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Once I put my dogs electric collar down my pants and had to run along the wire fence line the whole way down the left side of my yard. It sucked because that's about 100 meters. At least I got paid $75 though :(
but... your poor penis!
[QUOTE="TheSystemLord1"]I had an infection in the base of my spinal cord that left me unable to move out of bed due to the pain. It then spread across the whole of my lower back. I had to get an epidural to cure the infection, the needle was 4.5 inches long (had to get in between the vertebrae) and they couldn't numb me. They scratched a vertebrae on the way in with it. As someone else said, its a very different pain.
Then, as they injected me, they said i would feel some pressure in my pelvis. Turns out the pressure felt like it was being crushed by a giant rock. My body auto-curled into the fetal and I was pouring sweat everywhere, it was literally trickling down the sides of the table. 3 nurses had to hold on to me when I started shaking and convulsing on the table or else the needle would break off and it would mean emergency surgery.
Oddly enough the doctor commented that I did not cry. I told him its because I just wanted to die (it was the truth, I really did want to die).
i had that same needle shoved in my back....
or at least a similar one.
they had to take a sample of my spinal fluid.
me 2 !there were like 3 MALE NURSES and 1 female nurse who tried to hold me ..i was hyper :P
I had an infection in the base of my spinal cord that left me unable to move out of bed due to the pain. It then spread across the whole of my lower back. I had to get an epidural to cure the infection, the needle was 4.5 inches long (had to get in between the vertebrae) and they couldn't numb me. They scratched a vertebrae on the way in with it. As someone else said, its a very different pain.
Then, as they injected me, they said i would feel some pressure in my pelvis. Turns out the pressure felt like it was being crushed by a giant rock. My body auto-curled into the fetal and I was pouring sweat everywhere, it was literally trickling down the sides of the table. 3 nurses had to hold on to me when I started shaking and convulsing on the table or else the needle would break off and it would mean emergency surgery.
Oddly enough the doctor commented that I did not cry. I told him its because I just wanted to die (it was the truth, I really did want to die).
That might be the most extreme and painful thing I've ever heard of.
Probably when I was hyped up on a bunch of pain killers, I threw out my knee playing hockey... then not only finished the shift but kept playing.
Needless to say when the painkillers wore off it hurt like crazy.
Never broken a bone before though, that sounds very painful.
[QUOTE="Tiefster"]I had parts of my toenails removed without any anesthetic, not even the numbing spray.PeterPerson
god that must have hurt........ gah! *shudders*
Dude, I had the same.OOUCH!:(
i got hit in the face with an M16 once, that hurt pretty badly like the next day or so, it went numb instantly when it happened so im pretty sure it would of felt alot worse if it didnt go numb
I have no idea tbh. For some reason I have a high tolerance for pain (I'm not sadistic or nething like that), I just hardly ever feel pain when others would. I remember I broke my arm (my armwas effed up) but I didn't feel it even after an hour. It kind of hurt when the doctor fixed it. I also had my tooth go through my lip when my friend and I were barefist boxing but I didn't feel that. It didn't even hurt when they put the stitches in my mouth.
I think the worst ammount of pain for me was when I slammed a door on my finger. I wasn't paying attention when I was closing a door and I guess I had my finger right where the door was closed and the door is able to sing pretty fast, so I closed the door and smashed my finger. I didn't break it but it hurt like hell.
Having a pin pulled out of my foot. It was holding a piece of fake bone to another piece of bone (surgery). The doctor just took household pliers and yanked it out. The thing is, it was somewhat bent so it took him a few tugs.GettingTired
Yeah...I broke a nail once...
one time i stepped on a rusty nail and it went half way into my foot oddly enogh that didnt hurt and another time i tried jumping over a fence from my trampoline into my pool (the tramp is about 3 feet away from the fence and then it's another 3 feet to the pool and the fence is a little under 5 feet high its a wooden one) i jumped and my knees hit the fence cause i had a bad bounce and i flipped and fell head first to the pavment and hit it with my knukle so it broke one of my bones in my bottom arm and pushed it towards the other bone and pushed the bone up wards and also that part didnt hurt... it was when i was getting my bone set so it would heal normally they gave me morphine and had a guy nurse hold my arm down then they pulled on my arm they had to do it three times because it wouldn't stay so finally they had to bring in a portable x ray. so mine is the time they had to set my arm after i broke it.
Cut my arteries. nerves and tendons in my right arm after punching a window in my house after a row....
The worst part was the iodene to clean the wound as the original injury didn't really huirt because of the nerves being cut. There was a lot of blood though.
this have to be the worst pain that i had in my whole life so i was a the park with my sisters and i was bored so i started to walk on the monkey bars and thenmy foot slip and i smashed my balls on it. i smashed it so bad i cut it open and i started to bleed ithurt so bad and i have to walk home andmy mom got madit was the worst day ever:cry:gearsoftime
I laughed so hard at this!
I had a kidney stone about 3 years ago.
Next to unmedicated child birth ( im a dude so i cant say ) its probably a close 2nd.
If its never happened to you pray it doesnt. If it has you know what im talking about.
well heres a list:
i was relly little and i dropped a glass bowl then walked all over it cuz i didnt kno it would hurt but it was horrible all these little glass shards in there
them also there was a fiberglass pole in our garage but u have to sand them evry once and a while but i didnt kno wat it was cuz..i was a little kid and that hurts really bad too its like glass shards that u cant see
also ive been hit in the face with a baseball on several occasions...a few when i was little
umm having a window come down on my arm and getting it stuck i was sittin in my room crying(cuz i was a little kid) for like 30 mins
i was playin basketball and i jumped then landed on the side of my ankle like a right angle it hurt sooo bad and i remember that one cuz i wasnt a little kid
ingrown toenail and stubbin my toe
bit by a dog on my arm when i was a little kid
fallin off bikes and skateboards
yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i kno its supposed to be the worst thing ever but all that combined is painful;)
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