[QUOTE="ShadowMoses900"][QUOTE="Darkman2007"] its not that hard for westerners, Israel is by, at least some standard, a western country, and most people who know the slightest bit about politics in Israel , know more about the region than most westerners in Europe and the US, one doesnt need to live in Cairo to understand it. what you have to do though is throw some concepts you were told were sacred about society , politics, religion etc, straight out the window.Darkman2007
I oftent here there is a conflict between the Secular non religious Jews and the Orthodox Jews. I know people who have been to Israel and they tell me that Orthodox Jews are exempt from the IDF and in there neighborhoods they make women ride in the back of the bus. Which is just wrong.
Most of my understanding of the region comes from peopel from there who I know personally, and from my college courses.
they have gotten slightly wrong in regards to that, shows you how much they know. basically the first thing you have to remember that Orthofox means something different than it does in the US, in Israel there is no such thing as Reform or Conservative (well there are , but no more than a few thousand at best), on paper, 99% of Jews are born into the Orthodox strand, and any wedding, funeral , Bar Mitzva etc , is done in the Orthofox tradition , even if that person is otherwise not a great believe in anything. then you have to remember that even amongst the more observent people , there are divisions , youve got Masortiim (tradtionalists), as well as the national religious (who , by any other standard are Orthodox) and Haredim. generally speaking , the only ones who avoid work and such are the Haredim , and even there I would guess 40-50% do work , so what you call Orthodox isnt quite the same. in fact , if you were to take every person who is a tradtionalist, religious nationalist or Haredi , you would get around 50% of the population , so its not as simple as that.Hmm....so Orthodox in Israel kind of run things? I know it's not fully but there is no doubt they have an influence it seems. I wonder how Jews that marry non Jews get along there?
Since Orthodox do the weddings as you said, they only allow Jews to marry other Jews and not Gentiles. Same goes for the other traditions as well. This sounds like it could lead to tense issues.
I also hear that are some cases where Orthodox Jews in Israel blew up restraunts that sold pork and burnt down a cremation area. I'm not sure how the Orthodox find out about things, they don't use TV's or anything. Most of their news comes from posters they hang up in their neighborhoods.
In my area there are 2 synagouges, neither of which are very big, there is an Orthodox one and a Reconstructionist one. They are completely polar opposites of each other.
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