...I thought it was high time to actually depict the opposite. A number of topics have arisen lately which depict fear, ignorance, and oidum from both sides but I predominately get the image that OT condemns those that speak out against Islam and what not with the term "bigot" falling quite a bit in each and every one of these ever so lovely threads. Let's observe something positive about the West for once, shall we?
Check this ****, dawg.
You will notice quite a number of nations having donated an enormous amount of food and money to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, a country thought of as harboring and training militant groups by some. It is also the second most populous Muslim country right after Indonesia and is a developing country to boot. It is the only Muslim-majority state that possesses nuclear weapons. Doesn't sound like much of a precendent to donate, right? That didn't stop the EU, the US, and other Western countries as well as non-Muslim countries from donating hundreds of millions of euros and dollars and pounds worth of food and money and they aren't done yet. All this even with the effects of the recession still being felt.
I believe it is high time that we have a thread about some good news involving these parties. I am getting rather sick of the hysteria that has developed here in OT. People like talking about how crap the other is but when **** hits the fan, such as a natural disaster threatening millions, we come together.
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