School should be mandatory. Heck, I believe it should be mandatory up until Year 12 (it is currently at Year 10).However changes need to be made, desperately.
There needs to be a greater amount of subjects in senior high school years (Years 11 and 12). There needs to be a variety of subjects to suit most career options. Also, subjects should be graded on level of difficulty, as someone who wants to become an electrician will still need to know basic accounting, but won't need to know as much as a person who actually wants to be an accountant. Also subjects would be split based on certain industry "branches", so instead of there just being "Mathematics" there would be "Trade Mathematics", "Business Mathematics", and "Science Mathematics".
For example, if I wanted to become an electrician I would have to take: Intermediate Trade OH&S (4 hrs), Basic Trade Law (3 hrs), Basic Accouting (3 hrs), Intermediate Electrician Studies (4 hrs), Basic Trade Mathematics (3 hrs), Optional Basic Subject (3 hrs), and Practical Work (5 hrs). Likewise, if I wanted to be an accountant, I would have to do: Basic Business Law (3 hrs), Advanced Accounting (5 hrs), Basic Management (3 hrs), Basic Finance (3 hrs), Intermediate Business Mathematics (4 hrs), Optional Basic Subject (3 hrs), and Practical Work (5 hrs).
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