An advanced civilization from the tenth planet in our solar system created man kind for various reasons, which coincides with the creation story that is outlined in the document of Genesis within the bible.
Do you believe it?
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Do you believe it?_R34LiTY_No, I tend to only believe things that can be substantiated by evidence.
You are all now thinking about Spore.Vadislav
[QUOTE="_R34LiTY_"]Do you believe it?Rocky32189No, I tend to only believe things that can be substantiated by evidence. That is because you are shackled to the tools of The Man, which keeps you from seeing The Truth (it also keeps you from Randomly Capitalizing Words for Emphasis).
Well, supposedly, we were created by an advanced civilization from a planetary body that orbits the sun every 3,600 years. These people lived in Mesopatamia/modern day Iraq, but they called that area they lived in The Eden and from there they created a male worker called the Adam and a female counterpart called the Eve.
And so it is said that man was created in the image and likeness of God(our 'alien' fathers)for a very peculiar reason that maybe we have it all misunderstood.
Wherever did you get this?Well, supposedly, we were created by an advanced civilization from a planetary body that orbits the sun every 3,600 years. These people lived in Mesopatamia/modern day Iraq, but they called that area they lived in The Eden and from there they created a male worker called the Adam and a female counterpart called the Eve.
And so it is said that man was created in the image and likeness of God(our 'alien' fathers)for a very peculiar reason that maybe we have it all misunderstood.
There's a tenth planet now? Why wasn't I informed?super_mario_128
Sorry, I forgot to send you the memo.
Nontheless, the ever so elusive, Planet X does infact exist. I think they finally found it back late 07 after a long time of searching fpr the celesstial object after concluding through various astronomical equations that there is a tenth planet that hasn't been seen. Some people call the planet by it most popular name, Nibiru, while the scientist have dubbed it Planet Eris.
According to ancient cultures, this planet has a 3600 yr orbit and when it comes close to the sun, it come dangerously close Earth, disrupting every planets magnectic field which would result in various worldwide calamities such as earthquakes, floods. unimaginable storms etc., God's wrath, so to speak and possibly even shifting poles. This is what the bible calls the Destroyer, the Devil.
[QUOTE="super_mario_128"]There's a tenth planet now? Why wasn't I informed?_R34LiTY_
Sorry, I forgot to send you the memo.
Nontheless, the ever so elusive, Planet X does infact exist. I think they finally found it back late 07 after a long time of searching fpr the celesstial object after concluding through various astronomical equations that there is a tenth planet that hasn't been seen. Some people call the planet by it most popular name, Nibiru, while the scientist have dubbed it Planet Eris.
According to ancient cultures, this planet has a 3600 yr orbit and when it comes close to the sun, it come dangerously close Earth, disrupting every planets magnectic field which would result in various worldwide calamities such as earthquakes, floods. unimaginable storms etc., God's wrath, so to speak and possibly even shifting poles. This is what the bible calls the Destroyer, the Devil.
[QUOTE="_R34LiTY_"]Wherever did you get this?Well, supposedly, we were created by an advanced civilization from a planetary body that orbits the sun every 3,600 years. These people lived in Mesopatamia/modern day Iraq, but they called that area they lived in The Eden and from there they created a male worker called the Adam and a female counterpart called the Eve.
And so it is said that man was created in the image and likeness of God(our 'alien' fathers)for a very peculiar reason that maybe we have it all misunderstood.
From the bible itself and readings of ancient civilizations like the Sumerians.
Wherever did you get this?[QUOTE="xaos"][QUOTE="_R34LiTY_"]
Well, supposedly, we were created by an advanced civilization from a planetary body that orbits the sun every 3,600 years. These people lived in Mesopatamia/modern day Iraq, but they called that area they lived in The Eden and from there they created a male worker called the Adam and a female counterpart called the Eve.
And so it is said that man was created in the image and likeness of God(our 'alien' fathers)for a very peculiar reason that maybe we have it all misunderstood.
From the bible itself and readings of ancient civilizations like the Sumerians.
I've read the Bible and have a passing familiarity with the Enuma Elish and other early cosmogenic stories for old cultures such as Egypt, I can honestly say that I've never come across anything that even remotely suggests the reading you are attributing to it.[QUOTE="_R34LiTY_"][QUOTE="xaos"] Wherever did you get this?xaos
From the bible itself and readings of ancient civilizations like the Sumerians.
I've read the Bible and have a passing familiarity with the Enuma Elish and other early cosmogenic stories for old cultures such as Egypt, I can honestly say that I've never come across anything that even remotely suggests the reading you are attributing to it.I donty think I'm understanding your misunderstanding,
[QUOTE="super_mario_128"]There's a tenth planet now? Why wasn't I informed?_R34LiTY_
Sorry, I forgot to send you the memo.
Nontheless, the ever so elusive, Planet X does infact exist. I think they finally found it back late 07 after a long time of searching fpr the celesstial object after concluding through various astronomical equations that there is a tenth planet that hasn't been seen. Some people call the planet by it most popular name, Nibiru, while the scientist have dubbed it Planet Eris.
According to ancient cultures, this planet has a 3600 yr orbit and when it comes close to the sun, it come dangerously close Earth, disrupting every planets magnectic field which would result in various worldwide calamities such as earthquakes, floods. unimaginable storms etc., God's wrath, so to speak and possibly even shifting poles. This is what the bible calls the Destroyer, the Devil.
Haha, I just finished watching this "Jesus Camp" documentary, and even this is crazy compared to that insanity. Let me guess, its gonna be right on top of us in the year of 2012...
I've read the Bible and have a passing familiarity with the Enuma Elish and other early cosmogenic stories for old cultures such as Egypt, I can honestly say that I've never come across anything that even remotely suggests the reading you are attributing to it.[QUOTE="xaos"][QUOTE="_R34LiTY_"]
From the bible itself and readings of ancient civilizations like the Sumerians.
I donty think I'm understanding your misunderstanding,
I'm asking how on Earth you got aliens and numbers of such specificity as a 3600 year orbit from the texts you alluded to; specific citations might be helpful[QUOTE="_R34LiTY_"]
[QUOTE="super_mario_128"]There's a tenth planet now? Why wasn't I informed?KcurtorMas
Sorry, I forgot to send you the memo.
Nontheless, the ever so elusive, Planet X does infact exist. I think they finally found it back late 07 after a long time of searching fpr the celesstial object after concluding through various astronomical equations that there is a tenth planet that hasn't been seen. Some people call the planet by it most popular name, Nibiru, while the scientist have dubbed it Planet Eris.
According to ancient cultures, this planet has a 3600 yr orbit and when it comes close to the sun, it come dangerously close Earth, disrupting every planets magnectic field which would result in various worldwide calamities such as earthquakes, floods. unimaginable storms etc., God's wrath, so to speak and possibly even shifting poles. This is what the bible calls the Destroyer, the Devil.
Haha, I just finished watching this "Jesus Camp" documentary, and even this is crazy compared to that insanity. Let me guess, its gonna be right on top of us in the year of 2012...
I was just thinking the same thing.Someone's been listening to David Icke a little too much.PannicAtack
No idea who Mr. Icke is. Just doing a bunch of collective research to understand the bible more thoroughly for the way it was meant to be understood as. And that is as awarning that, not in Dec 21 2012, but sometime very soon within our lifetimes we will have the Destroyer, or rather Planet X/Planet Eris/Nibiru, whatever you want to call it, this tenth planet will create the hell on earth once it's within reach. So devastating will it be that man is almost condemned to a path of rediscoveryall overagain as it has been every 3600 years.
[QUOTE="PannicAtack"]Someone's been listening to David Icke a little too much._R34LiTY_
No idea who Mr. Icke is. Just doing a bunch of collective research to understand the bible more thoroughly for the way it was meant to be understood as. And that is as awarning that, not in Dec 21 2012, but sometime very soon within our lifetimes we will have the Destroyer, or rather Planet X/Planet Eris/Nibiru, whatever you want to call it, this tenth planet will create the hell on earth once it's within reach. So devastating will it be that man is almost condemned to a path of rediscoveryall overagain as it has been every 3600 years.
Well, logical or not, I hope it happens. Im getting bored...
[QUOTE="_R34LiTY_"][QUOTE="xaos"] I've read the Bible and have a passing familiarity with the Enuma Elish and other early cosmogenic stories for old cultures such as Egypt, I can honestly say that I've never come across anything that even remotely suggests the reading you are attributing to it.xaos
I donty think I'm understanding your misunderstanding,
I'm asking how on Earth you got aliens and numbers of such specificity as a 3600 year orbit from the texts you alluded to; specific citations might be helpfulIf you research you'll find that the events of the Bible just don't add up with the time these events are said to have occurred. Next, with all due respect to believers, one must consider the factthat the stories of Jesus are a retelling of Pagan myth. Osiris was also a man-god who was born of a virgin and carried out miracles (which by the way closely parallel those of Jesus nearly word-for-word). If you consider that the Pagan's worshipped many gods and that this belief system dates back long before the Biblical times, the stories of the Sumerian Tablets start to take on a whole new meaning.
The Sumerians Story of Creation is shared with the biblesGarden of Eden story. The Great Flood is also a favorite written in the tablets. These stories aren't changed all that much when represented in the Bible - however, they are manipulated. The Sumerian Tablets tell of the Anunnaki; a race of beings from Nibiru who created Humans by taking the indigenous beings on Earth and splicing their own DNA with that of the Aliens. The Anunnaki were greatly advanced beings and created the great monuments found on the Earth; Moon; Mars and other solid planets/moons within our corner of the Universe.In the bible, Adam was created from clay and mud whilst Eve was cloned via a rib.
The purpose for creating Humans is written in the ancient Sumerian Tablets as well as within todays version of the bible. Humans were created to be servants of the gods.
If you want the address to the various museums/libraries/books etc.,then grab a notepad and a good pen.
I'm asking how on Earth you got aliens and numbers of such specificity as a 3600 year orbit from the texts you alluded to; specific citations might be helpful[QUOTE="xaos"][QUOTE="_R34LiTY_"]
I donty think I'm understanding your misunderstanding,
In any event, if you research you'll find that the events of the Bible just don't add up with the time these events are said to have occurred. Next, with all due respect to believers, one must consider the factthat the stories of Jesus are a retelling of Pagan myth. Osiris was also a man-god who was born of a virgin and carried out miracles (which by the way closely parallel those of Jesus nearly word-for-word). If you consider that the Pagan's worshipped many gods and that this belief system dates back long before the Biblical times, the stories of the Sumerian Tablets start to take on a whole new meaning.
The Sumerians Story of Creation is shared with the biblesGarden of Eden story. The Great Flood is also a favorite written in the tablets. These stories aren't changed all that much when represented in the Bible - however, they are manipulated. The Sumerian Tablets tell of the Anunnaki; a race of beings from Nibiru who created Humans by taking the indigenous beings on Earth and splicing their own DNA with that of the Aliens. The Anunnaki were greatly advanced beings and created the great monuments found on the Earth; Moon; Mars and other solid planets/moons within our corner of the Universe.In the bible, Adam was created from clay and mud whilst Eve was cloned via a rib.
The purpose for creating Humans is written in the ancient Sumerian Tablets as well as within todays version of the bible. Humans were created to be servants of the gods.
If you want the address to the various museums/libraries/books etc.,then grab a notepad and a good pen.
So, no specific citations then?[QUOTE="_R34LiTY_"][QUOTE="xaos"] I'm asking how on Earth you got aliens and numbers of such specificity as a 3600 year orbit from the texts you alluded to; specific citations might be helpfulxaos
In any event, if you research you'll find that the events of the Bible just don't add up with the time these events are said to have occurred. Next, with all due respect to believers, one must consider the factthat the stories of Jesus are a retelling of Pagan myth. Osiris was also a man-god who was born of a virgin and carried out miracles (which by the way closely parallel those of Jesus nearly word-for-word). If you consider that the Pagan's worshipped many gods and that this belief system dates back long before the Biblical times, the stories of the Sumerian Tablets start to take on a whole new meaning.
The Sumerians Story of Creation is shared with the biblesGarden of Eden story. The Great Flood is also a favorite written in the tablets. These stories aren't changed all that much when represented in the Bible - however, they are manipulated. The Sumerian Tablets tell of the Anunnaki; a race of beings from Nibiru who created Humans by taking the indigenous beings on Earth and splicing their own DNA with that of the Aliens. The Anunnaki were greatly advanced beings and created the great monuments found on the Earth; Moon; Mars and other solid planets/moons within our corner of the Universe.In the bible, Adam was created from clay and mud whilst Eve was cloned via a rib.
The purpose for creating Humans is written in the ancient Sumerian Tablets as well as within todays version of the bible. Humans were created to be servants of the gods.
If you want the address to the various museums/libraries/books etc.,then grab a notepad and a good pen.
So, no specific citations then?If you want links, you are out of luck.I suppose I could probably google the information for you.
Here's a link for you. It's not an acurate'citation' source IMO, but you wanted one, here you go
So, no specific citations then?[QUOTE="xaos"][QUOTE="_R34LiTY_"]
In any event, if you research you'll find that the events of the Bible just don't add up with the time these events are said to have occurred. Next, with all due respect to believers, one must consider the factthat the stories of Jesus are a retelling of Pagan myth. Osiris was also a man-god who was born of a virgin and carried out miracles (which by the way closely parallel those of Jesus nearly word-for-word). If you consider that the Pagan's worshipped many gods and that this belief system dates back long before the Biblical times, the stories of the Sumerian Tablets start to take on a whole new meaning.
The Sumerians Story of Creation is shared with the biblesGarden of Eden story. The Great Flood is also a favorite written in the tablets. These stories aren't changed all that much when represented in the Bible - however, they are manipulated. The Sumerian Tablets tell of the Anunnaki; a race of beings from Nibiru who created Humans by taking the indigenous beings on Earth and splicing their own DNA with that of the Aliens. The Anunnaki were greatly advanced beings and created the great monuments found on the Earth; Moon; Mars and other solid planets/moons within our corner of the Universe.In the bible, Adam was created from clay and mud whilst Eve was cloned via a rib.
The purpose for creating Humans is written in the ancient Sumerian Tablets as well as within todays version of the bible. Humans were created to be servants of the gods.
If you want the address to the various museums/libraries/books etc.,then grab a notepad and a good pen.
If you want links, you are out of luck.I suppose I could probably google the information for you.
Or texts: chapter and verse of the Bible for the things that support your reading would be a good, easy to reference starting point. Also, specific places in texts that support the interpretation you are giving would be interesting reading I'm sure. Otherwise, I'm going to be forced to assume that you have no primary sources and are reiterating something from a conspiracy theory web site :(No need to post links. Just give us references from the texts that you claim to have read through so thoroughly :)
[QUOTE="_R34LiTY_"][QUOTE="xaos"] So, no specific citations then?xaos
If you want links, you are out of luck.I suppose I could probably google the information for you.
Or texts: chapter and verse of the Bible for the things that support your reading would be a good, easy to reference starting point. Also, specific places in texts that support the interpretation you are giving would be interesting reading I'm sure. Otherwise, I'm going to be forced to assume that you have no primary sources and are reiterating something from a conspiracy theory web site :(Well, I did say the story of the Garden of Eden in todays bible as opposed to the much older of the Sumerians Story of Creation. The Great Flood to Noahs Ark etc.
The story of the Tower of Babel for example, in the Sumerian/Babylonian version of the biblical story, the people of Bablyon were building a tower whos head shall reach the heavens, in whicha shem space rocket was to be installed under the direction of their supreme god, but the Anunnaki dieties were not amused with this forey of mankind into the space age.The Anunnaki weren'tpleased and neither was God. In fact,in Genesis Chapter:
11.5Yahweh came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men built.
11.6Yahweh said, "Behold, they are one people, and they have all one language; and this is what they begin to do. Now nothing will be withheld from them, which they intend to do.
11.7Come, let's go down, and there confuse their language, that they may not understand one another's speech."
11.8So Yahweh scattered them abroad from there on the surface of all the earth. They stopped building the city.
11:9Therefore the name of it was called Babel, because Yahweh confused the language of all the earth, there. From there, Yahweh scattered them abroad on the surface of all the earth.
11:10This is the history of the generations of Shem. Shem was one hundred years old, and became the father of Arpachshad two years after the flood.
Sounds borderline to Scientology to me. Considering there is only eight planets in the solar system, where is the other two?An advanced civilization from the tenth planet in our solar system created man kind for various reasons, which coincides with the creation story that is outlined in the document of Genesis within the bible.
Do you believe it?
[QUOTE="_R34LiTY_"]Sounds borderline to Scientology to me. Considering there is only eight planets in the solar system, where is the other two?An advanced civilization from the tenth planet in our solar system created man kind for various reasons, which coincides with the creation story that is outlined in the document of Genesis within the bible.
Do you believe it?
9 planets with a lost 10th that was recently discovered Or should I say confirmed?
Only recently did astronomers decide to demote Pluto. Nontheless it is an orbiting body and a schedule rotation, and does carry a satelite.
Or texts: chapter and verse of the Bible for the things that support your reading would be a good, easy to reference starting point. Also, specific places in texts that support the interpretation you are giving would be interesting reading I'm sure. Otherwise, I'm going to be forced to assume that you have no primary sources and are reiterating something from a conspiracy theory web site :([QUOTE="xaos"][QUOTE="_R34LiTY_"]
If you want links, you are out of luck.I suppose I could probably google the information for you.
Well, I did say the story of the Garden of Eden in todays bible as opposed to the much older of the Sumerians Story of Creation. The Great Flood to Noahs Ark etc.
The story of the Tower of Babel for example, in the Sumerian/Babylonian version of the biblical story, the people of Bablyon were building a tower whos head shall reach the heavens, in whicha shem space rocket was to be installed under the direction of their supreme god, but the Anunnaki dieties were not amused with this forey of mankind into the space age.The Anunnaki weren'tpleased and neither was God. In fact,in Genesis Chapter:
11.5Yahweh came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men built.
11.6Yahweh said, "Behold, they are one people, and they have all one language; and this is what they begin to do. Now nothing will be withheld from them, which they intend to do.
11.7Come, let's go down, and there confuse their language, that they may not understand one another's speech."
11.8So Yahweh scattered them abroad from there on the surface of all the earth. They stopped building the city.
11:9Therefore the name of it was called Babel, because Yahweh confused the language of all the earth, there. From there, Yahweh scattered them abroad on the surface of all the earth.
11:10This is the history of the generations of Shem. Shem was one hundred years old, and became the father of Arpachshad two years after the flood.
How could any intelligent life exist on the 10th planet of our solar system when it would be farther from our sun than Pluto? :PManiacc1Pluto isn't even a planet anymore! So it would be farther from the Sun than a planet farther from the Sun than Pluto...
So aliens made us?
I hate to say this because it's going to make me sound like an idiot, but that's what my research is leading to conclude.
Imagine how crushed every person that takes todays bible literallywill bewhen the 'Jesus' that comes down from the heavens with angels etc, as is described in the end of the Bible, is nothing but an intelligent race much more technologically and spiritually advanced thanour own that will be will willingto save us from the calamities that will be brought about by the close proximity and magnectic pull of this Planet X/Nibiru when it makes its roundand take the 'believers' with them to heaven/saftey while those that decide to stay on Earth clinging on to their materialistic values will be destroyed.
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