*clicks topic*
*reads Tc's workout routine* :( *loses faith in humanity*
Ok TC that is a typical noob routine you are doing, i mean seriously your not working legs? i dont care if you think your legs are too big then just do light workouts to keep them toned, you know that legs release a crap load of hormones after each workout and these hormones will help with other muscle development.
Also theres an unofficail rule about how the rest of your body will not want to progress unless your legs do,
Ok back to your biceps, you want to devote a day to them and stop with this stupid whole upper body workout 3x a week, heres something,
Chest and triceps - monday
Back and Biceps - Wednesday
legs and shoulders - Friday
simple as that, but mack sure you work your less dominant muscle first i.e. work your biceps first to their breaking point and mix it up with preacher curls, barbell curls ect. then when you do back its less of your biceps doing the work and more of your back.
but if all that still doesnt work for you then i reccomend you get this book thats called, "The Matrix Principle" its a body building book that has some great workouts in it that use a different form of lifting,
Because of that book and its workouts i have gone from 184-186 pounds to 217 pounds in 6-7 months and at that time i had reached a plateau and this book helped me get over it.
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