[QUOTE="kingyotoX"][QUOTE="pianist"]Your position was perfectly clear, but it is illogical and emotion-driven. An adult is no less a human being than a child. That's like saying a pig suffers less when you kill it than a puppy because the puppy is cuter. And revenge is still the only motivation for employing the death penalty. Revenge isn't worth the possibility of executing someone who is innocent.
I am disgusted by murderers, too. But I am staunchly opposed to the death penalty because justice is conducted by humans in our society and humans make mistakes. Executing the wrong person is an irreversible mistake, and it has happened far too many times, considering that even once is one time too many.
which is why I say anyone who commits murder deserves to die. These people are the scum of the earth, why you would defend rapists and murderers is beyond me. I suppose maybe your a child molester so you sympathise with these disgusting wastes of a life, but if youve ever been raped you would feel differntly. Don't make me out to be heartless becuase I don't want murderers and rapists to live. Your heartless for defending these disgusting creatures.
Wow. So I guess only murderers and child molesters oppose the death penalty. :|
I was going to respond to your post, but there really isn't a point. You are apparently incapable of understanding why I am opposed to the death penalty despite the fact that I laid that out very clearly in the very post you quoted, and are no longer debating so much as flinging about insults. As you well know, that's a pretty clear sign that you have been defeated in a debate.
For the record, you need not defend criminal behaviour to oppose specific punishments. Get back to me when you understand that this debate is about a form of punishment, not about the crime itself.
Rofl I understand why you apoose it, but you have horroble reasoning. How about I keep my tax dollars and you can pay an extr 5% to keep all the murderers housed in prison.
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