No, no, it's all TC's original research based on a comprehensive survey of the primary sources. *snicker* Sorry, I almost made it through that without laughing.And a little information on Nibiru. I haven't read the whole thread but the TC is taking his thoughts and ideas from a book originally written by Zacharia Sitchin concernign the Summerians and their beliefs. He was a major proponent of this planet Nibiru which an alien race known as the Annanuki were suppose to live on. Evidentally, accroding to him, the Summerians became aware of this race that he believes formed modern humans by combining Homo Erectus DNA with their DNA so as to produce better slaves to work in their gold mines. This planet Nibiru, Sitchin believed, was the enormous object that originally crashed into the Earth and formed the moon and other objects. And yet after this it miracualously continued on it's journey and the Annanuki were unaffected. He believed that this Nibiru had a very eccentric orbit that stretched outside the orbit of Neptune to within the orbit of Venus, much like a short period comet. Eris does have an eccentric orbit, yes, but it stretches only to within the orbit of Neptune then is flung otu once again to the extreme depths of space. And how these Annanuki could exist on a plent with such an extremly eccentric orbit, given by Sitchin, is beyond me.
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