Trump's going to win anyways. The arguing is pointless.
The whole thing or just the Republican nomination? I would agree with the latter but think you are crazy if the former.
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He'll win the whole thing, wanna make a friendly bet? :)
I'll bet. If a Dem wins the general election I get to pick your (site-appropriate) sig and avatar for 3 months. If Donald Duck wins you pick mine.
A candidate needs to be able to appeal to something more than their base. Donald Trump doesnt even have much of a base within his own party. It's pathetic and embarrassing he has gotten this far, but I don't think he can win it, or even come close, even against a quite inept politician in Hillary, who couldn't even avoid a gaffe at Nancy Reagan's funeral utlizing revisionist history. I wasn't even alive until the last full year of Reagan's Presidency, and I knew she was saying something 100% contrary to the truth.
Cold but accurate, no chance of Trump winning the general.....period.
That is why the Republicans are whining, they actually think Cruz or "little Marco" had a chance against Hillary.....nah.
Kasick is the only one who could ever possibly beat Hillary, because he would steal votes from her.
This is a ridiculous comment I've ever seen... Hilary is a bloody criminal, caught in the Benghazi scandal.
Are democrats offering for their a presidential candidate? it shows that the Democratic Party and heavily influential Senators ad House Representatives have absolutely no fortification nor interest in the laws of this country! The Constitution states that a convicted felon cannot run for that why the Senate has sanctioned her to perpetuate her face of legitimacy? the only reason I can cerebrate of!
Trump is not a joke..... he knows how to handle money, and has the worth ethic to be president. Yes, he says stupid things, but in such a short time he has gained the okay from countries who aren't even our allies.
Don't be a sheep the elite want to do a JFK on trump
Trump is no more trustable than Hillary Clinton. Don't be naive. The Republicans cared nothing about the victims at Benghazi, only tried to drag Hillary down to win an election. Talk about sheep....buying into the Benghazi thing. Like Sanders said...let it go.
He doesn't like large segments of the American public. Fact. He does like himself alot, the megalomaniacal narcissist that he is. To him, we all live in HIS world, and mean nothing. It's all about adoration for trump, he's scary because he has an insane narcissistic fantasy. He sees himself as a Rock star. That's a no-no for a president. Reminds me of Martin Sheen in The Dead Zone.
The debates revealed he has no clue about foreign policy or knows much of anything about how to handle the office of the President. If theres 1 thing "little Marco" did right, he exposed how clueless Trump is on issues. He can't provide details. Hillary is much more seasoned, and capable.
Trump says he's going to hire the best people to run the country, but I think he's too rash and ignorant to get the best people, and it sounds like he plans on just being a figurehead, maybe we should call him queen. At least Hillary has 8 year successful president William Clinton by her side for advice if she needs it.
@AFBrat77: Hilary will just perpetuate out what our current president doing is now, and that will lead our country to a more fascist, tyrannical, socialist, and communist like country. You pick Hilary you'll get "Agenda 21".A businessman is precisely what the country needs... Someone who kens the value of a dollar, and kens how to utilize it... Run America like a business and he will be the greatest president He's already got Russia's Acknowledgment, so that's an astronomically immense advantage. That is the first time I've ever visually perceived a communist country turn to look our way, in a positive light. Trump for the same reason, because he tells the truth about how fucked up this country authentically is! And a moiety of the country can't handle the truth because the guy they voted for is the one who FUCKED IT UP!
Sanders is a bloody mess and gives everything for free just like his wallet. Cruz, I am not quite sure about yet, if Trump doesn't make it (most likely do to dumb feminists , and establishments) I'll go Cruz.
" the guy they voted for is the one who f---ed it up".......I didn't vote for Dubya Bush and Cheyney.
Your damn right Hillary will move the country further in the better direction. Of course Trump gets Putins endorsement, Putin wants someone clueless as the U.S. president.
@AFBrat77: Hilary will just perpetuate out what our current president doing is now, and that will lead our country to a more fascist, tyrannical, socialist, and communist like country. You pick Hilary you'll get "Agenda 21".A businessman is precisely what the country needs... Someone who kens the value of a dollar, and kens how to utilize it... Run America like a business and he will be the greatest president He's already got Russia's Acknowledgment, so that's an astronomically immense advantage. That is the first time I've ever visually perceived a communist country turn to look our way, in a positive light. Trump for the same reason, because he tells the truth about how fucked up this country authentically is! And a moiety of the country can't handle the truth because the guy they voted for is the one who FUCKED IT UP!
Sanders is a bloody mess and gives everything for free just like his wallet. Cruz, I am not quite sure about yet, if Trump doesn't make it (most likely do to dumb feminists , and establishments) I'll go Cruz.
Trump would be a financial disaster.
I dont know how Hillary would do. But Hillary looks to be Obama 2.0, which means further deficit reductions... In fact, continuing the pattern we have seen with Obama, Hillary might even see a surplus. Being the last president to do so since Bill Clinton.
I dont like Hillary Clinton at all (which @GreySeal9 can probably attest to), but to get the US out of its massive debt, Hillary Clinton is probably the best bet. Some evidence would indicate that Bernie would save trillions in the economy as well, but I doubt he would do as good of a job of it as Hillary would.
Uh dude you are misunderstanding what he said. Head to head means just between the two of them. Not with other candidates.
There is no misunderstanding, because of the American political process there are events which color whom would vote for whom if it got to that point.
To ask it now and expect it to be accurate is foolhardy, it will be wrong.
That's an assumption of yours though.
Uh dude you are misunderstanding what he said. Head to head means just between the two of them. Not with other candidates.
There is no misunderstanding, because of the American political process there are events which color whom would vote for whom if it got to that point.
To ask it now and expect it to be accurate is foolhardy, it will be wrong.
That's an assumption of yours though.
No it's not, it's fact that has been shown time and time again during elections
Things like how a candidate is eliminated and how long it takes until they are eliminated plays a significant role in how people vote going forward. To ask before Trump and Clinton are the final two means that there will not be accurate results.
It's difficult for some to talk politics because to be really invested you need to be on a 4 hour cycle with events during the political season. Someone who reads maybe one story a day or a few a week doesn't have a solid grasp on the events currently going on.
Things change too rapidly. in an 8 hour span Cruz went from winning by having Trump win Ohio and Florida to revamping his entire campaign because Trump didn't win both states.
It's great that people talk about politics like things they like and don't but the problem is when they're out of their element and start talking what ifs.
I'm seeing a lot of Bernie supporters say they would vote for Trump if Hillary is nominated... that's concerning.
Two main reasons
1. Would insult a large majority of them so I wont put it
2. They see Bernie as anti establishment (even though his only job has been government worker) so they see Trump as the next anti establishment.
I think most will vote for Hillary, at least if they are smart and think about it.
Even Bernie Sanders said either Democratic candidate is FAR better than voting for the Republicans, especially Trump.
Once Sanders suspends his campaign and endorses Hillary Clinton, Sanders supporters will come around.
I live in Pennsylvania a very Democratic state and 15,000 Democrats have switched their party affiliation and it is not happening in Pennsylvania only. It is happening in other states. Hillary is also not drawing the minority support that Obama did. Trump will win because the people do not want another insider back in Washington.
@GreySeal9: I have a gut feeling Hilary Clinton may be our next President. I doubt Donald Trump can win. Would be nice to be proven wrong. The idea of Obama 2.0 in office isn't that appealing to me. We are giving too much power to the gov and we should mix it up by electing a Republican. Just by the looks of it, I personally think Hilary Clinton is the most likely candidate to become President right now.
@playmynutz: That line of thinking might have some merit if it weren't for the fact that the Republican candidates are all absolute DISASTERS waiting to happen ESPECIALLY Trump...
Unfortunately the Republican parties slow death spiral is going to turn this country into a one-party system unless some other party jumps in soon. The tea party is slowly murdering the GOP from the inside out by poisoning it with even more extreme and ignorant thinking. It is baffling the shit that comes out of the mouth of GOP candidates and really it is flat out scary. The fact that their lead candidate is drawing so many legitimate parallels to Hitler is terrifying and it really makes me hate this country that there are jackasses out there that support such bullshit.
I'm seeing a lot of Bernie supporters say they would vote for Trump if Hillary is nominated... that's concerning.
Polls show about 7% of Sanders supporters would vote for Trump, which is not really a concerning number. Also, if you're mostly seeing this on the internet, don't worry. Many internet commentators are loony and not representative of Bernie supporters at large.
These people are undoubtedly idiots tho. Any Bernie supporter that supports Trump is hopelessly confused.
Uh dude you are misunderstanding what he said. Head to head means just between the two of them. Not with other candidates.
There is no misunderstanding, because of the American political process there are events which color whom would vote for whom if it got to that point.
To ask it now and expect it to be accurate is foolhardy, it will be wrong.
That's an assumption of yours though.
No it's not, it's fact that has been shown time and time again during elections
Things like how a candidate is eliminated and how long it takes until they are eliminated plays a significant role in how people vote going forward. To ask before Trump and Clinton are the final two means that there will not be accurate results.
It's difficult for some to talk politics because to be really invested you need to be on a 4 hour cycle with events during the political season. Someone who reads maybe one story a day or a few a week doesn't have a solid grasp on the events currently going on.
Things change too rapidly. in an 8 hour span Cruz went from winning by having Trump win Ohio and Florida to revamping his entire campaign because Trump didn't win both states.
It's great that people talk about politics like things they like and don't but the problem is when they're out of their element and start talking what ifs.
Haha. Whatever you need to tell yourself to sleep at night.
If it makes you feel any better, keep in mind that I'm not saying that it's impossible for Trump to win. This data is not some kind of foolproof predictor of the future. For instance, Clinton could make horrible general election mistakes. What this data shows is that Trump has significant general election weaknesses (it's very telling that you are zeroing in on the head to heads instead of looking at the wealth of data in the OP). You can choose to ignore them if you want, but they are what they are and they're not going away.
And I would suggest that if you're going to act like other people don't know about politics in a condescending manner, you might want to understand basic things like the fact that Ohio is a swing state, not a red state.
Let's hope he can beat the two socialist racists Bernie and Hillary.
The weird thing about politics is how you can have conservative wingnuts like this guy say that Hillary is socialist and wingnuts on the left (usually Bernie supporters) claim that she is a Republican.
One thing that this election has proven thus far is how many people hate America and don't want it to become great again.
If this is anything to go by. I guess the point of Trump's character assassinations is null and void. That was the most pathetic thing I have seen in my entire life.
lol at this ad. Yeah, I'm sure that will be really persuasive lol.
It's almost surreal how unserious of a candidate Trump is.
Trump is a con man. The thought that keeps going around in my head is that the people who like him and would vote for him are the same people who take Nigerian royalty emails seriously.
Trump is indeed a con man and his supporters on the right don't realize how much they're being played. But this is what happens when people allow their thinking to be controlled by anger.
@Storm_Marine: Some people are smart enough to see through a campaign slogan. Some people are old enough to already know who Trump is and what a laughing stock bufoon he has been. Some even can tell he is pandering to uneducated ignorant people and laughing at them behind their backs. He won't even disavow the racists, he's happy to have their votes.
@playmynutz: That line of thinking might have some merit if it weren't for the fact that the Republican candidates are all absolute DISASTERS waiting to happen ESPECIALLY Trump...
Unfortunately the Republican parties slow death spiral is going to turn this country into a one-party system unless some other party jumps in soon. The tea party is slowly murdering the GOP from the inside out by poisoning it with even more extreme and ignorant thinking. It is baffling the shit that comes out of the mouth of GOP candidates and really it is flat out scary. The fact that their lead candidate is drawing so many legitimate parallels to Hitler is terrifying and it really makes me hate this country that there are jackasses out there that support such bullshit.
Hitler was a socialist, in fact many of the things democrats have spewed for years can be paralleled to Hitler. It's not really an insult just because your ideology meets with someone who has historical relevance on the negative spectrum. The only time I hear people comparing Hitler to Trump is his out of context statements. Like the Muslim badge thing.
Yes because when people bring up Hitler in a negative light they are totally referring to his economic policies...
No, Trump has been making racist and xenophobic remarks throughout his entire campaign and has been proposing absolutely terrifying ideas such as banning an entire religion from entrance into this country (not like people couldn't just lie about that anyways but you know, logic is not Trump's or his supporters strong point) or the wonderful badge comment you brought up or you know, calling illegal Mexican immigrants all "rapists" and such.
Funny thing about Hitler is he didn't necessarily have the overwhelming support of the German people. He got just enough support to gain power and go about organizing some of the most heinous acts in history.
We have already thrown races of people into internment camps once before. I do not see it as a completely unreasonable concern to worry that such ideas might come up again. Having someone like Trump in power just makes such a concern WAY more justified.
The polls this election don't mean shit. Hillary was 20 percent above Bernie in Michigan and look how that turned out.
The polls have been more or less accurate this cycle. Michigan was a massive polling error (you can read about why those polls were fucked up), but most of the polls have been accurate.
Polls miss sometimes. But that is no reason to invalidate them entirely.
People ITT want to invalidate polls because they don't like what those polls show.
@LostProphetFLCL: It's too bad we either choose a Democrat or Republican for President. Dreading the day we have another 4yrs with a Democrat or boring up tight Ted Cruz as President.
Bring back the Constitutionalist Party! Now there's a party I would vote for and be happy about.
@playmynutz: That line of thinking might have some merit if it weren't for the fact that the Republican candidates are all absolute DISASTERS waiting to happen ESPECIALLY Trump...
Unfortunately the Republican parties slow death spiral is going to turn this country into a one-party system unless some other party jumps in soon. The tea party is slowly murdering the GOP from the inside out by poisoning it with even more extreme and ignorant thinking. It is baffling the shit that comes out of the mouth of GOP candidates and really it is flat out scary. The fact that their lead candidate is drawing so many legitimate parallels to Hitler is terrifying and it really makes me hate this country that there are jackasses out there that support such bullshit.
Hitler was a socialist, in fact many of the things democrats have spewed for years can be paralleled to Hitler. It's not really an insult just because your ideology meets with someone who has historical relevance on the negative spectrum. The only time I hear people comparing Hitler to Trump is his out of context statements. Like the Muslim badge thing.
Yes because when people bring up Hitler in a negative light they are totally referring to his economic policies...
No, Trump has been making racist and xenophobic remarks throughout his entire campaign and has been proposing absolutely terrifying ideas such as banning an entire religion from entrance into this country (not like people couldn't just lie about that anyways but you know, logic is not Trump's or his supporters strong point) or the wonderful badge comment you brought up or you know, calling illegal Mexican immigrants all "rapists" and such.
Funny thing about Hitler is he didn't necessarily have the overwhelming support of the German people. He got just enough support to gain power and go about organizing some of the most heinous acts in history.
We have already thrown races of people into internment camps once before. I do not see it as a completely unreasonable concern to worry that such ideas might come up again. Having someone like Trump in power just makes such a concern WAY more justified.
Keep in mind that AaronAdkin's claim that Hitler was a socialist in the leftist vein is pure bullshit. Hitler's National Socialism was in completely in opposition to Marxist socialism.
@LostProphetFLCL: It's too bad we either choose a Democrat or Republican for President. Dreading the day we have another 4yrs with a Democrat or boring up tight Ted Cruz as President.
Bring back the Constitutionalist Party! Now there's a party I would vote for and be happy about.
While Ted Cruz is terrifying for a number of reasons, Donald Trump's vulgar antics makes the idea of a "boring" person being President seem downright attractive.
I have several thoughts on this.
#1 ) When Bernie Sanders loses the nomination (I love the guy, but he's going to lose), Hillary needs to take him as vice. His supporters are loud and proud, and democrats needs them. Voter turnout without him has the potential to be low-Which equals President Trump.
#2) If this race does becomes Trump v Clinton, it is going to be a race between the two most hated candidates running, which is pretty fascinating.
#3) Trump can't win the nomination with just white, male vote. Women, african american, and latino voters are overwhelmingly democrat
If the ticket is Hillary/Sanders vs Trump/anything- he's going to get crushed. Im calling a 400-100 electoral smashing
@LostProphetFLCL: It's too bad we either choose a Democrat or Republican for President. Dreading the day we have another 4yrs with a Democrat or boring up tight Ted Cruz as President.
Bring back the Constitutionalist Party! Now there's a party I would vote for and be happy about.
Yeah American politics are in a depressing state. I really dislike that I may essentially be forced to cast my vote for a candidate I am not completely behind. But at this point it is ANYONE not on the Republican side, which means if Hilary gets the nod I will have to begrudgingly vote for her by default.
Hillary will win's my state as well, and a lot of us know better than to vote for Trump. It will remain a blue state. Hillary will dominate the northeast and southeast.
Does that mean a lot of you will not be voting as Bernie will not win the Democratic nomination.
The polls this election don't mean shit. Hillary was 20 percent above Bernie in Michigan and look how that turned out.
The polls have been more or less accurate this cycle. Michigan was a massive polling error (you can read about why those polls were fucked up), but most of the polls have been accurate.
Polls miss sometimes. But that is no reason to invalidate them entirely.
People ITT want to invalidate polls because they don't like what those polls show.
Thank you. Saved me the effort of typing this out.
Let's hope he can beat the two socialist racists Bernie and Hillary.
The weird thing about politics is how you can have conservative wingnuts like this guy say that Hillary is socialist and wingnuts on the left (usually Bernie supporters) claim that she is a Republican.
Some of that is just framing in action. I Hillary left of the Democrats or right of the Democrats? Depends on if we're talking about Bill Clinton or FDR. Is Obamacare socialist or a market oriented alternative to single payer? Depends on whether the year is 1996 or 2009 (and who is proposing the legislation :-) ).
Going to the extreme labels is silly, of course, but being able to claim whether one is "really a Democrat" or "really a Republican" very much depends on your frame of reference - And the political center is constantly shifting.
@playmynutz: That line of thinking might have some merit if it weren't for the fact that the Republican candidates are all absolute DISASTERS waiting to happen ESPECIALLY Trump...
Unfortunately the Republican parties slow death spiral is going to turn this country into a one-party system unless some other party jumps in soon. The tea party is slowly murdering the GOP from the inside out by poisoning it with even more extreme and ignorant thinking. It is baffling the shit that comes out of the mouth of GOP candidates and really it is flat out scary. The fact that their lead candidate is drawing so many legitimate parallels to Hitler is terrifying and it really makes me hate this country that there are jackasses out there that support such bullshit.
Hitler was a socialist, in fact many of the things democrats have spewed for years can be paralleled to Hitler. It's not really an insult just because your ideology meets with someone who has historical relevance on the negative spectrum. The only time I hear people comparing Hitler to Trump is his out of context statements. Like the Muslim badge thing.
Yes because when people bring up Hitler in a negative light they are totally referring to his economic policies...
No, Trump has been making racist and xenophobic remarks throughout his entire campaign and has been proposing absolutely terrifying ideas such as banning an entire religion from entrance into this country (not like people couldn't just lie about that anyways but you know, logic is not Trump's or his supporters strong point) or the wonderful badge comment you brought up or you know, calling illegal Mexican immigrants all "rapists" and such.
Funny thing about Hitler is he didn't necessarily have the overwhelming support of the German people. He got just enough support to gain power and go about organizing some of the most heinous acts in history.
We have already thrown races of people into internment camps once before. I do not see it as a completely unreasonable concern to worry that such ideas might come up again. Having someone like Trump in power just makes such a concern WAY more justified.
Keep in mind that AaronAdkin's claim that Hitler was a socialist in the leftist vein is pure bullshit. Hitler's National Socialism was in completely in opposition to Marxist socialism.
Revision plain and simple. Hitler hated the Soviet Union and communism.
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