[QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"]And since you have no evidence to the contrary....I'm not buying the conspiracy theory.LJS9502_basic
It is fact, two other reasons we dropped the bombs was to intimidate Russia and to test the effect of radiation on humans. That was why Hiroshima and Nagasaki were largely spared by the firebombombing campaign, even though Hiroshima was home to a pretty sizeable military base. As for keeping tabs on survivors... yea, that is nothing more than consipracy.
Were the bombs terrorism? I would say no, you can't use definitions verbatum. They were atrocious acts, as was all strategic bombing of the second world war, but were within the bounds of war, not domestic terrosism. I would say that all bombing of civilian centers are war crimes, but then again history is writtten by the victor.
Where are the facts about dropping the bombs to intimadate the USSR? By the way....it wasn't Russia back then. Spared when bombs are dropped on them? Right. Makes sense....not. Hence not buying the conspiracy theory. FYI....I never discussed survivors.Did you read the guy's quote who you were responding to? :| Once again, it is fact. Middle schoole textbooks teach that another motive for the bombs was to intimidate Russia (Yeah, of course it was teh Soviet Union but for convinience sake I just said Russia). Not to mention that it is pretty obvious, you don't need to even be party educated in cold war politics to know this. The two cities were largely preserved from the firbombing campaign so that the effect of the atomic bombs could be testes in full. Once again, fact.I really don't see what you are trying to accomplish by denying this. Are you so intent on preserving the US's imgage as the ultimate good that you will ignore some of our more selfish agendas?
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