I was walking from sixth period to seventh period. And being that I had a very socially productive sixth period I was feeling wild, and uncontrollable. I don't know why, that's just how my mind is, whenever I make people laugh, and talk alot I get like that. Anyway I was walking from sixth period to seventh period. And I saw a large group of my friends hanging around the water fountain. Most of them play football, and wer'e all roudy. I was thirsty so I had decided to take a drink from the water fountain. It's one of the coldest, and cleanest ones in the school, so I took a longer drink than usual. My friend since eight grade was standing by the water fountain. He can be a tad annoying at times, and that's a huge understatement.
He was holding a brush in his hand, and as I took a drink he hit me in the back of the head with it. So I stopped drinking, and asked him why he did that. He got in my face and repeatedly yelled "GO TO CLASS!!" Some of his spit got on my lip, I whipped it off looked at the ground, and grinned wickedly. He continued to yell. I knew he was joking with me, but I just couldn't take because of my state of mind at the moment. I pushed him out my way, and he pushed back.
I stood there shaking my head at his ignorance. As I tried to walk away, he punched me in the face. I tried to maintain my cool. But being that I'm bipolar, the darker side of me began to tak control. I grabbed, and jaked him up against the wall, and ripped his shirt to shreds. A feat that my friend were in shock, and aww of. I'm alot stronger than he is, he only bench presses 245, and i'm at 300.
"You ripped my shirt!", he screamed. I stood there looking like I was ready to kill. He attempted to punch me in the face, but I dodged. So it's me and him in our stances, and ready to fight.I don't quited remember how many punches were thrown. But I do remember that one of his punches barely hit me, and put a small scratch on my nose. Then my rival Robert Ingram, had pushed me, as a warning sign to take control, and stop. I must of hit my oppenent hard, because he began to flee. My friend, and rival Robert Ingram (you all know my stories of the rivalry between us) psuhed me , as a warning sign to cool it, and gain control. I walked after my enemy as he was fleeing, but my friend blocked me, and his cousin who's also my friend and weighs over 300 pounds bench presses almsot as much as I do, and is around the height of 6''6 gently pushes me back, and just calms me down, I'm walking backwords infront of him, and staring down my opponent as we go to class. As much as I wanted to go kill him, I knew that my friends words of restraint we're the right thing to do, Ingram gave me my bakcpack, running shoes, and went to class. Surprisingly I didn't get in any trouble.
Ii's not 10:22 around eight hours after the incident. My friends say that it isn't worth it, and I know that what they're saying is true. But I can't help but want to fight him the upcoming day of school. I don't get it. We'eve been good friends for three years straight, and this happens. It's like just because he's finally playing football he thinks he so high, and mighty. he's so pompus. I'm pretty sure that had something to do with it. Being that im not playing football this year, I'm thinking about not being rival's with Ingram anymore, and devote all of my training to crushing my old friend. Please help off topic.
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