVE and SHOULD HAVE offered a NEGOTIATED SURRENDER. They did not pursue this. At all.
(The Japaneese could not be expected to surrender unconditionally due to the losses already made and their bushido code. The U.S knew they would not surrender in this way.)
They COULD have and SHOULD have instigated a NAVAL BLOCKADE. With a CRIPPLED ECONOMY, Japan was already faltering, plus with added pressure from Russia, they would have waltzed in a NEGOTIATED SURRENDER.
THey could have also used a show of force.
I do not think the use of atomic weapons is intrinsicly morally wrong, i just believe there were other alternatives that could have saved so many lives. The Americans were tired of war and were brash.
'Americans are like mushrooms. Kept in the dark, and fed a strict supply of bull**** .' Please wake up and try not to be sucked in by propaganda.
The Americans gave them a clear warning of total annihilation if they don't surrender. Their opponent didn't.
A naval blockade wouldn't work one bit-haven't you heard of Japan's kamikaze tactics that have claimed a ton of ships and the personnel that work on them?
And do you think the Japanese would be that eager to surrender, especially when they realized Hiroshima was a nuclear wasteland but yet they continued to fight on? Only when Nagasaki was annihilated did they finally decide to wave the white flag.
You are missing the point. Or evading it. NEGOTIATED SURRENDER. NEGOTIATED! Not TOTAL or UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER as you have stressed.
Now re-read my paragraph.
The Japaneese Navy was beat. And not even Kamikaze bombers would have broken a naval blockade the strength the U.S navy was at. And yes, 500,000 civilian lives surpass the lives of considerably fewer American soldiers in war time.
Would the U.S surrender if someone totally annihalated one of their cities and its entire civilian population? No, you'd want to retaliate and beat the enemy to death with a stick. As irrational as it sounds that is what war, and anger, does to people.
You keep bringing up the fact that 500,000 civilians died in the atomic bomb attacks. Do you have proof of said deaths, even by the end of 1945? Care to share it. At most, by the end of the year, there were an estimated 246,000 deaths due to the attack. More deaths may have occured in the years after, but nowhere near the number you claim. As a matter of fact, the actual number of dead due to those 2 bombs will never be known.
"We call upon the government of Japan to proclaim now the unconditional surrender of all Japanese armed forces, and to provide proper and adequate assurances of their good faith in such action. The alternative for Japan is prompt and utter destruction."Harry Truman
The above quote by Harry Truman made at the Potsdam Conference in his Potsdamn Declaration did warn Japan of impending destruction and even after the first bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, Truman warned other Japanese cities of further atomic bomb attacks and that citizens should leave cities.
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