Well, there is this girl I like, I've known her for over 7 months now, we met in a camp and she gave me her number so we talked a lot and we became close very soon, we went out twice and we were really having a great time between the two of us.
well one day, she meets this guy on facebook...they begin talking and in less than one week, the guy was already closer to her than I was! being a guy, I obviously got mad about it, I obviously didnt said anything to her...as a matter of fact she thinks that I dont know about the guy's existance.
well time passed, she still talked to the guy, a lot, and I mean a lot, im talking about having 3 simultaneous conversations with the guy on msn, cellphone and facebook.
so the guy is in a band, I dont know the name and I think the band sucks, I bet that they are just a lot of kids jamming and yelling.
well the guy invited her to a talent show of his school cus his band was going to perform...bla bla bla
ok the guy met her friends there, and apparently, her friends "approved" the guy for her, and this a girl who really likes to have her friends' advice before making a decision.
so about 5 days ago, I enter facebook, and I see that the guy came over to her house...I dont know if she invited him or if he asked for an invitation...but still...if she invited him then it definitly means that she is into the guy, and if he asked for invitation then it means that he is into her...and this seems to be the kind of man that she likes so I dont think that she would reject him.
in the pictures, they look really happy with each other, I mean like they are very close (im talking about the guy's face is like 1 inch away from her and the girl seems to be happy about it and that kind of stuff) and in the comments the girl seems to give direct indirects to the guy...and the girl's friends too...not only in that conversation, but basically all, they were once having a conversation on facebook, and one of her friends said something like "we should all go out sometime" and the guy replied with "yeah you take your boyfriend too" and then the girl I like replied with "and what about me?? I want a couple too! :)" (practically saying "hey, if she takes her boyfriend, then I will go with you as your girlfriend")
and a lot of those direct indirects.
so its kind of obvious there is something going on here...which means that, once again, I am alone as far as having a girl goes...so I need a drink, but I dont actually like alcohol! therefore im "drawning my sorrows" here on gamespot...
lets have a toast people...damm, this sucks.
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