I have two:
1) Every single time I have ever shaved my legs, I have gotten at least some sort of cut...seriously. It's ridiculous. It hurts every damn time, too, because it's such a sharp and clean slice...plus then you get the wound all wet and soapy without even trying to. However, there was one time in particular when it was more than just that. I don't even know how it happened, but I was shaving and I cut open a spot on the back of my calf, and the wound was about the size of three or four quarters put together. I didn't even notice that it had happened until I noticed the blood all over the bathtub and the huge chunk of skin in the razor. That SOB didn't stop bleeding for two hours...literally. It got all infected and whatnot too. What a pain in the neck that was.
2) I tripped while running (and wearing a cape) and hurt my ankle at a Halloween party about 2 1/2 months ago. Walking was absolutely brutal after that. I could barely walk for a several days. I didn't go in to a doctor or anything, and, well, looking back on it, I probably should have. The dang thing still hurts about half as much as it did when it happened. Everyone I know is pretty convinced that I broke it (hairline fracture or greenstick fracture most likely), and I won't rule that out. Anyway, that was (and still is) some terrible pain.
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