LOL what is the proof of evolution? None.
Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
Water is wet
and Evolution is Fake
110% evolution theory is fake and has been debunked.
It's a theory.
But I guess creationism is true since it's written in a book,uh?
This topic is locked from further discussion.
Even many religious people believe morality and the knowledge of right vs wrong is built into human nature. You can develop and build morality without a necessity for some divine creator.
@korvus: Religion isn't bullshit though. The act of believing in a higher power is not bullshit. Like I said I believe in God. A practical, REAL god.
The religions... are bullshit. The current religions are only good for forming small communities. But the world is not a small community anymore. Religion can't run a damn country. Which brings society to its current situation. Shame really... Humanity is capable of greater things. Much greater then what's written in some 2000 year old book.
I was mostly referring to the sun worshiping part =) It's a the 4 minute mark.
LOL what is the proof of evolution? None.
Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
Water is wet
and Evolution is Fake
110% evolution theory is fake and has been debunked.
It's a theory.
But I guess creationism is true since it's written in a book,uh?
it's a scientific theory
No, that's just a correlation to religion. Morality is not a proof of God, nor is the belief in God the only cause of morality. It's also a correlation that can be linked to other factors, and is highly dependent on culture.
Are you a Zoroastrian? Because the idea where you're coming from originated from Zoroastrianism, which evolved the ancient concepts common to egypt's, greek and mesopotamian religions (mythologies): there was only 1 God, and he was inherently good. And there was a neverending battle between good (Ahura Mazda, or God) and evil (Angra Mainyu, which would be like the devil) in the "backstages" and also involving all of human reality. It was the bridge from another era to the one of the monotheist religions. If you believe that you know "good" because it was revealed to you by your religious belief, than you are inheriting a zoroastrian concept.
There is no proof to/of God. There is belief, faith. And that is all it takes to believe in Him (or Someone Else). Your faith will manifest itself in questions you (or all of us) don't have answers to, or where you (or all of us) do not want to delve further, because it resolves the coincidences or the absurd.
The "proof" you provided is just a post factum explanation (after the fact explanation), impossible to verify if true. A loose inference, nothing else. Yet it may be proven otherwise, if one finds a society which lacks belief in God and His teachings of morality, to discover that said society has moral parameters like any other, though with different standards. There were atheist societies which functioned like this, like even the USSR. When socialism crumbled, crime rates soared. Though this is also correlation, not causation, since it wasn't the admission of religious belief and practice that made crime rates increase back then (or at least it wasn't that alone).
If you want to prove that God exists through reason, with a valid logical method, you must take as valid (real) some arbitrary basic premises from which you derive your reasoning. So, even if you use a valid logical explanation, it's still dependent on faith on the premise level. Thus faith is all it takes, and is all the proof of God that exists at the same time.
@xeno_ghost: that's an epistemological question. The answer is: for that we have philosophy. It's not science's purpose to uncover the greater truths, even if it may one day eventually uncover some.
If you dont beilive in god why would you value morality? Whats the point? Isnt good and evil the best prove of god? Why are some people good and some are evil? why arent we like robots? Isnt that enough of a proof of god?
You do know right that the "bible, Quran, Tora, "inputgodnamehere"" are all written by man not to mention that back in a place called ancient Greece which is 6-8 centuries BC they discovered/used Ethos/Moralis
But nice try im sure someone might bite hard ;)
@thehig1: "However I don't agree with the Worship higher power like the Sun, I don't think we should worship anything"
How about Worship life cherish it and respect all living things.
Good and evil are subjective.
we all are pretty much born knowing that stabbing a baby to death is evil. thats god inside of us. god is real.
If your religion is the only thing keeping you away from becoming some kind of murderous torture-rapist, you have some serious issues and should not be allowed human contact.
Also, "best" proof? It's not proof and noone has ever found any proof (or hints for that matter) of a god's existense....
If you need religion to bring out the "good" in you, I suggest you need a hard life lesson like morals. honor and respect ect ect which all can be done w/o religion or the belief in a god.
The TC is mostly correct, but reaches the wrong conclusion. This isn't proof of the existence of god, but rather proof that the universe is a giant teacup. Allow me to explain:
When people do good deeds, the universe-as-teacup is filled with a metaphysical, karma-infused earl grey. When people do bad deeds, the universe-as-teacup springs a leak, and stains the cosmic carpet.
How can I prove this? Well, look at what the TC wrote: people have a concept of good and evil, and we know they don't just make up this concept because somewhere, out of sight, the universe is constantly being filled and drained of its eternal beverage. Therefore people's morals are the best proof of the cosmic teacup.
Good and evil are subjective.
we all are pretty much born knowing that stabbing a baby to death is evil. thats god inside of us. god is real.
Or it could be Man's instinctive nature to protect the future and well being of our species.
Gravity is the curvature of spacetime and is quite well described by Einstein's general theory of relativity. In particular, the curvature of spacetime is directly related to the energy and momentum of whatever matter and radiation are present. The relation is specified by the Einstein field equations, a system of partial differential equations.
Gravity is quite a well-understood phenomenon and we know that it has nothing to do with God. Also why would gravity be God and not any of the other three fundamental forces, such as electromagnetism for example?
@SambaLele: A comprehensive reply without insulting anyone's beliefs? Are you sure you're from around here? Well done ;)
As do the other fundamental forces
Also, how do you just switch "God" from gravity to dark matter?
@korvus: Thanks! This kind of positive feedback is enough to justify the effort.
Gravity is quite a well-understood phenomenon and we know that it has nothing to do with God.
Yes, it's quite well-understood. But not enough to satisfy all the metaphysical questions in order to discard the existance of something unworldly, a force or entity above physics. Ask science "why does this phenomenon exists?", "why does gravity exists?", and you will get a non-scientific answer, or a non-answer. Science will fail to answer you this, because it's not the epistemological purpose of this area of human knowledge. It hasn't the means and intent of answering us this. Science describes reality, it doesn't give it sense or meaning, thus it isn't enough to define what has or hasn't to do with God, with gods, souls, destiny, or whatever ulterior questions or anything ethereal and beyond our rationale.
You will still need philosophy and/or religion to find an answer you're confortable with, or you'll need to accept living with the doubt and conjecturing possibilities. Unless one day technology evolves to a point where science and other areas of knowledge overlaps, and religious or philosophical questions become subject to scientific method. We can't still know if this is possible.
@korvus: Thanks! This kind of positive feedback is enough to justify the effort.
Gravity is quite a well-understood phenomenon and we know that it has nothing to do with God.
Yes, it's quite well-understood. But not enough to satisfy all the metaphysical questions in order to discard the existance of something unworldly, a force or entity above physics. Ask science "why does this phenomenon exists?", "why does gravity exists?", and you will get a non-scientific answer, or a non-answer. Science will fail to answer you this, because it's not the epistemological purpose of this area of human knowledge. It hasn't the means and intent of answering us this. Science describes reality, it doesn't give it sense or meaning, thus it isn't enough to define what has or hasn't to do with God, with gods, souls, destiny, or whatever ulterior questions or anything ethereal and beyond our rationale.
Its a function of mass
@SambaLele: You're very welcome. Not being a native English speaker and sometimes not having deep knowledge of the subject being discussed means I can't always make posts such as yours, but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate a well constructed and respectful post that is aimed at informing rather than belittling others. It is specially important to see these kind of posts in a place where apparently shooting the messenger seems to be more fun than actually receiving the message.
How the hell would morality prove god exists? If you need a god to tell you what to do and what not to do then it means the there was a need all along to create a god, aka something more powerfull than everyone that is god knowing in order to scare people away from stealing killing raping, etc
But hey if you are good you will go to heaven and if you are bad you will suffer forever in hell.
What about all those other people who happen to born in other countries that dont believe in the same god as you? They are not going anywhere now do they?
@korvus: I share that thought as well. The most important thing in any discussion, imo, is to share different points-of-view, contribute, teach and learn. Or just laugh if that's what it's about. I saw in the other thread about nationality that you're portuguese. I'm brazillian. I used the GS forums to train writting in English... it's been a great instrument for that matter. But just like it is for you... language is still an obstacle for me. I'd be more concise if I were writting in portuguese... but I guess we can eventually get there.
Its a function of mass
That's describing. That's a "what", not a "why".
Gravity is quite a well-understood phenomenon and we know that it has nothing to do with God.
Yes, it's quite well-understood. But not enough to satisfy all the metaphysical questions in order to discard the existance of something unworldly, a force or entity above physics. Ask science "why does this phenomenon exists?", "why does gravity exists?", and you will get a non-scientific answer, or a non-answer. Science will fail to answer you this, because it's not the epistemological purpose of this area of human knowledge. It hasn't the means and intent of answering us this. Science describes reality, it doesn't give it sense or meaning, thus it isn't enough to define what has or hasn't to do with God, with gods, souls, destiny, or whatever ulterior questions or anything ethereal and beyond our rationale.
You will still need philosophy and/or religion to find an answer you're confortable with, or you'll need to accept living with the doubt and conjecturing possibilities. Unless one day technology evolves to a point where science and other areas of knowledge overlaps, and religious or philosophical questions become subject to scientific method. We can't still know if this is possible.
Still the original poster's argument that human morality somehow proves the existence of God doesn't make much sense to me.
That's because if God created human morality then this means that God also created other human qualities such as greed, envy and aggression.
Good and evil are subjective.
we all are pretty much born knowing that stabbing a baby to death is evil. thats god inside of us. god is real.
That's funny because in cultures past societies had np of killing the infants of conquered foes to ensure they never rise again.... Human history also done other unspeakable things such as enslavement of another.. IN fact many people justified said actions through self righteousness of religious belief.. This is a complete contradiction to what you stated.. You make some bogus bullshit claim, we then have people point out actual historical events and things that happened through out history.. Honestly the thing that baffles me about the most popular views of religion is not the fact of the existence of god... But the pompous nature of it in suggesting mankind is gods centerpiece of creation.. While we look up into the sky and realize how small we are.. There is no word in the English language that can describe how insignificant we are.. We live upon one planet circling one star, within a galaxy of 100 billion stars.. Within a universe of a hundred billion galaxies..
Still the original poster's argument that human morality somehow proves the existence of God doesn't make much sense to me.
That's because if God created human morality then this means that God also created other human qualities such as greed, envy and aggression.
Yes, I agree. You add another valid point in your 2nd paragraph as well. I was just mentioning that we can't prove Him to exist, but we also can't disprove His existance. It's basically down to personal belief.
I'm not religious but I believe in the existence of God and i believe that he gave me the free will so I'll try to be objective here
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