[QUOTE="Shadow_Fighter"]Just figured I would mention that Hiroshima and Nagasaki were both military targets.
Hiroshima at the time of he bombing had a few military camp including the head quarters of the 5th Division and 2nd General Army headquarters which commanded the defences of southern Japan. Was also a supply and logistics base, communication center, storage and assembly area for troops.
As for Nagasaki is was a large sea port nd had alot of industry that produced ammo, ships, and varies military equipment. While alot of the industry was damaged before droping the atomic bomb on Nagasakithe port was mostly untouched.
Seems like both cities had alot of militay significace and honostly think about it, you got 2 bombs that cost alot moey and time to produce, do you honostly think they would be used on cities that had little to no military significance. People really need to do research on military matters before going off on rants.
This type of thinking makes no sense to me. What is or is not a military target has nothing to do with what is terrorism or is not terrorism. Supported military actions by a majority of people in a population can still be acts of terrorism. Acts of terrorism are even necessary, but because people want to separate themselves from their enemies they say no, what we do is not terror. It is above terror because it's a military target. Let's own the truth here. Terror works. Pretending to be righteous is sickening. Actualliy if it is a military target has alot to do with what is terrorism. For it to be a terrorist attack you would have to prove that we purposefuly attacked the civilians. You could probably argue that we did but the fact that we warned the Japanese civilians in those cities of the impending bombings in advance it would seem to point to the fact that we where only targeting the military target in the area. The fact that the Japanese civilians didn't leave when they had the chance or that the Japanese government put high value military targets in those cities does not make it a terrorist attack.
I admit that terror works, it if an effective tactic and is used in all wars and no where was I pretending to be righteous, I merely stated that the two cities had military targets in them. Personaly I think the American military has grown to soft since ww2 and that we need to add a bit more terror into our strategies.
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